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How to Install the Prometheus Monitoring Stack


In this tutorial, you will learn how to install and configure the Prometheus stack, to monitor all pods from your DOKS cluster, as well as Kubernetes cluster state metrics. Then, you will connect Prometheus with Grafana to visualize all metrics, and perform queries using the PromQL language. Finally, you will configure persistent storage for your Prometheus instance, to persist all your DOKS cluster and application metrics data.

Why choose Prometheus?

Prometheus supports multidimensional data collection and data queuing. It's reliable and allows you to quickly diagnose problems. Since each server is independent, it can be leaned on when other infrastructure is damaged, without requiring additional infrastructure. It also integrates very well with Kubernetes, and that's a big plus as well.

Prometheus follows a pull model when it comes to metrics gathering, meaning that it expects a /metrics endpoint to be exposed by the service in question for scraping.

After finishing this tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Configure monitoring for all pods running in your DOKS cluster
  • Visualize metrics for your applications in real time, using Grafana
  • Configure ServiceMonitors for your services (e.g. Emojivoto) via the Prometheus Operator
  • Use PromQL to perform queries on metrics.
  • Configure persistent storage for Prometheus, to safely store all your DOKS cluster and application metrics.
  • Configure persistent storage for Grafana, to safely store all your dashboards.

Starter Kit Prometheus Stack Setup Overview

Starter Kit Prometheus Stack Setup Overview

Table of contents


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  1. A Git client, to clone the Starter Kit repository.
  2. Helm, for managing Promtheus stack releases and upgrades.
  3. Kubectl, for Kubernetes interaction.
  4. Curl, for testing the examples (backend applications).
  5. Emojivoto Sample App deployed in the cluster. Please follow the steps in its repository README.

Please make sure that kubectl context is configured to point to your Kubernetes cluster - refer to Step 3 - Creating the DOKS Cluster from the DOKS setup tutorial.

Step 1 - Installing the Prometheus Stack

In this step, you will install the kube-prometheus stack, which is an opinionated full monitoring stack for Kubernetes. It includes the Prometheus Operator, kube-state-metrics, pre-built manifests, Node Exporters, Metrics API, the Alerts Manager and Grafana.

You're going to use the Helm package manager, to accomplish this task. Helm chart is available here for study.

Steps to follow:

  1. First, clone the Starter Kit repository and change directory to your local copy.

  2. Next, add the Helm repository and list the available charts:

    helm repo add prometheus-community
    helm repo update prometheus-community
    helm search repo prometheus-community

    The output looks similar to the following:

    NAME                                                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
    prometheus-community/alertmanager                       0.18.1          v0.23.0         The Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client ...
    prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack              35.5.1          0.56.3          kube-prometheus-stack collects Kubernetes manif...


    The chart of interest is prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack, which will install Prometheus, Promtail, Alertmanager and Grafana on the cluster. Please visit the kube-prometheus-stack page for more details about this chart.

  3. Then, open and inspect the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v35.5.1.yaml file provided in the Starter Kit repository, using an editor of your choice (preferably with YAML lint support). By default, kubeSched and etcd metrics are disabled - those components are managed by DOKS and are not accessible to Prometheus. Note that storage is set to emptyDir. It means the storage will be gone if Prometheus pods restart (you will fix this later on, in the Configuring Persistent Storage for Prometheus section).

  4. [OPTIONAL] If you followed - Step 4 - Adding a dedicated node for observability from Chapter 1 - 01-setup-DOKS you will need to edit the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v35.5.1.yaml file provided in the Starter Kit repository, and uncomment the affinity sections for both Grafana and Prometheus.

          - weight: 1
              - key: preferred
                operator: In
                - observability
      enabled: true
      adminPassword: prom-operator # Please change the default password in production !!!
          - weight: 1
              - key: preferred
                operator: In
                - observability

    Explanations for the above configuration:

    • preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution - the scheduler tries to find a node that meets the rule. If a matching node is not available, the scheduler still schedules the Pod.
    • preference.matchExpressions - selector used to match a specific node based on a criteria. Above example tells the scheduler to place workloads (e.g. Pods) on nodes labeled using key - preferred and value - observability.
  5. Finally, install the kube-prometheus-stack, using Helm:

    helm install kube-prom-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version "${HELM_CHART_VERSION}" \
      --namespace monitoring \
      --create-namespace \
      -f "04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v${HELM_CHART_VERSION}.yaml"


    A specific version for the Helm chart is used. In this case 35.5.1 was picked, which maps to the 0.56.3 version of the application (see output from Step 2.). It’s good practice in general, to lock on a specific version. This helps to have predictable results, and allows versioning control via Git.

Now, check the Prometheus stack Helm release status:

helm ls -n monitoring

The output looks similar to (notice the STATUS column value - it should say deployed):

NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                           APP VERSION
kube-prom-stack monitoring      1               2022-06-07 09:52:53.795003 +0300 EEST   deployed        kube-prometheus-stack-35.5.1    0.56.3  

See what Kubernetes resources are available for Prometheus:

kubectl get all -n monitoring

You should have the following resources deployed: prometheus-node-exporter, kube-prome-operator, kube-prome-alertmanager, kube-prom-stack-grafana and kube-state-metrics. The output looks similar to:

NAME                                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/alertmanager-kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-alertmanager-0   2/2     Running   0          3m3s
pod/kube-prom-stack-grafana-8457cd64c4-ct5wn                 2/2     Running   0          3m5s
pod/kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-operator-6f8b64b6f-7hkn7      1/1     Running   0          3m5s
pod/kube-prom-stack-kube-state-metrics-5f46fffbc8-mdgfs      1/1     Running   0          3m5s
pod/kube-prom-stack-prometheus-node-exporter-gcb8s           1/1     Running   0          3m5s
pod/kube-prom-stack-prometheus-node-exporter-kc5wz           1/1     Running   0          3m5s
pod/kube-prom-stack-prometheus-node-exporter-qn92d           1/1     Running   0          3m5s
pod/prometheus-kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-prometheus-0       2/2     Running   0          3m3s

NAME                                               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/alertmanager-operated                      ClusterIP   None             <none>        9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9094/UDP   3m3s
service/kube-prom-stack-grafana                    ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP                       3m5s
service/kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-alertmanager    ClusterIP   <none>        9093/TCP                     3m5s
service/kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-operator        ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP                      3m5s
service/kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-prometheus      ClusterIP    <none>        9090/TCP                     3m5s
service/kube-prom-stack-kube-state-metrics         ClusterIP    <none>        8080/TCP                     3m5s
service/kube-prom-stack-prometheus-node-exporter   ClusterIP    <none>        9100/TCP                     3m5s
service/prometheus-operated                        ClusterIP   None             <none>        9090/TCP                     3m3s

NAME                                                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR   AGE
daemonset.apps/kube-prom-stack-prometheus-node-exporter   3         3         3       3            3           <none>          3m5s

NAME                                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/kube-prom-stack-grafana               1/1     1            1           3m5s
deployment.apps/kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-operator   1/1     1            1           3m5s
deployment.apps/kube-prom-stack-kube-state-metrics    1/1     1            1           3m5s

NAME                                                            DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/kube-prom-stack-grafana-8457cd64c4              1         1         1       3m5s
replicaset.apps/kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-operator-6f8b64b6f   1         1         1       3m5s
replicaset.apps/kube-prom-stack-kube-state-metrics-5f46fffbc8   1         1         1       3m5s

NAME                                                                    READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/alertmanager-kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-alertmanager   1/1     3m3s
statefulset.apps/prometheus-kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-prometheus       1/1     3m3s

Then, you can connect to Grafana (using default credentials: admin/prom-operator - see prom-stack-values-v35.5.1 file), by port forwarding to local machine:

kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/kube-prom-stack-grafana 3000:80

Important Note:

You should NOT expose Grafana to public network (eg. create an ingress mapping or LB service) with default login/password.

Grafana installation comes with a number of dashboards. Open a web browser on localhost:3000. Once in, you can go to Dashboards -> Browse, and choose different dashboards.

In the next part, you will discover how to set up Prometheus to discover targets for monitoring. As an example, the Emojivoto sample application will be used. You'll learn what a ServiceMonitor is, as well.

Step 2 - Configure Prometheus and Grafana

You already deployed Prometheus and Grafana into the cluster. In this step, you will learn how to use a ServiceMonitor. A ServiceMonitor is one of the preferred ways to tell Prometheus how to discover a new target for monitoring.

The Emojivoto Deployment created in Step 5 of the Prerequisites section provides the /metrics endpoint by default on port 8801 via a Kubernetes service.

Next, you will discover the Emojivoto services responsible with exposing metrics data for Prometheus to consume. The services in question are called emoji-svc and voting-svc (note that it's using the emojivoto namespace):

kubectl get svc -n emojivoto

The output looks similar to the following:

NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
emoji-svc    ClusterIP    <none>        8080/TCP,8801/TCP   22h
voting-svc   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP,8801/TCP   22h
web-svc      ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP              22h

Next, please perform a port-forward, to inspect the metrics:

kubectl port-forward svc/emoji-svc 8801:8801 -n emojivoto

The exposed metrics can be visualized by navigating with a web browser to localhost, or via curl:

curl -s http://localhost:8801/metrics

The output looks similar to the following:

# TYPE go_gc_duration_seconds summary
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 5.317e-05
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 0.000105305
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 0.000138168
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.75"} 0.000225651
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="1"} 0.016986437
go_gc_duration_seconds_sum 0.607979843
go_gc_duration_seconds_count 2097

Note: To inspect the metrics for the voting-svc service, stop the emoji-svc port-forward and perform the same steps for the second service.

Next, connect Prometheus to the Emojivoto metrics service. There are several ways of doing this:

  • <static_config> - allows specifying a list of targets and a common label set for them.
  • <kubernetes_sd_config> - allows retrieving scrape targets from Kubernetes' REST API and always staying synchronized with the cluster state.
  • Prometheus Operator - simplifies Prometheus monitoring inside a Kubernetes cluster via CRDs.

As you can see, there are many ways to tell Prometheus to scrape an endpoint, so which one should you pick? The preferred way when targeting a Kubernetes cluster, is to use the Prometheus Operator which comes bundled with the Prometheus monitoring stack.

Next, you will make use of the ServiceMonitor CRD exposed by the Prometheus Operator, to define a new target for monitoring.

Steps required to add all Emojivoto services for Prometheus monitoring:

  1. First, change directory (if not already) where the Starter Kit Git repository was cloned:

    cd Kubernetes-Starter-Kit-Developers
  2. Next, open the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v35.5.1.yaml file provided in the Starter Kit repository, using a text editor of your choice (preferably with YAML lint support). Please remove the comments surrounding the additionalServiceMonitors section. The output looks similar to:

      - name: "emojivoto-monitor"
            - key: app
              operator: In
                - emoji-svc
                - voting-svc
            - emojivoto
          - port: "prom"

    Explanations for the above configuration:

    • selector -> matchExpressions - tells ServiceMonitor which service to monitor. It will target all services with the label key app and the values emoji-svc and voting-svc. The labels can be fetched by running: kubectl get svc --show-labels -n emojivoto
    • namespaceSelector - here, you want to match the namespace where Emojivoto was deployed.
    • endpoints -> port - references the port of the service to monitor.
  3. Finally, apply changes using Helm:

    helm upgrade kube-prom-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version "${HELM_CHART_VERSION}" \
      --namespace monitoring \
      -f "04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v${HELM_CHART_VERSION}.yaml"

Next, please check if the Emojivoto target is added to Prometheus for scraping. Create a port forward for Prometheus on port 9090:

kubectl port-forward svc/kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-prometheus 9090:9090 -n monitoring

Open a web browser on localhost:9090. Then, navigate to Status -> Targets page, and inspect the results (notice the serviceMonitor/monitoring/emojivoto-monitor/0 path):

Emojivoto Prometheus Target

Note: There are 2 entries under the discovered targets because the Emojivoto deployment consists of 2 services exposing the metrics endpoint.

In the next step, you'll discover PromQL along with some simple examples, to get you started, and discover the language.

Step 3 - PromQL (Prometheus Query Language)

In this step, you will learn the basics of Prometheus Query Language (PromQL). PromQL helps you perform queries on various metrics coming from all Pods and applications from your DOKS cluster.

What is PromQL?

It's a DSL or Domain Specific Language that is specifically built for Prometheus and allows you to query for metrics. Because it’s a DSL built upon Go, you’ll find that PromQL has a lot in common with the language. But it’s also a NFL or Nested Functional Language, where data appears as nested expressions within larger expressions. The outermost, or overall, expression defines the final value, while nested expressions represent values for arguments and operands. For more in depth explanations, please visit the official PromQL page.

Next, you're going to inspect one of the Emojivoto metrics, namely the emojivoto_votes_total, which represents the total number of votes. It's a counter value that increases with each request against the Emojivoto votes endpoint.

Steps to follow:

  1. First, create a port forward for Prometheus on port 9090:

    kubectl port-forward svc/kube-prom-stack-kube-prome-prometheus 9090:9090 -n monitoring
  2. Next, open the expression browser.

  3. In the query input field paste emojivoto_votes_total, and hit Enter. The output looks similar to:

    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":100:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 20
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":bacon:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 17
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":balloon:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 21
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":basketball_man:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 10
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":beach_umbrella:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 10
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":beer:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 11
  4. Navigate to the Emojivoto application and from the homepage click on the 100 emoji to vote for it.

  5. Navigate to the query results page from Step 3 and click on the Execute button. You should see the counter for the 100 emoji increase by one. The ouput looks similar to:

    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":100:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 21
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":bacon:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 17
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":balloon:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 21
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":basketball_man:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 10
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":beach_umbrella:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 10
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":beer:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-74ff7f8b55-jl6qs", service="voting-svc"} 11
  6. PromQL groups similar data in what's called a vector. As seen above, each vector has a set of attributes which differentiates it from one another. What you can do then, is to group results based on an attribute of interest. For example, if you care only about requests that come from the voting-svc service, then please type the following in the query field:


    The output looks similar to (note that it selects only the results that match your criteria):

    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":100:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-6548959dd7-hssh2", service="voting-svc"} 492
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":bacon:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-6548959dd7-hssh2", service="voting-svc"} 532
    emojivoto_votes_total{container="voting-svc", emoji=":balloon:", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="voting-svc", namespace="emojivoto", pod="voting-6548959dd7-hssh2", service="voting-svc"} 521


The above result shows the total requests for each Pod from the Emojivoto deployment which emits metrics (which consists of 2).

This is just a very simple introduction to what PromQL is and what it's capable of. But it can do much more than that, like: counting metrics, computing the rate over a predefined interval, etc. Please visit the official PromQL page, for more features of the language.

In the next step, you will learn ho to use Grafana to visualize metrics for the Emojivoto sample application.

Step 4 - Visualizing Metrics Using Grafana

Although Prometheus has some support for visualizing data built in, a better way of doing it is via Grafana which is an open-source platform for monitoring and observability, that lets you visualize and explore the state of your systems.

On the official page is described as being able to:

Query, visualize, alert on, and understand your data no matter where it’s stored.

Why use Grafana?

Because it's the leading open source monitoring and analytics platform available nowadays for visualizing data coming from a vast number of data sources, including Prometheus as well. It offers some advanced features for organizing the graphs and it supports real time testing for queries. Not to mention that you can customize the views and make some beautiful panels which can be rendered on big screens so you never miss a single data point.

No extra steps are needed for installation, because Step 1 - Installing the Prometheus Stack installed Grafana for you. All you have to do is a port forward like below, and get immediate access to the dashboards (default credentials: admin/prom-monitor):

kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/kube-prom-stack-grafana 3000:80

In order to see all the Emojivoto metrics, you're going to use one of the default installed dashboards from Grafana.

Accessing the Kubernetes/Compute Resources/Namespace(Pods) dashboard for Grafana:

  1. Navigate to the Grafana Dashboards section.
  2. Next, search for the General/Kubernetes/Compute Resources/Namespace(Pods) dashboard and access it.
  3. Finally, select the Prometheus data source and add the emojivoto namespace.

The picture down below shows the available options:

Grafana Dashboard

You can play around and add more panels in Grafana, for visualizing other data sources, as well as group them together based on scope. Also, you can explore the available dashboards for Kubernetes from the Grafana kube-mixin project.

In the next step, you will configure persistent storage for Prometheus using DigitalOcean block storage, to persist your DOKS and application metrics across server restarts or cluster failures.

Step 5 - Configuring Persistent Storage for Prometheus

In this step, you will learn how to enable persistent storage for Prometheus, so that metrics data is persisted across server restarts, or in case of cluster failures. You will define a 5 Gi Persistent Volume Claim (PVC), using the DigitalOcean Block Storage. Later on, a quick and easy guide is provided, on how to plan the size of your PVC, to suit your monitoring storage needs. To learn more about PVCs, please consult the Persistent Volumes page from the official Kubernetes documentation.

Steps to follow:

  1. First, check what storage class is available - you need one, in order to proceed:

    kubectl get storageclass

    The output should look similar to (notice that DigitalOcean Block Storage is available for you to use):

    do-block-storage (default)   Delete          Immediate           true                   4d2h
  2. Next, change directory (if not already) where the Starter Kit Git repository was cloned:

    cd Kubernetes-Starter-Kit-Developers
  3. Then, open the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v35.5.1.yaml file provided in the Starter Kit repository, using a text editor of your choice (preferably with YAML lint support). Search for the storageSpec line, and uncomment the required section for Prometheus. The storageSpec definition should look like:

            storageClassName: do-block-storage
            accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
                storage: 5Gi

    Explanations for the above configuration:

    • volumeClaimTemplate - defines a new PVC.
    • storageClassName - defines the storage class (should use the same value as from the kubectl get storageclass command output).
    • resources - sets the storage requests value - in this case, a total capacity of 5 Gi is requested for the new volume.
  4. Finally, apply settings using Helm:

    helm upgrade kube-prom-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version "${HELM_CHART_VERSION}" \
      --namespace monitoring \
      -f "04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v${HELM_CHART_VERSION}.yaml"

After completing the above steps, check the PVC status:

kubectl get pvc -n monitoring

The output looks similar to (STATUS column should display Bound):

NAME                      STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS         MODES              AGE
kube-prome-prometheus-0   Bound    pvc-768d85ff-17e7-4043-9aea-4929df6a35f4   5Gi        RWO            do-block-storage   4d2h

A new Volume should appear in the Volumes web page, from your DigitalOcean account panel:

DOKS Volumes

Step 6 - Configuring Persistent Storage for Grafana

In this step, you will learn how to enable persistent storage for Grafana, so that the graphs are persisted across server restarts, or in case of cluster failures. You will define a 5 Gi Persistent Volume Claim (PVC), using the DigitalOcean Block Storage. The next steps are the same as Step 5 - Configuring Persistent Storage for Prometheus.

First, open the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v35.5.1.yaml file provided in the Starter Kit repository, using a text editor of your choice (preferably with YAML lint support). The persistence storage section for grafana should look like:

    enabled: true
    storageClassName: do-block-storage
    accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
    size: 5Gi

Next, apply settings using Helm:


helm upgrade kube-prom-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version "${HELM_CHART_VERSION}" \
  --namespace monitoring \
  -f "04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/prom-stack-values-v${HELM_CHART_VERSION}.yaml"

After completing the above steps, check the PVC status:

kubectl get pvc -n monitoring

The output looks similar to (STATUS column should display Bound):

NAME                      STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS         MODES              AGE
kube-prom-stack-grafana   Bound    pvc-768d85ff-17e7-4043-9aea-4929df6a35f4   5Gi        RWO            do-block-storage   4d2h

A new Volume should appear in the Volumes web page, from your DigitalOcean account panel:

DOKS Volumes

Best Practices for PV Sizing

In order to compute the size needed for the volume based on your needs, please follow the official documentation advices and formula:

Prometheus stores an average of only 1-2 bytes per sample. Thus, to plan the capacity of a Prometheus server, you can use the rough formula:

needed_disk_space = retention_time_seconds * ingested_samples_per_second * bytes_per_sample

To lower the rate of ingested samples, you can either reduce the number of time series you scrape (fewer targets or fewer series per target), or you can increase the scrape interval. However, reducing the number of series is likely more effective, due to compression of samples within a series.

Based on our findings, a 5GB volume is enough for basic needs, like in the case of small development environments (as well as to complete the Starter Kit tutorial). If 5GB is not enough over time (depending on your use case), you need to adjust based on the volume of metrics ingested, and retention time needed, using the above mentioned formula.

Please follow the Operational Aspects section, for more details on the subject.


In this tutorial, you learned how to install and configure the Prometheus stack, then used Grafana to install new dashboards and visualize DOKS cluster application metrics. You also learned how to perform metric queries using PromQL. Finally, you configured and enabled persistent storage for Prometheus to use, to store your cluster metrics.

Next, you will learn about application logs collection and aggregation via Loki, to help you troubleshoot running Kubernetes cluster applications in case something goes wrong.

Go to Logs Aggregation via Loki Stack.