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PostgreSQL aggregate function 2 : Aggregate Functions for Statistics






PostgreSQL , 聚合函数 , 系列



在此前我分别以相关性函数corr和计算总体/样本 方差, 标准方差的函数variance, var_pop, var_samp, stddev, stddev_pop, stddev_samp做过比较详细的讲解.

例如corr在数据库的物理存储顺序以及逻辑顺序的统计信息中就有应用. 请参考 :

《population & sample covariance, standard deviation Aggregate in PostgreSQL》

《PostgreSQL 统计信息之 - 逻辑与物理存储的线性相关性》

PostgreSQL 9.4为例, 目前支持的统计学聚合函数表如下 :

这些函数的源码全部都在 src/backend/utils/adt/float.c .

这些统计学相关的术语, 算法可参考维基百科, 或百度百科.

Table 9-50. Aggregate Functions for Statistics

Function Argument Type Return Type Description
corr(Y, X) double precision double precision correlation coefficient
covar_pop(Y, X) double precision double precision population covariance
covar_samp(Y, X) double precision double precision sample covariance
regr_avgx(Y, X) double precision double precision average of the independent variable (sum(X)/N)
regr_avgy(Y, X) double precision double precision average of the dependent variable (sum(Y)/N)
regr_count(Y, X) double precision bigint number of input rows in which both expressions are nonnull
regr_intercept(Y, X) double precision double precision y-intercept of the least-squares-fit linear equation determined by the (X, Y) pairs
regr_r2(Y, X) double precision double precision square of the correlation coefficient
regr_slope(Y, X) double precision double precision slope of the least-squares-fit linear equation determined by the (X, Y) pairs
regr_sxx(Y, X) double precision double precision sum(X^2) - sum(X)^2/N ("sum of squares" of the independent variable)
regr_sxy(Y, X) double precision double precision sum(X*Y) - sum(X) * sum(Y)/N ("sum of products" of independent times dependent variable)
regr_syy(Y, X) double precision double precision sum(Y^2) - sum(Y)^2/N ("sum of squares" of the dependent variable)
stddev(expression) smallint, int, bigint, real, double precision, or numeric double precision for floating-point arguments, otherwise numeric historical alias for stddev_samp
stddev_pop(expression) smallint, int, bigint, real, double precision, or numeric double precision for floating-point arguments, otherwise numeric population standard deviation of the input values
stddev_samp(expression) smallint, int, bigint, real, double precision, or numeric double precision for floating-point arguments, otherwise numeric sample standard deviation of the input values
variance(expression) smallint, int, bigint, real, double precision, or numeric double precision for floating-point arguments, otherwise numeric historical alias for var_samp
var_pop(expression) smallint, int, bigint, real, double precision, or numeric double precision for floating-point arguments, otherwise numeric population variance of the input values (square of the population standard deviation)
var_samp(expression) smallint, int, bigint, real, double precision, or numeric double precision for floating-point arguments, otherwise numeric sample variance of the input values (square of the sample standard deviation)

Table 9-51 shows some aggregate functions that use the ordered-set aggregate syntax. These functions are sometimes referred to as "inverse distribution" functions.

如下 :

相关性统计 :

corr, regr_r2

《PostgreSQL 统计信息之 - 逻辑与物理存储的线性相关性》

总体|样本 方差, 标准方差 :

variance, var_pop, var_samp

stddev, stddev_pop, stddev_samp

《population & sample covariance, standard deviation Aggregate in PostgreSQL》

总体协方差, 样本协方差 :

covar_pop, covar_samp

《用PostgreSQL了解一些统计学术语以及计算方法和表示方法 - 1》

线性回归 :

regr_avgx, regr_avgy, regr_count, regr_intercept(截距), regr_r2(相关度corr的平方), regr_slope(斜率), regr_sxx, regr_sxy, regr_syy.

《在PostgreSQL中用线性回归分析(linear regression) - 实现数据预测》



2. src/backend/utils/adt/float.c

《PostgreSQL aggregate function 1 : General-Purpose Aggregate Functions》

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