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PostgreSQL 9.5 new feature - lets BRIN be used with R-Tree-like indexing strategies For "inclusion" opclasses






PostgreSQL , BRIN , 流式数据 , 性能优化


PostgreSQL 9.5 新增了BRIN索引访问方法,存储了每个连续的数据块的边界值信息,例如最大值,最小值,是否包含空值。



PostgreSQL 9.5 最近又增加了BRIN的类似R-Tree的索引策略,支持包含系的操作符。

目前实现了cidr/inet, range, box类型的包含,相交,在旁,等操作符。


Add BRIN infrastructure for "inclusion" opclasses  
This lets BRIN be used with R-Tree-like indexing strategies.  
Also provided are operator classes for range types, box and inet/cidr.  
The infrastructure provided here should be sufficient to create operator  
classes for similar datatypes; for instance, opclasses for PostGIS  
geometries should be doable, though we didn't try to implement one.  
(A box/point opclass was also submitted, but we ripped it out before  
commit because the handling of floating point comparisons in existing  
code is inconsistent and would generate corrupt indexes.)  
Author: Emre Hasegeli.  Cosmetic changes by me  
Review: Andreas Karlsson  


postgres=# create or replace function gettypname(oid) returns name as $$  
postgres$#   select typname from pg_type where oid=$1;  
postgres$# $$ language sql strict;  
postgres=# select oprname,gettypname(oprleft),gettypname(oprright) from pg_operator where oid in (select amopopr from pg_amop where amopmethod=(select oid from pg_am where amname='brin'));  
 oprname | gettypname  | gettypname    
 =       | int4        | int8  
 <       | int4        | int8  
 >       | int4        | int8  
 <=      | int4        | int8  
 >=      | int4        | int8  
 =       | char        | char  
 =       | name        | name  
 =       | int2        | int2  
 <       | int2        | int2  
 =       | int4        | int4  
 <       | int4        | int4  
 =       | text        | text  
 =       | tid         | tid  
 <       | tid         | tid  
 >       | tid         | tid  
 <=      | tid         | tid  
 >=      | tid         | tid  
 =       | int8        | int8  
 <       | int8        | int8  
 >       | int8        | int8  
 <=      | int8        | int8  
 >=      | int8        | int8  
 =       | int8        | int4  
 <       | int8        | int4  
 >       | int8        | int4  
 <=      | int8        | int4  
 >=      | int8        | int4  
 <<      | box         | box  严格在左  
 &<      | box         | box  Does not extend to the right of?  
 &>      | box         | box  Does not extend to the left of?  
 >>      | box         | box  严格在右  
 <@      | box         | box  Contained in or on?  
 @>      | box         | box  Contains?  
 ~=      | box         | box  Same as?  
 &&      | box         | box  Overlaps? (One point in common makes this true.)  
 @>      | box         | point  
 >       | int2        | int2  
 >       | int4        | int4  
 <=      | int2        | int2  
 <=      | int4        | int4  
 >=      | int2        | int2  
 >=      | int4        | int4  
 =       | int2        | int4  
 =       | int4        | int2  
 <       | int2        | int4  
 <       | int4        | int2  
 >       | int2        | int4  
 >       | int4        | int2  
 <=      | int2        | int4  
 <=      | int4        | int2  
 >=      | int2        | int4  
 >=      | int4        | int2  
 =       | abstime     | abstime  
 <       | abstime     | abstime  
 >       | abstime     | abstime  
 <=      | abstime     | abstime  
 >=      | abstime     | abstime  
 =       | reltime     | reltime  
 <       | reltime     | reltime  
 >       | reltime     | reltime  
 <=      | reltime     | reltime  
 >=      | reltime     | reltime  
 =       | oid         | oid  
 <       | oid         | oid  
 >       | oid         | oid  
 <=      | oid         | oid  
 >=      | oid         | oid  
 =       | float4      | float4  
 <       | float4      | float4  
 >       | float4      | float4  
 <=      | float4      | float4  
 >=      | float4      | float4  
 <       | char        | char  
 <=      | char        | char  
 >       | char        | char  
 >=      | char        | char  
 <       | name        | name  
 <=      | name        | name  
 >       | name        | name  
 >=      | name        | name  
 <       | text        | text  
 <=      | text        | text  
 >       | text        | text  
 >=      | text        | text  
 =       | float8      | float8  
 <       | float8      | float8  
 <=      | float8      | float8  
 >       | float8      | float8  
 >=      | float8      | float8  
 =       | bpchar      | bpchar  
 <       | bpchar      | bpchar  
 <=      | bpchar      | bpchar  
 >       | bpchar      | bpchar  
 >=      | bpchar      | bpchar  
 =       | date        | date  
 <       | date        | date  
 <=      | date        | date  
 >       | date        | date  
 >=      | date        | date  
 =       | time        | time  
 <       | time        | time  
 <=      | time        | time  
 >       | time        | time  
 >=      | time        | time  
 =       | timetz      | timetz  
 <       | timetz      | timetz  
 <=      | timetz      | timetz  
 >       | timetz      | timetz  
 >=      | timetz      | timetz  
 =       | float4      | float8  
 <       | float4      | float8  
 >       | float4      | float8  
 <=      | float4      | float8  
 >=      | float4      | float8  
 =       | float8      | float4  
 <       | float8      | float4  
 >       | float8      | float4  
 <=      | float8      | float4  
 >=      | float8      | float4  
 =       | timestamptz | timestamptz  
 <       | timestamptz | timestamptz  
 <=      | timestamptz | timestamptz  
 >       | timestamptz | timestamptz  
 >=      | timestamptz | timestamptz  
 =       | interval    | interval  
 <       | interval    | interval  
 <=      | interval    | interval  
 >       | interval    | interval  
 >=      | interval    | interval  
 =       | macaddr     | macaddr  
 <       | macaddr     | macaddr  
 <=      | macaddr     | macaddr  
 >       | macaddr     | macaddr  
 >=      | macaddr     | macaddr  
 =       | inet        | inet  
 <       | inet        | inet  
 <=      | inet        | inet  
 >       | inet        | inet  
 >=      | inet        | inet  
 <<      | inet        | inet  is contained by  
 <<=     | inet        | inet  is contained by or equals  
 >>      | inet        | inet  contains  
 >>=     | inet        | inet  contains or equals  
 &&      | inet        | inet  contains or is contained by  
 =       | numeric     | numeric  
 <       | numeric     | numeric  
 <=      | numeric     | numeric  
 >       | numeric     | numeric  
 >=      | numeric     | numeric  
 =       | bit         | bit  
 <       | bit         | bit  
 >       | bit         | bit  
 <=      | bit         | bit  
 >=      | bit         | bit  
 =       | varbit      | varbit  
 <       | varbit      | varbit  
 >       | varbit      | varbit  
 <=      | varbit      | varbit  
 >=      | varbit      | varbit  
 =       | int2        | int8  
 <       | int2        | int8  
 >       | int2        | int8  
 <=      | int2        | int8  
 >=      | int2        | int8  
 =       | int8        | int2  
 <       | int8        | int2  
 >       | int8        | int2  
 <=      | int8        | int2  
 >=      | int8        | int2  
 =       | bytea       | bytea  
 <       | bytea       | bytea  
 <=      | bytea       | bytea  
 >       | bytea       | bytea  
 >=      | bytea       | bytea  
 =       | timestamp   | timestamp  
 <       | timestamp   | timestamp  
 <=      | timestamp   | timestamp  
 >       | timestamp   | timestamp  
 >=      | timestamp   | timestamp  
 <       | date        | timestamp  
 <=      | date        | timestamp  
 =       | date        | timestamp  
 >=      | date        | timestamp  
 >       | date        | timestamp  
 <       | date        | timestamptz  
 <=      | date        | timestamptz  
 =       | date        | timestamptz  
 >=      | date        | timestamptz  
 >       | date        | timestamptz  
 <       | timestamp   | date  
 <=      | timestamp   | date  
 =       | timestamp   | date  
 >=      | timestamp   | date  
 >       | timestamp   | date  
 <       | timestamptz | date  
 <=      | timestamptz | date  
 =       | timestamptz | date  
 >=      | timestamptz | date  
 >       | timestamptz | date  
 <       | timestamp   | timestamptz  
 <=      | timestamp   | timestamptz  
 =       | timestamp   | timestamptz  
 >=      | timestamp   | timestamptz  
 >       | timestamp   | timestamptz  
 <       | timestamptz | timestamp  
 <=      | timestamptz | timestamp  
 =       | timestamptz | timestamp  
 >=      | timestamptz | timestamp  
 >       | timestamptz | timestamp  
 <<|     | box         | box  Is strictly below?  
 &<|     | box         | box  Does not extend above?  
 |&>     | box         | box  Does not extend below?  
 |>>     | box         | box  Is strictly above?  
 =       | uuid        | uuid  
 <       | uuid        | uuid  
 >       | uuid        | uuid  
 <=      | uuid        | uuid  
 >=      | uuid        | uuid  
 =       | pg_lsn      | pg_lsn  
 <       | pg_lsn      | pg_lsn  
 >       | pg_lsn      | pg_lsn  
 <=      | pg_lsn      | pg_lsn  
 >=      | pg_lsn      | pg_lsn  
 =       | anyrange    | anyrange  
 <       | anyrange    | anyrange  
 <=      | anyrange    | anyrange  
 >=      | anyrange    | anyrange  
 >       | anyrange    | anyrange  
 &&      | anyrange    | anyrange  overlap (have points in common)  
 @>      | anyrange    | anyelement  contains element  
 @>      | anyrange    | anyrange  contains range  
 <@      | anyrange    | anyrange  range is contained by  
 <<      | anyrange    | anyrange  strictly left of  
 >>      | anyrange    | anyrange  strictly right of  
 &<      | anyrange    | anyrange  does not extend to the right of  
 &>      | anyrange    | anyrange  does not extend to the left of  
 -|-     | anyrange    | anyrange  is adjacent to  
(237 rows)  





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