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PostgreSQL 14 preview - 支持通过import foreign schema 导入指定远端分区表的子分区 - postgres_fdw , import foreign schema 支持 limit to (子分区)






PostgreSQL , 分区表 , 外部表 , import foreign schema 导入外部表


2017年支持了import foreign schema 远端分区表, 但是只导入父表. 子分区默认exclude. 原因很简单, 因为分区表的数据通过root 表(父表)可以查询到所有数据. 所以不需要导入分区.

但是实际的情况是, 可能用户只需要访问某个分区呢? 或者通过分区来并行加速呢?

PostgreSQL 14 支持通过import foreign schema 导入指定远端分区表的子分区 - postgres_fdw , import foreign schema 支持 limit to (子分区);a=commit;h=a3740c48eb2f91663c7c06c948dfcfb6493d2588

postgres_fdw: Allow partitions specified in LIMIT TO to be imported.  
author	Fujii Masao <>	  
Tue, 6 Apr 2021 17:32:10 +0000 (02:32 +0900)  
committer	Fujii Masao <>	  
Tue, 6 Apr 2021 17:32:10 +0000 (02:32 +0900)  
commit	a3740c48eb2f91663c7c06c948dfcfb6493d2588  
tree	0e40d532067bab79fef9c54f81794fb94c656a9c	tree  
parent	90c885cdab8bc5a5f12a243774fa0db51002a2fd	commit | diff  
postgres_fdw: Allow partitions specified in LIMIT TO to be imported.  
Commit f49bcd4ef3 disallowed postgres_fdw to import table partitions.  
Because all data can be accessed through the partitioned table which  
is the root of the partitioning hierarchy, importing only partitioned  
table should allow access to all the data without creating extra objects.  
This is a reasonable default when importing a whole schema. But there  
may be the case where users want to explicitly import one of  
a partitioned tables' partitions.  
For that use case, this commit allows postgres_fdw to import tables or  
foreign tables which are partitions of some other table only when they  
are explicitly specified in LIMIT TO clause.  It doesn't change  
the behavior that any partitions not specified in LIMIT TO are  
automatically excluded in IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA command.  
Author: Matthias van de Meent  
Reviewed-by: Bernd Helmle, Amit Langote, Michael Paquier, Fujii Masao  

PG 14 :

+IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA import_source LIMIT TO (t1, nonesuch, t4_part)
   FROM SERVER loopback INTO import_dest4;
 \det+ import_dest4.*
+                                        List of foreign tables
+    Schema    |  Table  |  Server  |                     FDW options                     | Description 
+ import_dest4 | t1      | loopback | (schema_name 'import_source', table_name 't1')      | 
+ import_dest4 | t4_part | loopback | (schema_name 'import_source', table_name 't4_part') | 
+(2 rows)


+CREATE TABLE import_source.t4 (c1 int) PARTITION BY RANGE (c1);
+CREATE TABLE import_source.t4_part PARTITION OF import_source.t4
+  FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (100);
 CREATE SCHEMA import_dest1;
 IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA import_source FROM SERVER loopback INTO import_dest1;
 \det+ import_dest1.*
@@ -6916,9 +6919,10 @@ IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA import_source FROM SERVER loopback INTO import_dest1;
  import_dest1 | t1    | loopback | (schema_name 'import_source', table_name 't1')  | 
  import_dest1 | t2    | loopback | (schema_name 'import_source', table_name 't2')  | 
  import_dest1 | t3    | loopback | (schema_name 'import_source', table_name 't3')  | 
+ import_dest1 | t4    | loopback | (schema_name 'import_source', table_name 't4')  | 
  import_dest1 | x 4   | loopback | (schema_name 'import_source', table_name 'x 4') | 
  import_dest1 | x 5   | loopback | (schema_name 'import_source', table_name 'x 5') | 

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