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354 lines (290 loc) · 13.8 KB

PostgreSQL 如何脏读指定会话的未提交数据? 如何flashback闪回误操作?






PostgreSQL , PolarDB , 会话 , 脏读



通过脏读插件, 同时通过tuple head区分不同的tuple类别:

  • 插入: xmin=$xid, xmax=0
  • 删除其他已提交数据: xmin<>xmax, xmax=$xid
  • 删除自己插入的数据: xmin=xmax=$xid
  • 更新其他已提交数据: = 删除其他已提交数据+插入 = 2条数据: (xmin<>xmax, xmax=$xid) + (xmin=$xid, xmax=0)
  • 更新自己插入的数据: = 删除自己插入的数据+插入 = 2条数据: (xmin=xmax=$xid) + (xmin=$xid, xmax=0)


配置延迟垃圾回收,防止DML操作产生的旧(dead tuple)数据被过早vacuum(回收),给flashback机会窗口. 但是坏处是: 表和索引膨胀的可能变大, shared buffer浪费, 查询性能下降, vacuum无用功导致的cpu和读io升高影响性能.

#vacuum_defer_cleanup_age = 0   # number of xacts by which cleanup is delayed

然后使用脏读, 获取被误操作事务操作的dead数据.

垃圾回收站或者event trigger.




cd ~  
git clone --depth 1  
cd pg_dirtyread  
USE_PGXS=1 make  
USE_PGXS=1 make install  
digoaldeMacBook-Pro:pg_dirtyread digoal$ psql  
psql (15.1)  
Type "help" for help.  
postgres=# create extension pg_dirtyread ;  


create table t (id int, info text);  

session a

insert into t values (1,'a');  
select txid_current_if_assigned();  
(1 row)  

session b

insert into t values (2,'b');  
select txid_current_if_assigned();  
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------+----  
txid_current_if_assigned | 743  

session c

获得未结束事务的事务号: pg_stat_activity.backend_xid

postgres=# select * from pg_stat_activity where backend_type='client backend';;  
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+--------------------------------------------------------------------  
datid            | 5  
datname          | postgres  
pid              | 1200  
leader_pid       |   
usesysid         | 10  
usename          | postgres  
application_name | psql  
client_addr      |   
client_hostname  |   
client_port      | -1  
backend_start    | 2023-01-14 10:32:47.481692+08  
xact_start       | 2023-01-14 10:32:58.170729+08  
query_start      | 2023-01-14 10:32:58.64865+08  
state_change     | 2023-01-14 10:32:58.649045+08  
wait_event_type  | Client  
wait_event       | ClientRead  
state            | idle in transaction  
backend_xid      | 742  
backend_xmin     |   
query_id         |   
query            | select txid_current_if_assigned();  
backend_type     | client backend  
-[ RECORD 2 ]----+--------------------------------------------------------------------  
datid            | 5  
datname          | postgres  
pid              | 1194  
leader_pid       |   
usesysid         | 10  
usename          | postgres  
application_name | psql  
client_addr      |   
client_hostname  |   
client_port      | -1  
backend_start    | 2023-01-14 10:31:07.284393+08  
xact_start       | 2023-01-14 10:34:15.237452+08  
query_start      | 2023-01-14 10:34:15.237452+08  
state_change     | 2023-01-14 10:34:15.237454+08  
wait_event_type  |   
wait_event       |   
state            | active  
backend_xid      |   
backend_xmin     | 742  
query_id         |   
query            | select * from pg_stat_activity where backend_type='client backend';  
backend_type     | client backend  
-[ RECORD 3 ]----+--------------------------------------------------------------------  
datid            | 5  
datname          | postgres  
pid              | 1085  
leader_pid       |   
usesysid         | 10  
usename          | postgres  
application_name | psql  
client_addr      |   
client_hostname  |   
client_port      | -1  
backend_start    | 2023-01-14 10:25:12.514831+08  
xact_start       | 2023-01-14 10:33:05.779798+08  
query_start      | 2023-01-14 10:33:06.672514+08  
state_change     | 2023-01-14 10:33:06.672628+08  
wait_event_type  | Client  
wait_event       | ClientRead  
state            | idle in transaction  
backend_xid      | 743  
backend_xmin     |   
query_id         |   
query            | select txid_current_if_assigned();  
backend_type     | client backend  

或者 pg_locks.transactionid

postgres=# select * from pg_locks where pid in (1194,1200,1085) and locktype='transactionid';;  
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+--------------  
locktype           | transactionid  
database           |   
relation           |   
page               |   
tuple              |   
virtualxid         |   
transactionid      | 742  
classid            |   
objid              |   
objsubid           |   
virtualtransaction | 5/10  
pid                | 1200  
mode               | ExclusiveLock  
granted            | t  
fastpath           | f  
waitstart          |   
-[ RECORD 2 ]------+--------------  
locktype           | transactionid  
database           |   
relation           |   
page               |   
tuple              |   
virtualxid         |   
transactionid      | 743  
classid            |   
objid              |   
objsubid           |   
virtualtransaction | 3/18  
pid                | 1085  
mode               | ExclusiveLock  
granted            | t  
fastpath           | f  
waitstart          |   


postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_dirtyread('t') as t(tableoid oid, ctid tid, xmin xid, xmax xid, cmin cid, cmax cid, dead boolean, id int, info text);  
 tableoid | ctid  | xmin | xmax | cmin | cmax | dead | id | info   
    16393 | (0,1) |  742 |    0 |    0 |    0 | f    |  1 | a  
    16393 | (0,2) |  743 |    0 |    0 |    0 | f    |  2 | b  
(2 rows)  

tuple.xmin, xmax ; pg_locks.transactionid ; pg_stat_activity.backend_xid 类型都是xid, 所以查询时不需要转换.

postgres=# \d pg_stat_activity   
                      View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity"  
      Column      |           Type           | Collation | Nullable | Default   
 datid            | oid                      |           |          |   
 datname          | name                     |           |          |   
 pid              | integer                  |           |          |   
 leader_pid       | integer                  |           |          |   
 usesysid         | oid                      |           |          |   
 usename          | name                     |           |          |   
 application_name | text                     |           |          |   
 client_addr      | inet                     |           |          |   
 client_hostname  | text                     |           |          |   
 client_port      | integer                  |           |          |   
 backend_start    | timestamp with time zone |           |          |   
 xact_start       | timestamp with time zone |           |          |   
 query_start      | timestamp with time zone |           |          |   
 state_change     | timestamp with time zone |           |          |   
 wait_event_type  | text                     |           |          |   
 wait_event       | text                     |           |          |   
 state            | text                     |           |          |   
 backend_xid      | xid                      |           |          |   
 backend_xmin     | xid                      |           |          |   
 query_id         | bigint                   |           |          |   
 query            | text                     |           |          |   
 backend_type     | text                     |           |          |   
postgres=# \d pg_locks  
                           View "pg_catalog.pg_locks"  
       Column       |           Type           | Collation | Nullable | Default   
 locktype           | text                     |           |          |   
 database           | oid                      |           |          |   
 relation           | oid                      |           |          |   
 page               | integer                  |           |          |   
 tuple              | smallint                 |           |          |   
 virtualxid         | text                     |           |          |   
 transactionid      | xid                      |           |          |   
 classid            | oid                      |           |          |   
 objid              | oid                      |           |          |   
 objsubid           | smallint                 |           |          |   
 virtualtransaction | text                     |           |          |   
 pid                | integer                  |           |          |   
 mode               | text                     |           |          |   
 granted            | boolean                  |           |          |   
 fastpath           | boolean                  |           |          |   
 waitstart          | timestamp with time zone |           |          |   


《PostgreSQL xid(int4) to txid(int8)》

postgres=# \df txid_current_if_assigned  
                                   List of functions  
   Schema   |           Name           | Result data type | Argument data types | Type   
 pg_catalog | txid_current_if_assigned | bigint           |                     | func  
(1 row)  
postgres=# select cast(xid8 '9000000000' as xid);  
(1 row)  

session a:

postgres=*# delete from t;  

session b:

postgres=*# update t set info='b1';  

session c:

postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_dirtyread('t') as t(tableoid oid, ctid tid, xmin xid, xmax xid, cmin cid, cmax cid, dead boolean, id int, info text);  
 tableoid | ctid  | xmin | xmax | cmin | cmax | dead | id | info   
    16393 | (0,1) |  742 |  742 |    0 |    0 | f    |  1 | a  
    16393 | (0,2) |  743 |  743 |    0 |    0 | f    |  2 | b  
    16393 | (0,3) |  743 |    0 |    1 |    1 | f    |  2 | b1  
(3 rows)  

使用xid, xmin, xmax进行过滤:

  • 插入: xmin=$xid, xmax=0
  • 删除其他已提交数据: xmin<>xmax, xmax=$xid
  • 删除自己插入的数据: xmin=xmax=$xid
  • 更新其他已提交数据: = 删除其他已提交数据+插入 = 2条数据: (xmin<>xmax, xmax=$xid) + (xmin=$xid, xmax=0)
  • 更新自己插入的数据: = 删除自己插入的数据+插入 = 2条数据: (xmin=xmax=$xid) + (xmin=$xid, xmax=0)

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