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PostgreSQL 16 preview - string_agg, array_agg支持并行






PostgreSQL , PolarDB , string_agg , array_agg , 并行


string_agg, array_agg支持combine, serial and deserial functions, 使得这两个聚合函数支持了并行(包括分区情况下和非分区情况的并行操作).


Allow parallel aggregate on string_agg and array_agg  
author	David Rowley <>	  
Mon, 23 Jan 2023 04:35:01 +0000 (17:35 +1300)  
committer	David Rowley <>	  
Mon, 23 Jan 2023 04:35:01 +0000 (17:35 +1300)  
commit	16fd03e956540d1b47b743f6a84f37c54ac93dd4  
tree	5d4e04184fcc5e119b92d48529b60bc160f99633	tree  
parent	5a3a95385bd5a8f1a4fd50545b7efe9338581899	commit | diff  
Allow parallel aggregate on string_agg and array_agg  
This adds combine, serial and deserial functions for the array_agg() and  
string_agg() aggregate functions, thus allowing these aggregates to  
partake in partial aggregations.  This allows both parallel aggregation to  
take place when these aggregates are present and also allows additional  
partition-wise aggregation plan shapes to include plans that require  
additional aggregation once the partially aggregated results from the  
partitions have been combined.  
Author: David Rowley  
Reviewed-by: Andres Freund, Tomas Vondra, Stephen Frost, Tom Lane  
+-- Test parallel string_agg and array_agg  
+create table pagg_test (x int, y int);  
+insert into pagg_test  
+select (case x % 4 when 1 then null else x end), x % 10  
+from generate_series(1,5000) x;  
+set parallel_setup_cost TO 0;  
+set parallel_tuple_cost TO 0;  
+set parallel_leader_participation TO 0;  
+set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;  
+set bytea_output = 'escape';  
+-- create a view as we otherwise have to repeat this query a few times.  
+create view v_pagg_test AS  
+   y,  
+   min(t) AS tmin,max(t) AS tmax,count(distinct t) AS tndistinct,  
+   min(b) AS bmin,max(b) AS bmax,count(distinct b) AS bndistinct,  
+   min(a) AS amin,max(a) AS amax,count(distinct a) AS andistinct,  
+   min(aa) AS aamin,max(aa) AS aamax,count(distinct aa) AS aandistinct  
+from (  
+   select  
+       y,  
+       unnest(regexp_split_to_array(a1.t, ','))::int AS t,  
+       unnest(regexp_split_to_array(a1.b::text, ',')) AS b,  
+       unnest(a1.a) AS a,  
+       unnest(a1.aa) AS aa  
+   from (  
+       select  
+           y,  
+           string_agg(x::text, ',') AS t,  
+           string_agg(x::text::bytea, ',') AS b,  
+           array_agg(x) AS a,  
+           array_agg(ARRAY[x]) AS aa  
+       from pagg_test  
+       group by y  
+   ) a1  
+) a2  
+group by y;  
+-- Ensure results are correct.  
+select * from v_pagg_test order by y;  
+ y | tmin | tmax | tndistinct | bmin | bmax | bndistinct | amin | amax | andistinct | aamin | aamax | aandistinct   
+ 0 |   10 | 5000 |        500 | 10   | 990  |        500 |   10 | 5000 |        500 |    10 |  5000 |         500  
+ 1 |   11 | 4991 |        250 | 1011 | 991  |        250 |   11 | 4991 |        250 |    11 |  4991 |         250  
+ 2 |    2 | 4992 |        500 | 1002 | 992  |        500 |    2 | 4992 |        500 |     2 |  4992 |         500  
+ 3 |    3 | 4983 |        250 | 1003 | 983  |        250 |    3 | 4983 |        250 |     3 |  4983 |         250  
+ 4 |    4 | 4994 |        500 | 1004 | 994  |        500 |    4 | 4994 |        500 |     4 |  4994 |         500  
+ 5 |   15 | 4995 |        250 | 1015 | 995  |        250 |   15 | 4995 |        250 |    15 |  4995 |         250  
+ 6 |    6 | 4996 |        500 | 1006 | 996  |        500 |    6 | 4996 |        500 |     6 |  4996 |         500  
+ 7 |    7 | 4987 |        250 | 1007 | 987  |        250 |    7 | 4987 |        250 |     7 |  4987 |         250  
+ 8 |    8 | 4998 |        500 | 1008 | 998  |        500 |    8 | 4998 |        500 |     8 |  4998 |         500  
+ 9 |   19 | 4999 |        250 | 1019 | 999  |        250 |   19 | 4999 |        250 |    19 |  4999 |         250  
+(10 rows)  
+-- Ensure parallel aggregation is actually being used.  
+explain (costs off) select * from v_pagg_test order by y;  
+                                                              QUERY PLAN                                                                
+ GroupAggregate  
+   Group Key: pagg_test.y  
+   ->  Sort  
+         Sort Key: pagg_test.y, (((unnest(regexp_split_to_array((string_agg((pagg_test.x)::text, ','::text)), ','::text))))::integer)  
+         ->  Result  
+               ->  ProjectSet  
+                     ->  Finalize HashAggregate  
+                           Group Key: pagg_test.y  
+                           ->  Gather  
+                                 Workers Planned: 2  
+                                 ->  Partial HashAggregate  
+                                       Group Key: pagg_test.y  
+                                       ->  Parallel Seq Scan on pagg_test  
+(13 rows)  
+set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;  
+-- Ensure results are the same without parallel aggregation.  
+select * from v_pagg_test order by y;  
+ y | tmin | tmax | tndistinct | bmin | bmax | bndistinct | amin | amax | andistinct | aamin | aamax | aandistinct   
+ 0 |   10 | 5000 |        500 | 10   | 990  |        500 |   10 | 5000 |        500 |    10 |  5000 |         500  
+ 1 |   11 | 4991 |        250 | 1011 | 991  |        250 |   11 | 4991 |        250 |    11 |  4991 |         250  
+ 2 |    2 | 4992 |        500 | 1002 | 992  |        500 |    2 | 4992 |        500 |     2 |  4992 |         500  
+ 3 |    3 | 4983 |        250 | 1003 | 983  |        250 |    3 | 4983 |        250 |     3 |  4983 |         250  
+ 4 |    4 | 4994 |        500 | 1004 | 994  |        500 |    4 | 4994 |        500 |     4 |  4994 |         500  
+ 5 |   15 | 4995 |        250 | 1015 | 995  |        250 |   15 | 4995 |        250 |    15 |  4995 |         250  
+ 6 |    6 | 4996 |        500 | 1006 | 996  |        500 |    6 | 4996 |        500 |     6 |  4996 |         500  
+ 7 |    7 | 4987 |        250 | 1007 | 987  |        250 |    7 | 4987 |        250 |     7 |  4987 |         250  
+ 8 |    8 | 4998 |        500 | 1008 | 998  |        500 |    8 | 4998 |        500 |     8 |  4998 |         500  
+ 9 |   19 | 4999 |        250 | 1019 | 999  |        250 |   19 | 4999 |        250 |    19 |  4999 |         250  
+(10 rows)  
+-- Clean up  
+reset max_parallel_workers_per_gather;  
+reset bytea_output;  
+reset min_parallel_table_scan_size;  
+reset parallel_leader_participation;  
+reset parallel_tuple_cost;  
+reset parallel_setup_cost;  
+drop view v_pagg_test;  
+drop table pagg_test;  

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