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DuckDB 对比 PolarDB for PostgreSQL 全文检索功能






PostgreSQL , PolarDB , DuckDB , 全文检索 , full text search , fts , 中文 , 西方文字 , 模糊查询


PolarDB for PostgreSQL 全文检索的优势: 1、可以通过插件支持几乎所有语言; 2、支持数据写入后自动实时更新全文检索索引; 3、全文检索具有非常完整的语义和函数支持功能;

DuckDB的fts插件目前仅支持英文等西方语言、不支持实时更新全文检索索引. 相对来说功能比较弱.

下面简单介绍一下duckdb的fts使用, PolarDB for PostgreSQL的用法见后面的参考部分的内容.


D install fts;  
D load fts;  


D create table test (id int primary key, ct text);  
D insert into test values (1, '你好 中国 你好德哥,我是来自阿里巴巴数据库部门的高级数据库产品专家,负责阿里云开源数据库PolarDB的社区运营.');  


D PRAGMA create_fts_index('test', 'id', 'ct');  

全文索引被放到fts_$schema_$tablename的一个MACRO match_bm25中.

This PRAGMA builds the index under a newly created schema. The schema will be named after the input table: if an index is created on table 'main.table_name', then the schema will be named 'fts_main_table_name'.

我们可以通过duckdb_functions() 搜索到对应的macro match_bm25

D .maxwidth -1  
D select * from duckdb_functions() where function_name like '%match%';  
│ memory        │ fts_main_test │ match_bm25        │ macro         │                                                                                                                          │             │ [docname, query_string, conjunctive, b, k, fields] │ [NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL] │         │ (WITH subscores AS (SELECT docs.docid, len, term_tf.termid, tf, df, (main.log(((((SELECT num_docs FROM fts_main_test.stats) - df) + 0.5) / (df + 0.5))) * ((tf * (k + 1)) / (tf + (k * ((1 - b) + (b * (len / (SELECT avgdl FROM fts_main_test.stats)))))))) AS subscore FROM (SELECT termid, docid, main.count_star() AS tf FROM qterms GROUP BY docid, termid) AS term_tf INNER JOIN (SELECT docid FROM qterms GROUP BY docid HAVING CASE  WHEN (conjunctive) THEN ((main.count(DISTINCT termid) = (SELECT main.count_star() FROM tokens))) ELSE 1 END) AS cdocs ON ((term_tf.docid = cdocs.docid)) INNER JOIN AS docs ON ((term_tf.docid = docs.docid)) INNER JOIN fts_main_test.dict AS dict ON ((term_tf.termid = dict.termid))), qterms AS (SELECT termid, docid FROM fts_main_test.terms AS terms WHERE (CASE  WHEN ((fields IS NULL)) THEN (1) ELSE (fieldid = ANY(SELECT * FROM fieldids)) END AND (termid = ANY(SELECT qtermids.termid FROM qtermids)))), fieldids AS (SELECT fieldid FROM fts_main_test.fields WHERE CASE  WHEN ((fields IS NULL)) THEN (1) ELSE (field = ANY(SELECT * FROM (SELECT unnest(main.string_split(fields, ','))) AS fsq)) END), qtermids AS (SELECT termid FROM fts_main_test.dict AS dict , tokens WHERE (dict.term = tokens.t)), tokens AS (SELECT DISTINCT main.stem(unnest(fts_main_test.tokenize(query_string)), 'porter') AS t)SELECT score FROM (SELECT docid, main.sum(subscore) AS score FROM subscores GROUP BY docid) AS scores INNER JOIN AS docs ON (((scores.docid = docs.docid) AND (docs."name" = docname)))) │                  │ false    │         1444 │                        │  


D  SELECT fts_main_test.match_bm25(id, '德哥') as score,* from test order by score;  
│ score  │  id   │                                                    ct                                                    │  
│ double │ int32 │                                                 varchar                                                  │  
│        │     1 │ 你好 中国 你好德哥,我是来自阿里巴巴数据库部门的高级数据库产品专家,负责阿里云开源数据库PolarDB的社区运营. │  
D SELECT fts_main_test.match_bm25(id, '阿里云') as score,* from test order by score;  
│ score  │  id   │                                                    ct                                                    │  
│ double │ int32 │                                                 varchar                                                  │  
│        │     1 │ 你好 中国 你好德哥,我是来自阿里巴巴数据库部门的高级数据库产品专家,负责阿里云开源数据库PolarDB的社区运营. │  
D SELECT fts_main_test.match_bm25(id, '华为') as score,* from test order by score;  
│ score  │  id   │                                                    ct                                                    │  
│ double │ int32 │                                                 varchar                                                  │  
│        │     1 │ 你好 中国 你好德哥,我是来自阿里巴巴数据库部门的高级数据库产品专家,负责阿里云开源数据库PolarDB的社区运营. │  
D SELECT fts_main_test.match_bm25(id, '中国') as score,* from test order by score;  
│ score  │  id   │                                                    ct                                                    │  
│ double │ int32 │                                                 varchar                                                  │  
│        │     1 │ 你好 中国 你好德哥,我是来自阿里巴巴数据库部门的高级数据库产品专家,负责阿里云开源数据库PolarDB的社区运营. │  
D SELECT fts_main_test.match_bm25(id, 'PolarDB') as score,* from test order by score;  
│        score         │  id   │                                                    ct                                                    │  
│        double        │ int32 │                                                 varchar                                                  │  
│ -0.47712125471966244 │     1 │ 你好 中国 你好德哥,我是来自阿里巴巴数据库部门的高级数据库产品专家,负责阿里云开源数据库PolarDB的社区运营. │  

中文没有被记录到索引中, score is NULL.

Unlike standard indexes, full text indexes don’t auto-update as the underlying data is changed, so you need to PRAGMA drop_fts_index(my_fts_index) and recreate it when appropriate.

相比之下, PostgreSQL全文检索真的好用多了, 而且还支持多种类型的索引(btree, hash, gin, brin, gist, spgist, bloom, rum 等)共同使用.

《PostgreSQL 9种索引的原理和应用场景》

《PostgreSQL SQL自动优化案例 - 极简,自动推荐索引》



《配置 jieba结巴分词 for PolarDB 实现数据库高性能文本分词搜索》


PolarDB for PostgreSQL 还支持模糊查询索引加速. (通过pg_trgm, pgbigm等插件, 对字符串进行切分, 使用gin索引构建token倒排索引进行模糊查询加速.)

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