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PolarDB|PG AI功能插件体验: lantern, lantern_extras






PostgreSQL , PolarDB , ai , 大模型 , 向量 , 向量相近 , hnsw , ivfflat , 延迟 , 吞吐 , build index , lantern , lantern_extras


lantern: 又一款PolarDB|PG 向量类型+索引+操作符 插件, 宣称性能吊打neon,embedding,hnsw,pgvector

lantern_extras: AI 功能练习插件, 内置大模型, 可从集市下载模型, 使用大模型转换文本|图像为向量, 加速向量索引build

想试一试lantern, lantern_extras? 可以使用这个docker镜像, 已内置这2个插件.

1、《PolarDB|PostgreSQL amd64 image》

# 拉取镜像, 第一次拉取一次即可.    
docker pull    
# 启动容器    
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -d -it -P --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --privileged=true --name pg --shm-size=1g    
# 进入容器    
docker exec -ti pg bash    
# 连接数据库    

2、《PolarDB|PostgreSQL arm64 image》

# 拉取镜像, 第一次拉取一次即可.    
docker pull    
# 启动容器    
docker run -d -it -P --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --privileged=true --name pg --shm-size=1g    
# 进入容器    
docker exec -ti pg bash    
# 连接数据库    

lantern: 又一款PolarDB|PG 向量类型+索引+操作符 插件, 宣称性能吊打neon,embedding,hnsw,pgvector

Lantern builds and uses usearch, a single-header state-of-the-art HNSW implementation.

lantern = 向量类型 + 索引 + 向量距离计算操作符 + 向量距离排序

lantern github中有以下3种向量操作性能benchmark数据

  • 按向量距离排序并返回少量记录. 要求低延迟. 对应相似图像,近似问题等搜索.
  • 按向量距离排序并返回大量记录. 要求高吞吐. 对应营销人群圈选等场景.
  • build index


  • 在有向量索引的表进行插入、更新的吞吐和延迟.
  • 在大量写入后, 立即进行向量检索的性能. 类似GIN fastupdate功能, 启用后可能有大量数据还没有合并进索引, 此时性能会比较差.
  • 未来新增向量互补性排序, 不想关查询等的性能.



CREATE TABLE small_world (id integer, vector real[3]);  
INSERT INTO small_world (id, vector) VALUES (0, '{0,0,0}'), (1, '{0,0,1}');  
CREATE INDEX ON small_world USING hnsw (vector);  

Customize hnsw index parameters depending on your vector data, such as the distance function (e.g., dist_l2sq_ops), index construction parameters, and index search parameters.

CREATE INDEX ON small_world USING hnsw (vector dist_l2sq_ops)  
WITH (M=2, ef_construction=10, ef=4, dim=3);  
SET enable_seqscan = false;  
SELECT id, l2sq_dist(vector, ARRAY[0,0,0]) AS dist  
FROM small_world ORDER BY vector <-> ARRAY[0,0,0] LIMIT 1;  

Note that the operator <-> is intended exclusively for use with index lookups. If you expect to not use the index in a query, just use the distance function directly (e.g. l2sq_dist(v1, v2))

There are four defined operator classes that can be employed during index creation:

  • dist_l2sq_ops: Default for the type real[]
  • dist_vec_l2sq_ops: Default for the type vector
  • dist_cos_ops: Applicable to the type real[]
  • dist_hamming_ops: Applicable for the type integer[]

构造索引参数. The M, ef, and ef_construction parameters control the performance of the HNSW algorithm for your use case.

  • In general, lower M and ef_construction speed up index creation at the cost of recall.
  • Lower M and ef improve search speed and result in fewer shared buffer hits at the cost of recall. Tuning these parameters will require experimentation for your specific use case.


  • Embedding generation for popular use cases (CLIP model, Hugging Face models, custom model)
  • Interoperability with pgvector's data type, so anyone using pgvector can switch to Lantern
  • Parallel index creation via an external indexer
  • Ability to generate the index graph outside of the database server
  • Support for creating the index outside of the database and inside another instance allows you to create an index without interrupting database workflows.
  • See all of our helper functions to better enable your workflows

lantern_extras: AI 功能练习插件, 内置大模型, 可从集市下载模型, 使用大模型转换文本|图像为向量, 加速向量索引build


  • Streaming download of vector embeddings in archived and uncompressed formats
  • Streaming download of various standard vector benchmark datasets
    • SIFT
    • GIST
  • Generation of various various embeddings for data stored in Postgres tables without leaving the database



-- parse the first 41 vectors from the uncompressed .fvecs vector dataset on server machine  
SELECT parse_fvecs('/tmp/rustftp/siftsmall/siftsmall_base.fvecs', 41);  
-- load the first 10k vectors from the uncompressed vector dataset into a table named sift  
SELECT * INTO sift FROM parse_fvecs('/tmp/rustftp/siftsmall/siftsmall_base.fvecs', 10000);  
-- load SIFT dataset ground truth vectors into a table from an online ftp archive  
SELECT query,  
       true_nearest INTO sift_ground  
FROM get_sift_groundtruth('ftp://host/path/to/siftsmall.tar.gz');  
-- generate CLIP embeddings for columns of a postgres table  
SELECT abstract,  
       clip_text(abstract) AS abstract_ai,  
       clip_text(introduction) AS introduction_ai,  
       clip_image(figure1) AS figure1_ai  
INTO papers_augmented  
FROM papers;  

generate embeddings from other models which can be extended

-- generate text embedding  
SELECT text_embedding('BAAI/bge-base-en', 'My text input');  
-- generate image embedding with image url  
SELECT image_embedding('clip/ViT-B-32-visual', 'https://link-to-your-image');  
-- generate image embedding with image path (this path should be accessible from postgres server)  
SELECT image_embedding('clip/ViT-B-32-visual', '/path/to/image/in-postgres-server');  
-- get available list of models  
SELECT get_available_models();  

从集市添加新模型(例如 从onnx下载模型)


To add new textual or visual models for generating vector embeddings you can follow this steps:

1、Find the model onnx file or convert it using optimum-cli. Example

optimum-cli export onnx --model BAAI/bge-base-en onnx/  

2、Host the onnx model

3、Add model information in MODEL_INFO_MAP under lantern_extras/src/

4、Add new image/text processor based on model inputs (you can check existing processors they might match the model) and then add the match arm in process_text or process_image function in EncoderService so it will run corresponding processor for model.

After this your model should be callable from SQL like

SELECT text_embedding('your/model_name', 'Your text');  

lantern_extras的做法是把模型load到本地, 而还有一种是调用api的方法使用远程大模型, 例如在阿里云可以使用plpython3u来调用灵积里面的诸多大模型能力, 玩法参考:

可以在外部并行build 向量索引, 并将build好的索引导入到数据库中, 加速build索引的过程.


Usage: lantern-create-index --uri <URI> --table <TABLE> --column <COLUMN> -m <M> --efc <EFC> --ef <EF> -d <DIMS> --metric-kind <METRIC_KIND> --out <OUT>  
lantern-create-index -u "postgresql://localhost/test" -t "small_world" -c "vec" -m 16 --ef 64 --efc 128 -d 3 --metric-kind cos --out /tmp/index.usearch  

打包 lantern_extras

依赖onnxruntime lib

ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator


《amd64 , 使用Dockerfile+docker build制作PolarDB | PostgreSQL 开源docker镜像, 集成大量插件方便学习, 并推送到阿里云镜像服务》

《arm64 , 使用Dockerfile+docker build制作PolarDB | PostgreSQL 开源docker镜像, 集成大量插件方便学习, 并推送到阿里云镜像服务》

1、arm64 打包

# install pgrx    
cd /tmp  

# 查看依赖pgrx版本? Cargo.toml  pgrx = "=0.11.3"
cargo install --locked --version 0.11.3 cargo-pgrx   
cargo pgrx init  # create PGRX_HOME 后, 立即ctrl^c 退出
cargo pgrx init --pg14=`which pg_config`   # 不用管报警
# build and install lantern_extras     
cd /tmp    
curl -Z --connect-timeout 120 -m 36000 --retry 12000 --retry-delay 5 --retry-max-time 1200 -L -o onnxruntime-linux-aarch64-1.15.1.tgz    
tar -zxvf onnxruntime-linux-aarch64-1.15.1.tgz   
export ORT_STRATEGY=system  
export ORT_LIB_LOCATION=/tmp/onnxruntime-linux-aarch64-1.15.1/lib  
git clone --depth 1    
cd /tmp/lantern_extras    
# 配置cargo config  
vi ~/.cargo/config  
rustflags = ["-C", "link-args=-Wl,-rpath,/tmp/onnxruntime-linux-aarch64-1.15.1/lib"]  
# Postgres symbols won't be available until runtime  
rustflags = ["-Clink-arg=-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup"]  
# replace aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu with your architecture.      
# You can get it by running rustc -vV | sed -n 's|host: ||p'     
# 打包 lantern_extras   
cargo pgrx package --package lantern_extras    
# 安装build index命令行工具:  
cd /tmp/lantern_extras    
cargo install --path lantern_cli
Usage: lantern-cli create-index --uri <URI> --table <TABLE> --column <COLUMN> -m <M> --efc <EFC> --ef <EF> -d <DIMS> --metric-kind <METRIC_KIND> --out <OUT>

root@3501de034e72:/tmp/lantern_extras# /root/.cargo/bin/lantern-cli --help
Usage: lantern-cli <COMMAND>

  create-index         Create external index
  create-embeddings    Create embeddings
  show-models          Show embedding models
  measure-model-speed  Show embedding models
  start-daemon         Start in daemon mode
  help                 Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

打包好之后, 可以拷贝到当前PG 14指定目录, 在容器中安装 lantern_extras .

cp target/release/lantern_extras-pg14/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/lantern_extras.control /usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/    
cp target/release/lantern_extras-pg14/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/lantern_extras--0.0.3.sql /usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/    
cp target/release/lantern_extras-pg14/usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/ $PGHOME/lib/    
create extension lantern_extras;    

2、amd64 打包

# install pgrx    
cd /tmp   
# 查看依赖pgrx版本? Cargo.toml  pgrx = "=0.11.3"
cargo install --locked --version 0.11.3 cargo-pgrx   
cargo pgrx init  # create PGRX_HOME 后, 立即ctrl^c 退出
cargo pgrx init --pg14=`which pg_config`   # 不用管报警  
# build and install lantern_extras     
cd /tmp    
curl -Z --connect-timeout 120 -m 36000 --retry 12000 --retry-delay 5 --retry-max-time 1200 -L -o onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.15.1.tgz    
tar -zxvf onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.15.1.tgz    
export ORT_STRATEGY=system  
export ORT_LIB_LOCATION=/tmp/onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.15.1/lib  
git clone --depth 1    
cd lantern_extras    
# 配置cargo config  
vi ~/.cargo/config  
rustflags = ["-C", "link-args=-Wl,-rpath,/tmp/onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.15.1/lib"]  
# Postgres symbols won't be available until runtime  
rustflags = ["-Clink-arg=-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup"]  
# replace x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu with your architecture.      
# You can get it by running rustc -vV | sed -n 's|host: ||p'     
# 打包 lantern_extras  
cargo pgrx package --package lantern_extras   
# 安装build index命令行工具:  
cd /tmp/lantern_extras    
cargo install --path lantern_cli

打包好之后, 可以拷贝到当前PG 14指定目录, 在容器中安装 lantern_extras .

cp target/release/lantern_extras-pg14/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/lantern_extras.control /usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/    
cp target/release/lantern_extras-pg14/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/lantern_extras--0.0.3.sql /usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/    
cp target/release/lantern_extras-pg14/usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/ $PGHOME/lib/    
create extension lantern_extras;    

3、将编译好的文件拷贝到制作docker image的dir中:

《arm64 , 使用Dockerfile+docker build制作PolarDB | PostgreSQL 开源docker镜像, 集成大量插件方便学习, 并推送到阿里云镜像服务》

《arm64 , 使用Dockerfile+docker build制作PolarDB | PostgreSQL 开源docker镜像, 集成大量插件方便学习, 并推送到阿里云镜像服务》

docker cp pg:/tmp/lantern_extras/target/release/lantern_extras-pg14/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/lantern_extras.control ~/pg14/    
docker cp pg:/tmp/lantern_extras/target/release/lantern_extras-pg14/usr/share/postgresql/14/extension/lantern_extras--0.0.3.sql ~/pg14/    
docker cp pg:/tmp/lantern_extras/target/release/lantern_extras-pg14/usr/lib/postgresql/14/lib/ ~/pg14/    
docker cp pg:/root/.cargo/bin/lantern-cli ~/pg14/    

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