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File metadata and controls

240 lines (180 loc) · 11.5 KB

什么? PostgreSQL大佬tom lane公司crunchydata“模仿”DuckDB创意?






PostgreSQL , PolarDB , DuckDB , bridge , 数据湖 , fdw , crunchydata


DuckDB对于开发者来说确实非常好用, 例如你的数据放在oss, 不需要建表就可以查询, 自动解析各种格式的内容.

如果你要将本地数据写到外部文件或oss中, 使用csv,json,parquet等格式, 也非常的方便. 关键不仅仅方便, 性能还很棒. 看一些例子:

-- read all files with a name ending in ".csv" in the folder "dir"  
SELECT * FROM 'dir/*.csv';  
-- read all files with a name ending in ".csv", two directories deep  
SELECT * FROM '*/*/*.csv';  
-- read all files with a name ending in ".csv", at any depth in the folder "dir"  
SELECT * FROM 'dir/**/*.csv';  
-- read the CSV files 'flights1.csv' and 'flights2.csv'  
SELECT * FROM read_csv(['flights1.csv', 'flights2.csv']);  
-- read the CSV files 'flights1.csv' and 'flights2.csv', unifying schemas by name and outputting a `filename` column  
SELECT * FROM read_csv(['flights1.csv', 'flights2.csv'], union_by_name = true, filename = true);  
-- read a single Parquet file  
SELECT * FROM 'test.parquet';  
-- figure out which columns/types are in a Parquet file  
DESCRIBE SELECT * FROM 'test.parquet';  
-- create a table from a Parquet file  
CREATE TABLE test AS SELECT * FROM 'test.parquet';  
-- if the file does not end in ".parquet", use the read_parquet function  
SELECT * FROM read_parquet('test.parq');  
-- use list parameter to read 3 Parquet files and treat them as a single table  
SELECT * FROM read_parquet(['file1.parquet', 'file2.parquet', 'file3.parquet']);  
-- read all files that match the glob pattern  
SELECT * FROM 'test/*.parquet';  
-- read all files that match the glob pattern, and include a "filename" column  
-- that specifies which file each row came from  
SELECT * FROM read_parquet('test/*.parquet', filename = true);  
-- use a list of globs to read all Parquet files from 2 specific folders  
SELECT * FROM read_parquet(['folder1/*.parquet', 'folder2/*.parquet']);  
-- read over https  
SELECT * FROM read_parquet('https://some.url/some_file.parquet');  
-- query the metadata of a Parquet file  
SELECT * FROM parquet_metadata('test.parquet');  
-- query the schema of a Parquet file  
SELECT * FROM parquet_schema('test.parquet');  
-- write the results of a query to a Parquet file using the default compression (Snappy)  
    (SELECT * FROM tbl)  
    TO 'result-snappy.parquet'  
    (FORMAT 'parquet');  
-- write the results from a query to a Parquet file with specific compression and row group size  
    (FROM generate_series(100_000))  
    TO 'test.parquet'  
    (FORMAT 'parquet', COMPRESSION 'zstd', ROW_GROUP_SIZE 100_000);  
-- export the table contents of the entire database as parquet  
EXPORT DATABASE 'target_directory' (FORMAT PARQUET);  
FROM 's3://my-bucket/file.parquet';  
COPY table TO 's3://my-bucket/partitioned' (  
    PARTITION_BY (part_col_a, part_col_b)  

是不是很丝滑? 这不PostgreSQL大佬tom lane所在的crunchydata都在模仿duckdb的创意, crunchydata的云产品 bridge的一些功能, 不说完全像吧, 但是给开发者带来的体验是朝着一个方向去的.



不需要指定列名称和类型!对于 Parquet 文件,如果您将列定义留空,将直接从文件元数据推断架构。

-- create a table from a Parquet file, column definitions can be empty  
create foreign table hits ()  
server crunchy_lake_analytics  
options (path 's3://mybucket/hits.parquet');  
\d hits        
│        Column         │           Type           │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default │  
│ watchid               │ bigint                   │           │          │         │  
│ javaenable            │ smallint                 │           │          │         │  
│ title                 │ text                     │           │          │         │  
│ goodevent             │ smallint                 │           │          │         │  
-- count ~100M rows  
select count(*) from hits;  
│  count   │  
│ 99997497 │  
(1 row)  
Time: 55.530 ms  


Bridge for Analytics 利用范围请求来加速 Parquet 文件的查询。在后台,文件还将自动缓存在 NVMe 驱动器上,以提高性能。下载完成后,查询速度将变得更快。


-- Run a query on a ~100M row Parquet file in S3  
select AdvEngineID, count(*) from hits where AdvEngineID <> 0  
group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 5;  
│ advengineid │ count  │  
│           2 │ 404602 │  
│          27 │ 113167 │  
│          13 │  45631 │  
│          45 │  38960 │  
│          44 │   9730 │  
(5 rows)  
Time: 317.460 ms  

查询结合使用 PostgreSQL 执行器和分析查询引擎。这样,所有 SQL 查询都受支持(包括与常规 PostgreSQL 表的联接),但无法下推到分析引擎的查询可能会更慢。使用 Parquet 时,由于其列式格式和压缩,您最有可能会看到性能优势。

-- Add a file to the cache, or wait for background caching to be done.  
select * from crunchy_file_cache.add('s3://mybucket/hits.parquet');  
-- Run a query on a ~100M row Parquet file in cache  
select AdvEngineID, count(*) from hits where AdvEngineID <> 0  
group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 5;  
│ advengineid │ count  │  
│           2 │ 404602 │  
│          27 │ 113167 │  
│          13 │  45631 │  
│          45 │  38960 │  
│          44 │   9730 │  
(5 rows)  
Time: 90.109 ms  

为了方便导入/导出,crunchydata 修改了copycreate table命令(通过扩展)以接受 URL 并添加新格式。可以使用 copy .. to/from 's3://…'和指定格式(csv、parquet、json)和压缩(none、gzip、zstd、snappy)。默认情况下,格式和压缩是根据文件扩展名推断的。还可以 create table使用该load_from选项直接在语句中加载文件,或者definition_from (如果您只需要列定义)。

下面这些操作是不是有点眼熟, 和DuckDB像极了, 特别顺滑.

-- Create a temporary table from compressed JSON  
create temp table log_input ()  
with (load_from = 's3://mybucket/logs/20240101.json', compression = 'zstd');  
-- Alternatively, only infer columns and load data separately using the copy command  
create temp table log_input ()  
with (definition_from = 's3://mybucket/logs/20240101.json', compression = 'zstd');  
copy log_input from 's3://mybucket/logs/20240101.json' WITH (compression 'zstd');  
copy log_input from 's3://mybucket/logs/20240102.json' WITH (compression 'zstd');  
-- Clean the input and insert into a heap table  
insert into log_errors  
select event_time, code, message from log_input where level = 'ERROR';  
-- Export query result to a Parquet file, compressed using snappy by default  
copy (  
  select date_trunc('minute', event_time), code, count(*)  
  from log_errors where event_time between '2024-01-01' and '2024-01-02'  
  group by 1, 2  
) to 's3://mybucket/summaries/log_errors/20240101.parquet';  


$ psql  
-- Import a compressed newline-delimited JSON file from local disk  
\copy data from '/tmp/data.json.gz' with (format 'json', compression 'gzip')  
-- Export a Parquet file to local disk  
\copy data to '/tmp/data.parquet' with (format 'parquet')  
-- Note: always specify format & compression when using \copy in psql, because the  
-- local file extension is not visible to the server.  

结合pg_cron插件, 可以定时对历史数据进行转储, 放到oss等对象存储以parquet格式存放.

回顾Bridge for Analytics示例语法:

  • 从对象存储中的 Parquet/CSV/JSON 文件创建分析表: CREATE FOREIGN TABLE data () SERVER crunchy_lake_analytics OPTIONS (path 's3://mybucket/data/*.parquet');
  • 从文件创建常规表并立即加载数据: CREATE TABLE data () WITH (load_from = 's3://mybucket/data.csv.gz');
  • 创建一个常规表,其列基于文件: CREATE TABLE data () WITH (definition_from = 's3://mybucket/data.json');
  • 将数据加载到常规表中:COPY data FROM 's3://mybucket/data.parquet';
  • 将表导出到文件: COPY data TO 's3://mybucket/data.csv.zst' WITH (header);
  • 将查询结果保存到文件中: COPY (SELECT * FROM data JOIN dim USING (id)) TO 's3://mybucket/joined.json.gz';
  • ParquetJSON 格式导入/导出本地文件: \copy data TO 'data.parquet' WITH (format 'parquet')

Bridge for Analytics的目标是为您提供一把与数据湖交互的瑞士军刀。将本地数据与 Parquet未压缩/gzip/zstd/snappy)、CSV未压缩/gzip/zstd)和换行符分隔的 JSON未压缩/gzip/zstd)一起使用.

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