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Milestone 09 - Integration

No due date 100% complete

This milestones covers the integrations of the following components to run a two party payment channel node using the following backends:

  1. Ethereum as blockchain backend.
  2. Keystore wallets for key management.
  3. Yaml file as contacts provider.
  4. TCP adapters for off-chain communciation.
  5. Ether as the currency (in ganache-cli).

This milestones covers the integrations of the following components to run a two party payment channel node using the following backends:

  1. Ethereum as blockchain backend.
  2. Keystore wallets for key management.
  3. Yaml file as contacts provider.
  4. TCP adapters for off-chain communciation.
  5. Ether as the currency (in ganache-cli).

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