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47 lines (34 loc) · 1.19 KB

File metadata and controls

47 lines (34 loc) · 1.19 KB


So excited to have you here! If you want any guidance whatsoever, don't hesitate to reach out on Discord!

Run the tests

The first step is clone DisCoPy and install it locally.

git clone
cd discopy
pip install .

Then you should check you haven't broken anything by running the test suite:

pip install ".[test]"
pycodestyle discopy
coverage run -m pytest
coverage report -m --fail-under=99

Build the docs

You can build the documentation locally with sphinx:

pip install ".[docs]"
sphinx-build docs docs/_build/html

Release a version

New versions (tag with 'X.X.X') of the package are released on PyPI using twine. You should run the following commands from a clean clone of the repo:

pip install twine
pip install 'build<0.10.0'
git tag X.X.X
git push origin --tags
python -m build
twine upload dist/*

Finally, create a release for the newly created tag.