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An Interaction is the message that your application receives when a user uses an application command or a message component.

For Slash Commands, it includes the values that the user submitted.

For User Commands and Message Commands, it includes the resolved user or message on which the action was taken.

For Message Components it includes identifying information about the component that was used. It will also include some metadata about how the interaction was triggered: the guild_id, channel, member and other fields. You can find all the values in our data models below.

Interaction Object

Interaction Structure
Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of the interaction
application_id snowflake ID of the application this interaction is for
type interaction type Type of interaction
data?* interaction data Interaction data payload
guild_id? snowflake Guild that the interaction was sent from
channel? partial channel object Channel that the interaction was sent from
channel_id? snowflake Channel that the interaction was sent from
member?** guild member object Guild member data for the invoking user, including permissions
user? user object User object for the invoking user, if invoked in a DM
token string Continuation token for responding to the interaction
version integer Read-only property, always 1
message? message object For components, the message they were attached to
app_permissions? string Bitwise set of permissions the app or bot has within the channel the interaction was sent from
locale?*** string Selected language of the invoking user
guild_locale? string Guild's preferred locale, if invoked in a guild
entitlements array of entitlement objects For monetized apps, any entitlements for the invoking user, representing access to premium SKUs

* This is always present on application command, message component, and modal submit interaction types. It is optional for future-proofing against new interaction types

** member is sent when the interaction is invoked in a guild, and user is sent when invoked in a DM

*** This is available on all interaction types except PING

Interaction Type
Name Value
Interaction Data

While the data field is guaranteed to be present for all interaction types besides PING, its structure will vary. The following tables detail the inner data payload for each interaction type.

Application Command Data Structure


Field Type Description
id snowflake the ID of the invoked command
name string the name of the invoked command
type integer the type of the invoked command
resolved? resolved data converted users + roles + channels + attachments
options?* array of application command interaction data option the params + values from the user
guild_id? snowflake the id of the guild the command is registered to
target_id? snowflake id of the user or message targeted by a user or message command

* This can be partial when in response to APPLICATION_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETE

Message Component Data Structure
Field Type Description
custom_id string the custom_id of the component
component_type integer the type of the component
values?* array of select option values values the user selected in a select menu component

* This is always present for select menu components

Modal Submit Data Structure
Field Type Description
custom_id string the custom_id of the modal
components array of message components the values submitted by the user
Resolved Data Structure

info If data for a Member is included, data for its corresponding User will also be included.

Field Type Description
users? Map of Snowflakes to user objects the ids and User objects
members?* Map of Snowflakes to partial member objects the ids and partial Member objects
roles? Map of Snowflakes to role objects the ids and Role objects
channels?** Map of Snowflakes to partial channel objects the ids and partial Channel objects
messages? Map of Snowflakes to partial messages objects the ids and partial Message objects
attachments? Map of Snowflakes to attachment objects the ids and attachment objects

* Partial Member objects are missing user, deaf and mute fields

** Partial Channel objects only have id, name, type and permissions fields. Threads will also have thread_metadata and parent_id fields.

Application Command Interaction Data Option Structure

All options have names, and an option can either be a parameter and input value--in which case value will be set--or it can denote a subcommand or group--in which case it will contain a top-level key and another array of options.

value and options are mutually exclusive.

Field Type Description
name string Name of the parameter
type integer Value of application command option type
value? string, integer, double, or boolean Value of the option resulting from user input
options? array of application command interaction data option Present if this option is a group or subcommand
focused? boolean true if this option is the currently focused option for autocomplete

Message Interaction Object

This is sent on the message object when the message is a response to an Interaction without an existing message.

info This means responses to Message Components do not include this property, instead including a message reference object as components always exist on preexisting messages.

Message Interaction Structure
Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of the interaction
type interaction type Type of interaction
name string Name of the application command, including subcommands and subcommand groups
user user object User who invoked the interaction
member? partial member object Member who invoked the interaction in the guild

Interactions and Bot Users

We're all used to the way that Discord bots have worked for a long time. You make an application in the developer portal with a bot user, then use that bot's token to connect to the Gateway and make requests to Discord's API.

Interactions bring something entirely new to the table: the ability to interact with an application without relying on a bot token. As you read through this documentation, you'll see that bot tokens are only referenced as a helpful alternative to doing a client credentials auth flow. Responding to interactions does not require a bot token.

In many cases, you may still need to use a bot token. If you need to receive gateway events, or need to interact with other parts of our API (like fetching a guild, or a channel, or updating permissions on a user), those actions are all still tied to having a bot token.

Welcome to the new world.

Receiving an Interaction

When a user interacts with your app, your app will receive an Interaction. Your app can receive an interaction in one of two ways:

These two methods are mutually exclusive; you can only receive Interactions one of the two ways. The INTERACTION_CREATE Gateway Event may be handled by connected clients, while the webhook method detailed below does not require a connected client.

In your application in the Developer Portal, there is a field on the main page called "Interactions Endpoint URL". If you want to receive Interactions via outgoing webhook, you can set your URL in this field. In order for the URL to be valid, you must be prepared for two things ahead of time:

info These steps are only necessary for webhook-based Interactions. It is not required for receiving them over the gateway.

  1. Your endpoint must be prepared to ACK a PING message
  2. Your endpoint must be set up to properly handle signature headers--more on that in Security and Authorization

If either of these are not complete, we will not validate your URL and it will fail to save.

When you attempt to save a URL, we will send a POST request to that URL with a PING payload. The PING payload has a type: 1. So, to properly ACK the payload, return a 200 response with a payload of type: 1:

@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def my_command():
    if request.json["type"] == 1:
        return jsonify({
            "type": 1

You'll also need to properly set up Security and Authorization on your endpoint for the URL to be accepted. Once both of those are complete and your URL has been saved, you can start receiving Interactions via webhook! At this point, your app will no longer receive Interactions over the gateway. If you want to receive them over the gateway again, simply delete your URL.

An Interaction includes metadata to aid your application in handling it as well as data specific to the interaction type. You can find samples for each interaction type on their respective pages:

An explanation of all the fields can be found in our data models.

Now that you've gotten the data from the user, it's time to respond to them.

Responding to an Interaction

Interactions--both receiving and responding--are webhooks under the hood. So responding to an Interaction is just like sending a webhook request!

There are a number of ways you can respond to an interaction:

Interaction Response Object

Interaction Response Structure
Field Type Description
type interaction callback type the type of response
data? interaction callback data an optional response message
Interaction Callback Type
Name Value Description
PONG 1 ACK a Ping
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE 4 respond to an interaction with a message
DEFERRED_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE 5 ACK an interaction and edit a response later, the user sees a loading state
DEFERRED_UPDATE_MESSAGE* 6 for components, ACK an interaction and edit the original message later; the user does not see a loading state
UPDATE_MESSAGE* 7 for components, edit the message the component was attached to
APPLICATION_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETE_RESULT 8 respond to an autocomplete interaction with suggested choices
MODAL** 9 respond to an interaction with a popup modal
PREMIUM_REQUIRED** 10 respond to an interaction with an upgrade button, only available for apps with monetization enabled

* Only valid for component-based interactions

** Not available for MODAL_SUBMIT and PING interactions.

Interaction Callback Data Structure

Not all message fields are currently supported.

Field Type Description
tts? boolean is the response TTS
content? string message content
embeds? array of embeds supports up to 10 embeds
allowed_mentions? allowed mentions allowed mentions object
flags? integer message flags combined as a bitfield (only SUPPRESS_EMBEDS and EPHEMERAL can be set)
components? array of components message components
attachments? * array of partial attachment objects attachment objects with filename and description

* See Uploading Files for details.

Field Type Description
choices array of choices autocomplete choices (max of 25 choices)

warn Support for components in modals is currently limited to type 4 (Text Input).

Field Type Description
custom_id string a developer-defined identifier for the modal, max 100 characters
title string the title of the popup modal, max 45 characters
components array of components between 1 and 5 (inclusive) components that make up the modal

warn While interaction responses and followups are webhooks, they respect @everyone's ability to ping @everyone / @here . Nonetheless if your application responds with user data, you should still use allowed_mentions to filter which mentions in the content actually ping. Other differences include the ability to send named links in the message content ([text](url)).

When responding to an interaction received via webhook, your server can simply respond to the received POST request. You'll want to respond with a 200 status code (if everything went well), as well as specifying a type and data, which is an Interaction Response object:

@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def my_command():
    if request.json["type"] == 1:
        return jsonify({
            "type": 1

        return jsonify({
            "type": 4,
            "data": {
                "tts": False,
                "content": "Congrats on sending your command!",
                "embeds": [],
                "allowed_mentions": { "parse": [] }

If you are receiving Interactions over the gateway, you will also need to respond via HTTP. Responses to Interactions are not sent as commands over the gateway.

To respond to a gateway Interaction, make a POST request like this. interaction_id is the unique id of that individual Interaction from the received payload. interaction_token is the unique token for that interaction from the received payload. This endpoint is only valid for Interactions received over the gateway. Otherwise, respond to the POST request to issue an initial response.

import requests

url = "<interaction_id>/<interaction_token>/callback"

json = {
    "type": 4,
    "data": {
        "content": "Congrats on sending your command!"
r =, json=json)

info Interaction tokens are valid for 15 minutes and can be used to send followup messages but you must send an initial response within 3 seconds of receiving the event. If the 3 second deadline is exceeded, the token will be invalidated.

Followup Messages

Sometimes, your bot will want to send followup messages to a user after responding to an interaction. Or, you may want to edit your original response. Whether you receive Interactions over the gateway or by outgoing webhook, you can use the following endpoints to edit your initial response or send followup messages:

info Interactions webhooks share the same rate limit properties as normal webhooks.

Interaction tokens are valid for 15 minutes, meaning you can respond to an interaction within that amount of time.

Security and Authorization

info Check out our Community Resources for libraries to help you with security in your language of choice.

The internet is a scary place, especially for people hosting open, unauthenticated endpoints. If you are receiving Interactions via outgoing webhook, there are some security steps you must take before your app is eligible to receive requests.

Every Interaction is sent with the following headers:

  • X-Signature-Ed25519 as a signature
  • X-Signature-Timestamp as a timestamp

Using your favorite security library, you must validate the request each time you receive an interaction. If the signature fails validation, respond with a 401 error code. Here's a couple code examples:

const nacl = require("tweetnacl");

// Your public key can be found on your application in the Developer Portal

const signature = req.get("X-Signature-Ed25519");
const timestamp = req.get("X-Signature-Timestamp");
const body = req.rawBody; // rawBody is expected to be a string, not raw bytes

const isVerified = nacl.sign.detached.verify(
    Buffer.from(timestamp + body),
    Buffer.from(signature, "hex"),
    Buffer.from(PUBLIC_KEY, "hex")

if (!isVerified) {
    return res.status(401).end("invalid request signature");
from nacl.signing import VerifyKey
from nacl.exceptions import BadSignatureError

# Your public key can be found on your application in the Developer Portal

verify_key = VerifyKey(bytes.fromhex(PUBLIC_KEY))

signature = request.headers["X-Signature-Ed25519"]
timestamp = request.headers["X-Signature-Timestamp"]
body ="utf-8")

    verify_key.verify(f'{timestamp}{body}'.encode(), bytes.fromhex(signature))
except BadSignatureError:
    abort(401, 'invalid request signature')

If you are not properly validating this signature header, we will not allow you to save your interactions URL in the Dev Portal. We will also do automated, routine security checks against your endpoint, including purposefully sending you invalid signatures. If you fail the validation, we will remove your interactions URL in the future and alert you via email and System DM.

We highly recommend checking out our Community Resources and the libraries found there. They not only provide typing for Interactions data models, but also include decorators for API frameworks like Flask and Express to make validation easy.


info The endpoints below are not bound to the application's Global Rate Limit.

Create Interaction Response % POST /interactions/{}/{interaction.token#DOCS_INTERACTIONS_RECEIVING_AND_RESPONDING/interaction-object}/callback

Create a response to an Interaction from the gateway. Body is an interaction response. Returns 204 No Content.

This endpoint also supports file attachments similar to the webhook endpoints. Refer to Uploading Files for details on uploading files and multipart/form-data requests.

Get Original Interaction Response % GET /webhooks/{}/{interaction.token#DOCS_INTERACTIONS_RECEIVING_AND_RESPONDING/interaction-object}/messages/@original

Returns the initial Interaction response. Functions the same as Get Webhook Message.

Edit Original Interaction Response % PATCH /webhooks/{}/{interaction.token#DOCS_INTERACTIONS_RECEIVING_AND_RESPONDING/interaction-object}/messages/@original

Edits the initial Interaction response. Functions the same as Edit Webhook Message.

Delete Original Interaction Response % DELETE /webhooks/{}/{interaction.token#DOCS_INTERACTIONS_RECEIVING_AND_RESPONDING/interaction-object}/messages/@original

Deletes the initial Interaction response. Returns 204 No Content on success.

Create Followup Message % POST /webhooks/{}/{interaction.token#DOCS_INTERACTIONS_RECEIVING_AND_RESPONDING/interaction-object}

Create a followup message for an Interaction. Functions the same as Execute Webhook, but wait is always true. The thread_id, avatar_url, and username parameters are not supported when using this endpoint for interaction followups.

flags can be set to 64 to mark the message as ephemeral, except when it is the first followup message to a deferred Interactions Response. In that case, the flags field will be ignored, and the ephemerality of the message will be determined by the flags value in your original ACK.

Get Followup Message % GET /webhooks/{}/{interaction.token#DOCS_INTERACTIONS_RECEIVING_AND_RESPONDING/interaction-object}/messages/{}

Returns a followup message for an Interaction. Functions the same as Get Webhook Message.

Edit Followup Message % PATCH /webhooks/{}/{interaction.token#DOCS_INTERACTIONS_RECEIVING_AND_RESPONDING/interaction-object}/messages/{}

Edits a followup message for an Interaction. Functions the same as Edit Webhook Message.

Delete Followup Message % DELETE /webhooks/{}/{interaction.token#DOCS_INTERACTIONS_RECEIVING_AND_RESPONDING/interaction-object}/messages/{}

Deletes a followup message for an Interaction. Returns 204 No Content on success.