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tty-lean.js is a fork of Christopher Jeffrey's tty.js, aimed at reducing the feature set to produce a more robust terminal.

tty.js is great, but sometimes you just need a terminal that works behind a reverse-proxy over dodgy wifi.


  • Tabs for your maximized Terminal window
  • Screen/Tmux-like keys (optional)
  • Ability to efficiently render programs: vim, mc, irssi, vifm, etc.
  • Support for xterm mouse events
  • 256 color support
  • Persistent sessions


$ npm install tty-lean.js


Configuration is stored in ~/.tty-lean.js/config.json or ~/.tty-lean.js as a single JSON file. An example configuration file looks like:

  "https": {
    "key": "./server.key",
    "cert": "./server.crt"
  "port": 8080,
  "hostname": "",
  "shell": "sh",
  "shellArgs": ["arg1", "arg2"],
  "static": "./static",
  "limitGlobal": 10000,
  "limitPerUser": 1000,
  "localOnly": false,
  "cwd": ".",
  "syncSession": false,
  "sessionTimeout": 600000,
  "log": true,
  "io": { "log": false },
  "debug": false,
  "term": {
    "termName": "xterm",
    "geometry": [80, 24],
    "scrollback": 1000,
    "visualBell": false,
    "popOnBell": false,
    "cursorBlink": false,
    "screenKeys": false,
    "colors": [

256 colors

If tty-lean.js fails to check your terminfo properly, you can force your TERM to xterm-256color by setting "termName": "xterm-256color" in your config.


Unlike tty.js, tty-lean.js doesn't handle authorization internally.

Typical deployment options:


  • tty-lean.js --port 3000 - start and bind to port 3000.
  • tty-lean.js --socket tty-lean.sock - start and bind to Unix socket.
  • tty-lean.js --config ~/my-config.json - specify config file.

Contribution and License Agreement

If you contribute code to this project, you are implicitly allowing your code to be distributed under the MIT license. You are also implicitly verifying that all code is your original work. </legalese>


MIT. See COPYING for details.