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159 lines (111 loc) · 6.96 KB


create database BDHS_PROJECT;


Creating tables

create table STOCK_PRICES ( Trading_date date, Symbol varchar(21), Open double, Close double, Low double, High double, Volume int ); image

create table STOCK_COMPANIES ( Symbol varchar(21), Company_name varchar(21), Sector varchar(21), Sub_industry varchar(21), Headquarter varchar(21) );


Loading data in tables

SET GLOBAL local_infile=1;

load data local infile '/home/saif/LFS/cohort_c9/datasets/NYSE/StockPrices.csv' into table STOCK_PRICES fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n';


load data local infile '/home/saif/LFS/cohort_c9/datasets/NYSE/Stockcompanies.csv' into table STOCK_COMPANIES fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n';


Now import the data from mysql using sqoop to hive

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/SEDA_database --username root --password-file file:///home/saif/LFS/cohort_c9/envvar/sqoop.pwd
--delete-target-dir --table STOCK_COMPANIES --hive-import --hive-database stockanalysis -m 1

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/SEDA_database --username root --password-file file:///home/saif/LFS/cohort_c9/envvar/sqoop.pwd
--delete-target-dir --table STOCK_PRICES -–hive-import --hive-database stockanalysis --m 1

Create a new hive table by joining the above 2 hive tables

create table stock_data as select trading_year,trading_month, sc.symbol, company_name,headquarter state, sector, sub_industry, open, close, low, high, volume from stock_companies sc,(select symbol, year(trading_date) trading_year, month(trading_date) trading_month,round(avg(open),2) open, round(avg(close),2) close, round(avg(low),2) low,round(avg(high),2) high, round(avg(volume),2) volumefrom stock_prices group by symbol, month(trading_date),year(trading_date)) sp where sc.symbol=sp.symbol;

1)Find the top five companies that are good for investment Step

step 1: Create a temp table with required data for analysis

create table company_horizon as select company_name, min(trading_year) min, max(trading_year) max, min(trading_month) min_month, max(trading_month) max_month from stock_data group by company_name;

Step 2: Alalyze based on the data in temp table created to identify the growth of a company.

Find the top five companies that are good for investment

select stock_start.company_name,((close-open)/open)*100 growth_percent from (select chv.company_name, open from stock_data sd, company_horizon chv where sd.trading_year = chv.min and sd.trading_month = chv.min_month and sd.company_name = chv.company_name) stock_start,
(select chv.company_name,close from stock_data sd, company_horizon chv where sd.trading_year = chv.max and sd.trading_month = chv.max_month and sd.company_name = chv.company_name) stock_end where stock_start.company_name = stock_end.company_name sort by growth_percent desc limit 5;


2)Show the best-growing industry by each state, having at least two or more industries mapped

step 1:

create table company_growth as select state, sub_industry, stock_start.company_name, ((*100 growth_percent from (select chv.company_name,open
from stock_data sd, company_horizon chv where sd.trading_year=chv.min and
sd.trading_month=chv.min_month and sd.company_name=chv.company_name)stock_start,
(select chv.company_name, close from stock_data sd, company_horizon chv where sd.trading_year=chv.max and
sd.trading_month=chv.max_month and sd.company_name=chv.company_name)stock_end,
(select company_name, state, sub_industry from stock_data
group by company_name,state,sub_industry)sd where (>0 and
stock_start.company_name=stock_end.company_name and sd.company_name=stock_start.company_name;

step 2:

create table industry_growth as select state,sub_industry, avg(growth_percent) ind_growth from company_growth group by state, sub_industry ;

step 3:

select ig.state, sub_industry, ind_growth from industry_growth ig, (select state,max(ind_growth) max_growth
from industry_growth group by state) inn_ig where inn_ig.state = ig.state and ig.ind_growth = inn_ig.max_growth;


3)For each sector find the following.

-Worst year
-Best year
-Stable year

step 1:

create table sector_growth as select open.sector, open.trading_year,(close-open) growth from (select sector,trading_year,avg(open) open from stock_data where trading_month = 1 group by sector,trading_year) open, (select sector,trading_year,avg(close) close from stock_data where trading_month=12 group by sector,trading_year) close where open.sector = close.sector and
open.trading_year = close.trading_year;

step 2:

For the worst trading year by sector

select x.sector,x.trading_year,x.growth from sector_growth x, (select sector,min(growth) growth from sector_growth
group by sector) y where x.sector=y.sector and x.growth=y.growth;

For the best trading year by sector:

select x.sector,x.trading_year,x.growth from sector_growth x,(select sector,max(growth) growth
from sector_growth group by sector) ywhere x.sector=y.sector and x.growth=y.growth;

For the stable year by sector

select x.sector,x.trading_year,round(x.growth,0) from sector_growth x,(select sector,round(avg(growth),0) growth
from sector_growth group by sector) y where x.sector=y.sector and x.growth=y.growth;