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185 lines (108 loc) · 6.14 KB


File metadata and controls

185 lines (108 loc) · 6.14 KB


django-import-export is open-source and, as such, grows (or shrinks) & improves in part due to the community. Below are some guidelines on how to help with the project.

By contributing you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.


  • django-import-export is BSD-licensed. All contributed code must be either
    • the original work of the author, contributed under the BSD, or...
    • work taken from another project released under a BSD-compatible license.
  • GPL'd (or similar) works are not eligible for inclusion.
  • django-import-export's git main branch should always be stable, production-ready & passing all tests.


Please check the :ref:`common issues <common_issues>` section of the :doc:`FAQ <faq>` to see if your question already has an answer.

For general questions about usage, we recommend posting to Stack Overflow, using the django-import-export tag. Please search existing answers to see if any match your problem. If not, post a new question including as much relevant detail as you can. See how to ask for more details.

For questions about the internals of the library, please raise an issue and use the 'question' workflow.

  • First check to see if there is an existing issue which answers your question.
  • Remember to include as much detail as you can so that your question is answered in a timely manner.

Guidelines For Reporting An Issue/Feature

So you've found a bug or have a great idea for a feature. Here are the steps you should take to help get it added/fixed in django-import-export:

  • First, check to see if there's an existing issue or pull request for the bug/feature.
  • If there isn't one there, please file an issue. The ideal report includes:
    • A description of the problem/suggestion.
    • How to recreate the bug.
    • If relevant, including the versions of your:
      • Python interpreter
      • Django
      • tablib version
      • django-import-export
      • Optionally any of the other dependencies involved
    • Ideally, creating a pull request with a (failing) test case demonstrating what's wrong. This makes it easy for us to reproduce and fix the problem.

Guidelines For Contributing Code

If you're ready to take the plunge and contribute back some code or documentation please consider the following:

  • Search existing issues and PRs to see if there are already any similar proposals.
  • For substantial changes, we recommend raising a question first so that we can offer any advice or pointers based on previous experience.

The process should look like:

  • Fork the project on GitHub into your own account.
  • Clone your copy of django-import-export.
  • Make a new branch in git & commit your changes there.
  • Push your new branch up to GitHub.
  • Again, ensure there isn't already an issue or pull request out there on it.
    • If there is and you feel you have a better fix, please take note of the issue number and mention it in your pull request.
  • Create a new pull request (based on your branch), including what the problem/feature is, versions of your software and referencing any related issues/pull requests.
  • We recommend setting up your editor to automatically indicate non-conforming styles (see Development).

In order to be merged into django-import-export, contributions must have the following:

  • A solid patch that:
    • is clear.
    • works across all supported versions of Python/Django.
    • follows the existing style of the code base (mostly PEP-8).
    • comments included as needed to explain why the code functions as it does
  • A test case that demonstrates the previous flaw that now passes with the included patch.
  • If it adds/changes a public API, it must also include documentation for those changes.
  • Must be appropriately licensed (see Philosophy).
  • Adds yourself to the AUTHORS file.

If your contribution lacks any of these things, they will have to be added by a core contributor before being merged into django-import-export proper, which may take substantial time for the all-volunteer team to get to.



  • All files should be formatted using the black auto-formatter. This will be run by pre-commit if configured.

  • The project repository includes an .editorconfig file. We recommend using a text editor with EditorConfig support to avoid indentation and whitespace issues.

  • We allow up to 88 characters as this is the line length used by black. This check is included when you run flake8. Documentation, comments, and docstrings should be wrapped at 79 characters, even though PEP 8 suggests 72.

  • To install pre-commit:

    python -m pip install pre-commit

    Then run:

    pre-commit install
  • If using git blame, you can ignore commits which made large changes to the code base, such as reformatting. Run this command from the base project directory:

    git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs

Create virtual environment

Once you have cloned and checked out the repository, you can install a new development environment as follows:

python -m venv django-import-export-venv
source django-import-export-venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/base.txt -r requirements/test.txt

Run tests

You can run the test suite with:

make clean test

Build documentation

To build a local version of the documentation:

pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
make build-html-doc

The documentation will be present in docs/_build/html/index.html.