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File metadata and controls

70 lines (44 loc) · 1.67 KB

Setting up the development environment

Fork the repository and run:

$ git clone<username>/django-oscar.git
$ cd django-oscar
$ mkvirtualenv oscar  # needs virtualenvwrapper
$ make install

If using Ubuntu, the python3-dev package is required for some packages to compile.

The :doc:`sandbox </internals/sandbox>` site can be used to examine changes locally. It is easily created by running:

$ make sandbox

JPEG Support

On Ubuntu, you need to install a few libraries to get JPEG support with Pillow:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev

If you already installed PIL (you did if you ran make install previously), reinstall it:

$ pip uninstall Pillow
$ pip install Pillow

Creating migrations

As the sandbox is a vanilla Oscar site, it is what we use to build migrations against:

$ make sandbox
$ sandbox/ makemigrations

Writing SCSS/CSS

Oscar's CSS files are built using SASS.

If you want to develop the SCSS files, run:

npm run watch

Which will watch for and compile changes to the source files into output CSS.

You can manually compile static assets files by running:

npm run build

Testing migrations

To test the migrations against PostgreSQL you will need to set up an environment with both installed and do the following:

  1. Change to sandbox folder and activate your virtualenv

  2. Run helper script:


This will recreate the Oscar database in PostgreSQL and rebuild it using migrate.