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Oscar 1.1 release notes


Welcome to Oscar 1.1, or the "Bootstrap 3" release. We also squashed many bugs that were reported in the last seven months, and managed to shed a lot of compatibility helpers when Django 1.6 support was removed.

Table of contents:

Oscar 1.1 is compatible with Django 1.7 and 1.8 as well as Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4. Support for Django 1.6, and hence South for migrations, has been removed.

  • The frontend and backend templates have been updated to use Bootstrap 3 instead of version 2 (#1576). The frontend and backend templates are now also independent of each other.
  • Category slug, name and URL handling has been refactored to make it easier to translate categories, and to be able to edit slugs independent of names.
  • The icon and caption of django-tables2 tables can be set directly on the Table object, if it derives from :class:`~oscar.apps.dashboard.tables.DashboardTable`. The caption can be localised in singular and plural. (#1482)
  • Oscar now ships with basic ElasticSearch support. OSCAR_PRODUCT_SEARCH_HANDLER has been introduced to more easily set the search backend.
  • The offer models can now also be customised the same way as was already possible for the other apps.
  • The test suite is now run with the glorious pytest.

Minor changes

  • The Order.date_placed field can now be set explicitly rather than using the auto_now_add behaviour (#1558).
  • The settings OSCAR_BASKET_COOKIE_SECURE and OSCAR_RECENTLY_VIEWED_COOKIE_SECURE are introduced to set the secure flag on the relevant cookies.
  • Previously, all views handled in Oscar's Application class were decorated with the permissions_required decorator. That decorator would not do anything if used with an empty set of permissions. But it was raised as an issue, and now views not requiring permissions are not decorated at all.
  • Properly redirect users to the checkout page after a guest user created an account.
  • OSCAR_SEARCH_FACETS now accepts collections.OrderedDict.
  • Oscar now supports varying the tax rate per product.
  • Product class options and attributes can now be edited in the dashboard.
  • All ModelForm subclasses now specify the fields meta attribute instead of the excludes list.

Categories refactor

The Category model contained two denormalisations to improve performance: it stored the name of the category and it's ancestors in full_name, and the slug field did not just contain the category's slug, but also the ones of its ancestors.

This came with several drawbacks: it was fiddly to move and update categories, as one had to ensure to update parts of the entire category tree. It also made it trickier to add model-level translation to categories.

A refactoring removed the denormalisations leading to much simpler logic, and a light sprinkle of caching for the URLs hopefully leads to a performance net positive. But unfortunately it did come with some changes:

  • Category slug handling is changed. Historically, Oscar always updated the slug when the name changed. Now a slug is only created if no slug is given, and an existing slug is never overridden. This means that you can freely change the slugs, and a name change will not change the category's URL.
  • The full_name field has been removed and been replaced by a full_name property. Accessing that property incurs one database query to fetch the ancestors.
  • Category.get_absolute_url is now naively cached, as it's more costly to generate the URL than before. But as ProductCategoryView, the view returned in get_absolute_url only considers the primary key and not the slug, even a stale cache should lead to the correct category page. But if you have altered that logic, please be sure to investigate.

Those changes unfortunately do mean a data migration to update the slugs which must be run. Please see the section on migrations below. Please also ensure that, if you load your categories via fixtures, you update them accordingly: remove the full_name field and remove the ancestor's slugs from the slug field.



Migrations will get picked up automatically for apps you haven't customised. If you have customised any app, please consult the :doc:`detailed instructions </topics/upgrading>` on how to handle migrations.


This release contains a data migration for category slugs. If you have forked it, it is critical you run a copy of that migration when upgrading.


This release doesn't include any South migrations, as support for Django 1.6 has been dropped.

Note, the catalogue app contains a data migration 0003_data_migration_slugs. If you have a forked catalogue app, copy this migration into your project so it can be applied (or create a data migration that applies the same transformation).

  • Oscar now requires django-treebeard 3.0.

Deprecated features

The following features have been deprecated in this release:

  • For backwards compatibility, one can access the ProductCategoryView without specifying a category PK in the URL. Oscar itself does not use this any more, and it will be removed with the next version of Oscar.
  • ProductSearchHandler has been renamed to SolrProductSearchHandler. The old name will be removed in the next version of Oscar.

Removal of deprecated features

These methods have been removed:

  • oscar.core.compat.atomic_compat: Use django.db.transaction.atomic instead.
  • oscar.core.loading.import_string: Use django.utils.module_loading.import_string instead.
  • Product.variants: Use Product.children
  • Product.is_top_level: Use Product.is_standalone or self.is_parent
  • Product.is_group: Use Product.is_parent
  • Product.is_variant: Use Product.is_child
  • Product.min_variant_price_incl_tax: Refactor or use the deprecated Product.min_child_price_incl_tax.
  • Product.min_variant_price_excl_tax: Refactor or use the deprecated Product.min_child_price_excl_tax.
  • Strategy.fetch_for_group: Use Strategy.fetch_for_parent.
  • Strategy.select_variant_stockrecords: Use Strategy.select_children_stockrecords.
  • Strategy.group_pricing_policy: Use Strategy.parent_pricing_policy.
  • Strategy.group_availability_policy: Use Strategy.parent_availability_policy.

These instances have been removed:

  • Use instead.