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Oscar 1.2 release notes


Welcome to Oscar 1.2.

Table of contents:

Oscar 1.2 is compatible with Django 1.7 and 1.8 as well as Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.

  • django-compressor has been removed as a dependency, and as a way of building less files for development. Removing or disabling it was commonly required as it didn't work well with deploying on :abbr:`PaaS (Platform as a Service)` providers, and many current projects understandably prefer to use Javascript build chains (gulp, grunt, etc.) for all their statics. But django-compressor was hard to remove on a per-project basis, so the decision was made to remove it altogether.

    For development, USE_LESS now enables the browser-based on-the-fly pre-processor. make css continues to run a locally installed LESS binary.

Minor changes

  • Fix missing page_url field in the promotions form (:issue:`1816`)
  • The order of basket, order and wishlist lines in now guaranteed to be in the order of creation. Previously, this wasn't guaranteed, but still almost always the case.
  • Partner instances got a default ordering by name.
  • If a child product has no weight, we check if a parent's product weight is set before falling back to the default weight (:issue:`1965`).
  • Address.active_address_fields now uses the saner common name of a country instead of the official name (:issue:`1964`).
  • Custom benefits now don't enforce uniqueness on the proxy_class field, making them more useful (:issue:`685`).
  • Move logic to create basket messages to it's own utility class basket.utils.BasketMessageGenerator(). (:issue:`1930`)
  • Fix a caching issue in Product.get_absolute_url() (:issue:`1925`)
  • Update the recently_viewed_products templatetag to accept a current_product attribute. (:issue:`1948`)
  • The mainstyles template block was removed. It served as a wrapper for the styles content black and was needed to be extensible while still being able to compress CSS. As django-compressor has been removed, it's not needed any more. Just use styles instead if you happened to use it.
  • The keywords block is removed from the main template (:issue:`1799`)
  • The US and Demo sites were both removed from the repository as they were not up-to-date anymore. These might return in the future as separate repositories.
  • The RecentReviewsManager, TopScoredReviewsManager and TopVotedReviewsManager managers are removed from the reviews app since they were broken and unused.
  • A new unique index is added to catalogue.AbstractAttributeOption to make sure that the group, option combination is unique (:issue:`1935`)
  • The following packages are updated:
    • django-treebeard >= 4.0 (Django 1.9 support)
    • sorl.thumbnail >= 12.4a1 (Django 1.9 support)
  • jQuery UI is no longer included in the dashboard (:issue:`1792`)