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Oscar 3.1 release notes


Oscar 3.1 is compatible with Django 2.2, Django 3.1 and Django 3.2 and Python versions 3.6 to 3.9.

Support for Django 3.0 has been dropped.

Improvements have been made to the dashboard interface for creating and editing offers, vouchers, and voucher sets.

These better expose the flexible implementation of offer and voucher functionality, allowing:

  • creation of offers of all types
  • creation of vouchers with multiple offers
  • creation of voucher sets of all usages, and with multiple offers

Details of these changes can be found in the :ref:`Changes to "dashboard.offers" and "dashboard.vouchers" apps <changes_to_dashboard_offers_and_dashboard_vouchers_apps>` section below.

The dashboard.offers and dashboard.vouchers apps have been reworked significantly. There have also been changes to the related models, signals, and utility functions in the offer and voucher apps.

You should review these changes, especially if you have made customisations that depends on these apps, as some are backwards incompatible. The functional changes are summarised below.

  • The dashboard offer list view now displays all types of offer (previously voucher offers were hidden), with the ability to filter the list based on type.
  • The dashboard offer creation and update views now allow creation of offers of all types (previously only site-wide offers could be created). This exposes the full flexibility of Oscar's offer types in the dashboard. Note that a new setting (OSCAR_OFFERS_IMPLEMENTED_TYPES) has been added, which restricts the selectable types to ones that Oscar currently implements.
  • The dashboard voucher creation and edit views have been signficiantly refactored. Previously, a conditional offer (and associated benefit/condition) was created automatically when creating a new voucher. This is no longer the case and instead the offers must be created separately in advance of assigning them to a voucher. These views now allow assigning multiple offers to a voucher, exposing the full flexibility of this app.
  • The create view for voucher sets has been changed to no longer create a conditional offer on the fly. As with vouchers, the offer has to be created separately before being assigned to the voucher set.
  • The logic for generating vouchers for voucher sets has been moved from the save method of the VoucherSet into the form logic for the dashboard form. This removes a potentially unsafe and unexpected generation of new vouchers when a voucher set is saved from outside the dashboard.
  • offer.signals has been renamed to offer.receivers for consistency with other apps.
  • voucher.signals.delete_unused_related_conditional_offer has been removed.
  • voucher.utils.get_offer_name has been removed, as voucher-type offers are no longer automatically created, updated, and deleted.
  • The catalogue.Option.is_required property is removed. Check Option.required instead.
  • The oscar.apps.dashboard.catalogue.views.filter_products utility function has been removed. Use the methods provided by PartnerProductFilterMixin instead.
  • The basket.AbstractLine.is_available_for_discount property is removed. Use is_available_for_offer_discount() instead.
  • AbstractProductAttributeValue.value_boolean has changed from a deprecated NullBooleanField to a BooleanField. This requires a database migration.
  • A refresh() method was added to ProductAttributesContainer to allow refreshing attribute information from the database without reinitialising the Product object.
  • The deprecated providing_args argument has been removed from all of Oscar's signals.
  • oscar.apps.customer.alerts.utils.AlertsDispatcher is now imported dynamically to allow overriding.
  • The utility functions in oscar.apps.customer.history for reading to and writing from Oscar's recently viewed products cookie have been refactored into a dynamically loaded CustomerHistoryManager class that projects can override.
  • The dashboard catalogue search results now include products whose children match the searched parameters.

Python package dependencies:

  • Upgraded django-phonenumber-field to version 3.0.
  • Upgraded factory-boy to version 3.0.

Javascript and CSS dependencies:

  • Upgraded bootstrap to version 4.6.0.
  • Upgraded jquery to version 3.6.0.
  • Upgraded tinymce to version 5.7.