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Oscar 1.2 release notes



Welcome to Oscar 1.2.

Table of contents:


Oscar 1.2 is compatible with Django 1.7 and 1.8 as well as Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.

What's new in Oscar 1.2?

  • django-compressor has been removed as a dependency, and as a way of building less files for development. Removing or disabling it was commonly required as it didn't work well with deploying on PaaS providers, and many current projects understandably prefer to use Javascript build chains (gulp, grunt, etc.) for all their statics. But django-compressor was hard to remove on a per-project basis, so the decision was made to remove it altogether.

    For development, USE_LESS now enables the browser-based on-the-fly pre-processor. make css continues to run a locally installed LESS binary.

Minor changes

  • Fix missing page_url field in the promotions form (1816)
  • The order of basket, order and wishlist lines in now guaranteed to be in the order of creation. Previously, this wasn't guaranteed, but still almost always the case.
  • Partner instances got a default ordering by name.
  • If a child product has no weight, we check if a parent's product weight is set before falling back to the default weight (1965).
  • Address.active_address_fields now uses the saner common name of a country instead of the official name (1964).
  • Custom benefits now don't enforce uniqueness on the proxy_class field, making them more useful (685).
  • Move logic to create basket messages to it's own utility class basket.utils.BasketMessageGenerator(). (1930)
  • Fix a caching issue in Product.get_absolute_url() (1925)
  • Update the recently_viewed_products templatetag to accept a current_product attribute. (1948)

Backwards incompatible changes in Oscar 1.2

  • The mainstyles template block was removed. It served as a wrapper for the styles content black and was needed to be extensible while still being able to compress CSS. As django-compressor has been removed, it's not needed any more. Just use styles instead if you happened to use it.
  • The keywords block is removed from the main template (1799)
  • The US and Demo sites were both removed from the repository as they were not up-to-date anymore. These might return in the future as separate repositories.
  • The RecentReviewsManager, TopScoredReviewsManager and TopVotedReviewsManager managers are removed from the reviews app since they were broken and unused.
  • A new unique index is added to catalogue.AbstractAttributeOption to make sure that the group, option combination is unique (1935)

Dependency changes

  • The following packages are updated:
    • django-treebeard >= 4.0 (Django 1.9 support)
    • sorl.thumbnail >= 12.4a1 (Django 1.9 support)
  • JQuery UI is no longer included in the dashboard (1792)