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DEP 0005: Improved middleware

Author: Carl Meyer
Implementation Team:Florian Apolloner, Tim Graham, Carl Meyer
Shepherd:Carl Meyer
Status: Final

The existing Django "middleware" abstraction suffers from a lack of strict layering and balanced in/out calls to a given middleware. This DEP proposes an improved abstraction for wrapping the request cycle in layered pre-view and post-view actions.

In theory, and per the documentation, process_request will be called for each incoming request, process_response will be called for each outgoing response, and process_exception will be called in case of an uncaught exception.

This description seems to imply the invariant that if process_request is called, either process_response or process_exception will later be called on that same middleware in that same request cycle. Django itself has in the past included middleware (the now-defunct TransactionMiddleware) that implicitly relied on this invariant.

In fact, due to the short-circuiting and exception-handling behavior of various middleware methods, this invariant does not hold. It is possible for a middleware to have its process_request method called, but then never see its process_response or process_exception called for that request (e.g. in case of an uncaught exception in a "later" middleware method).

It is also possible for a middleware to never see its process_request method called for a given request (because an earlier middleware's process_request returned a response), but still have its process_response or process_exception method called on that response.

This lack of strict in/out layering makes it impossible to safely implement some types of middleware (such as TransactionMiddleware), and requires verbose defensive programming: e.g. even if process_request sets a certain attribute on the request, process_response on that same middleware can't assume that that attribute will be present on the request it receives.

This is the primary problem that this DEP intends to solve.

The proposed API in this DEP is modelled on Pyramid's Tween concept. The author and implementer of this DEP developed a very similar idea independently at a Django sprint before reading about Tweens.

This DEP introduces a new setting, MIDDLEWARE, which contains an ordered list of dotted paths to middleware factories.

A middleware factory can be written as a function that looks like this:

def simple_middleware(get_response):
    # one-time configuration and initialization

    def middleware(request):
        # code to be executed for each request before
        # the view is called; equivalent to process_request

        response = get_response(request)

        # code to be executed for each request/response after
        # the view is called; equivalent to process_response

        return response

    return middleware

Or it can be written as a class with a __call__ method, like this:

class SimpleMiddleware(object):
    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response

        # one-time configuration and initialization

    def __call__(self, request):
        # code to be executed for each request before
        # the view is called

        response = self.get_response(request)

        # code to be executed for each request/response after
        # the view is called

        return response

In prose instead of examples: a middleware factory is a callable that takes a get_response callable and returns a middleware. A middleware is a callable that takes a request and returns a response. (Just like a view! Turtles all the way down!)

The get_response callable provided by Django might be the actual view (if this is the last listed middleware), or it might be the next middleware in the chain. The current middleware doesn't need to know or care what exactly it is -- just that it represents "the remainder of request processing", and that it takes a request and returns a response.

(The above is a slight simplification -- the get_response callable for the last middleware in the chain won't be the actual view, it'll be a wrapper method from the handler which takes care of view middleware, calling the view with appropriate url args, and template-response middleware; see below.)

This specification already encompasses the full functionality of process_request and process_response (with some differences in short-circuiting behavior discussed below under "Backwards Compatibility"). It also allows more powerful idioms that aren't currently possible, like wrapping the call to get_response in a context manager (e.g. transaction.atomic) or in a try/finally block.

This DEP does not propose to change the implementation of view middleware, exception middleware, or template-response middleware. These are single-point hooks, not wrappers, and don't suffer from the same in/out balancing issues. A middleware that wishes to implement one or both of these hooks should be implemented in the class style, and should implement process_view, process_exception, and/or process_template_response methods, exactly as it would today.

Under the new scheme, middleware will behave more like an "onion", as described in the documentation. That is, when a middleware short-circuits the following middleware and the view by returning a response, that response will only pass through previous middleware in the list, rather than passing through the process_response methods of all middleware (including some who never got a crack at process_request), as occurs today.

Similarly, a middleware that modifies the request on the way in and does pass it on can be guaranteed that it will always see the response on the way back out.

Exceptions raised in the view (or in the render method of a TemplateResponse) are processed through the process_exception methods of middleware. If any of these return a response, it is passed back up through the middleware. If not, the exception is converted to a response (that is, certain special exceptions such as Http404, PermissionDenied, and SuspiciousOperation are converted to 4xx HTTP responses, and all other exceptions are converted to 500 Internal Server Error), and that response is passed up through the middleware.

Exceptions raised in a middleware are immediately converted to the appropriate response type, which is then passed to the next middleware. Thus, a middleware never needs to be concerned about handling exceptions when it calls get_response(); it should always get back a response.

A middleware can be disabled at setup time, if it's not needed or not supported under the current settings.

For a class-based middleware, this is achieved the same way as in current Django: by raising MiddlewareNotUsed from the __init__ method.

A function middleware factory can either raise MiddlewareNotUsed, or it can simply return the same get_response callable it was passed, instead of a new middleware callable; this has the same effect.

"New-style" middleware factories cannot inter-operate backwards-compatibility in a single mixed list with old-style middlewares, because the short-circuiting semantics of the two differ. This is why a new MIDDLEWARE setting is introduced to contain the new-style middleware factories. If the MIDDLEWARE setting is provided (it will initially be set to None in the global default settings), new-style middleware is used. If MIDDLEWARE is not set, MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES will behave exactly as it does today. If both are set to non-default values, the checks framework will flag it as a warning, but MIDDLEWARE will take priority and MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES will not be used.

The implementation of this DEP will include new-style implementations of all middlewares included in Django; the current implementations will not be removed. The startproject template will include a MIDDLEWARE setting referencing the new-style middleware.

In order to ease providing the existing built-in middleware in both new-style and old-style forms, and to ease similar conversions of third-party middleware, a converter mix-in will be provided, with an implementation similar to the following:

class MiddlewareMixin(object):
    def __init__(self, get_response=None):
        self.get_response = get_response
        super(MiddlewareMixin, self).__init__()

    def __call__(self, request):
        response = None
        if hasattr(self, 'process_request'):
            response = self.process_request(request)
        if not response:
            response = self.get_response(request)
        if hasattr(self, 'process_response'):
            # In case we've got an unrendered template response, make sure we
            # delay response handling until it's rendered.
            if hasattr(response, 'render') and callable(response.render):
                def callback(response):
                    return self.process_response(request, response)
                response = self.process_response(request, response)
        return response

In most cases, this mixin will be sufficient to convert a middleware with sufficient backwards-compatibility; the new short-circuiting semantics will be harmless or even beneficial to the existing middleware.

In a few unusual cases, a middleware class may need more adjustment to the new semantics. Some of these cases are documented here (and will also be documented in the upgrade guide in the Django documentation as part of the implementation of this PEP):

An old-style middleware's process_response method would see (almost) all outbound responses, even short-circuit responses from the process_request method of an earlier-listed middleware. This was often unexpected and caused problems (middleware authors often assumed that their process_request and process_response methods would always be called as a pair), but it did enable a form of "modify _all_ outgoing responses" that doesn't work under the new system (unless your middleware is listed first, or any middleware listed before it don't short-circuit).

In practice, though, this use-case was never complete: a middleware still wouldn't see any changes to the responses from the process_response methods of earlier-listed middlewares. Due to this, and the widespread impression that Django's middleware _already_ implemented onion-style short-circuiting, middleware that desire to see all outgoing responses generally already instruct their users to place them first (or at least early) in the middleware list. This advice will remain both correct and necessary under the new system.

The DEP author conducted a GitHub code search looking for middleware combinations in existing projects that couldn't work correctly under the new semantics, and was unable to find any examples. Also, the fact that Pyramid uses a very similar scheme and has not had problems in this area is encouraging.

  1. With old-style middleware, process_exception was applied to exceptions raised in middleware process_request methods. In the new system with stricter onion layering, process_exception applies only to exceptions raised from the view (or the render method of a TemplateResponse).
  2. With old-style middleware, an exception raised from a process_response method would skip all remaining process_response methods and be converted into a generic 500 error (even if it was a special type of exception such as a Http404). Now such an exception is immediately converted to the appropriate response type, which is passed on to the next middleware in line. Middleware are not skipped due to an exception.

The fallback from a missing MIDDLEWARE setting to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES will be subject to a normal deprecation path. At the conclusion of that deprecation path, support for the fallback and the old-style middleware implementations in Django will be removed. The compatibility mixin will begin its own deprecation path at that point. (This allows warning-free use of the compatibility mixin throughout the deprecation path for MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES).

The above specification has the advantage that a very similar scheme is already in use and battle-tested in another widely-used Python web framework, Pyramid.

Alternatives considered and rejected:

Earlier drafts of this proposal suggested that a middleware could be implemented as a simple function that took both request and get_response directly, rather than as a factory:

def simple_middleware(request, get_response):
    # request-munging
    response = get_response(request)
    # response-munging
    return response

This approach turned out to have three disadvantages: it is less backwards-compatible, because it's not compatible with class-based middleware (when would a class be instantiated?), it doesn't provide any mechanism for one-time setup or disabling, and it would be slower, since it requires Django to construct a new chain of closures for every request, whereas the factory approach allows the closure chain to be constructed just once and reused for each request.

In earlier drafts of this DEP, unhandled exceptions were allowed to bubble up through middleware layers until caught and handled, as Python exceptions normally do. Catching exceptions in this way replaced process_exception. This was attractive in its simplicity and similarity to other Python code, but in practice makes it too difficult to write useful response-processing middleware, and too difficult to provide workable backwards-compatibility with old-style middleware.

It's common for middleware to want to modify all outgoing responses in some way (e.g. add a header). If a middleware gets an exception instead of a response when it calls get_response(), it has to decide whether to convert that exception into a response or let it bubble further up. This results in many different middleware having to duplicate similar exception-conversion logic. If a middleware wants to modify all outgoing responses, it has to convert all exceptions to responses, which shields all later middleware from receiving any view exceptions, making it hard to usefully implement exception-catching middleware (or at least imposing strict new ordering requirements on exception-handling vs response-handling middleware).

Leaving the separate process_exception hook in place allows all middleware a chance to handle view exceptions in a separate phase, so catching exceptions in the response-handling phase becomes less necessary. Rather than making all middleware implement exception handling and conversion to a response, we just convert exceptions to responses before and after every middleware. This makes life much simpler for middleware authors, allowing them to e.g. raise Http404() and know that it will be handled correctly, while also letting them assume they will get a response (not an exception) from get_response().

Django's use of the term middleware to mean "hooks for munging the request and/or response in between the web-server interface and the view" does not appear to be consistent with the primary historical use of that term in computing (e.g. see the Wikipedia page on middleware).

Thus, some have suggested abandoning the term "middleware" with the deprecation of MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES and coining a new term (or borrowing a term like Pyramid's "Tween") for the new system described in this DEP.

This DEP prefers instead to retain the use of the term "middleware." However it originated, Django's use of the term appears to already be widely shared in the web framework world, even beyond Python; it is used at least by Flask, by Rack, and by WSGI itself. The scheme introduced in this DEP is clearly an evolution of Django's existing middleware, not a brand-new concept, so introducing a brand-new term for it is likely to cause more confusion than it solves.

Some have suggested naming the new setting MIDDLEWARES instead of MIDDLEWARE. There appears to be some debate over the correct pluralization of "middleware," ranging from those who assert that "middleware" is already a mass noun (like "furniture") which can never be used in the singular (and thus we should speak of "a middleware component," never "a middleware"), to those who prefer "a middleware" and "middlewares."

This DEP chooses to paint the bikeshed an intermediate color, in which we may speak of "a middleware" but the plural of "middleware" remains "middleware."

The reference implementation work-in-progress can be found at

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