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Fixed regression in running the GeoDjango test suite after r13670 wit…
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…h addition of `GeoDjangoTestSuiteRunner` (replaces `run_gis_tests`, which is now a stub).

git-svn-id: bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
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jbronn committed Sep 12, 2010
1 parent 4311402 commit f607450
Showing 1 changed file with 101 additions and 108 deletions.
209 changes: 101 additions & 108 deletions django/contrib/gis/tests/
@@ -1,115 +1,108 @@
import sys
import unittest

from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import get_app
from django.test.simple import build_suite, DjangoTestSuiteRunner

def run_tests(*args, **kwargs):
from django.test.simple import run_tests as base_run_tests
return base_run_tests(*args, **kwargs)

def geo_suite():
Builds a test suite for the GIS package. This is not named
`suite` so it will not interfere with the Django test suite (since
spatial database tables are required to execute these tests on
some backends).
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOS_PREPARE
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import HAS_GDAL
from django.contrib.gis.utils import HAS_GEOIP
from django.contrib.gis.tests.utils import postgis, mysql
from django.db import connection
from django.utils.importlib import import_module

gis_tests = []

# Adding the GEOS tests.
from django.contrib.gis.geos import tests as geos_tests

# Tests that require use of a spatial database (e.g., creation of models)
test_apps = ['geoapp', 'relatedapp']
if postgis and connection.ops.geography:
# Test geography support with PostGIS 1.5+.

# Tests that do not require setting up and tearing down a spatial database.
test_suite_names = [

# These tests require GDAL.
if not mysql:

# Only PostGIS using GEOS 3.1+ can support 3D so far.
if postgis and GEOS_PREPARE:

test_suite_names.extend(['test_spatialrefsys', 'test_geoforms'])
def run_gis_tests(test_labels, verbosity=1, interactive=True, failfast=False, extra_tests=None):
import warnings
'The run_gis_tests() test runner has been deprecated in favor of GeoDjangoTestSuiteRunner.',
test_runner = GeoDjangoTestSuiteRunner(verbosity=verbosity, interactive=interactive, failfast=failfast)
return test_runner.run_tests(test_labels, extra_tests=extra_tests)

class GeoDjangoTestSuiteRunner(DjangoTestSuiteRunner):

def setup_test_environment(self, **kwargs):
super(GeoDjangoTestSuiteRunner, self).setup_test_environment(**kwargs)

# Adding the GDAL tests.
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import tests as gdal_tests
print >>sys.stderr, "GDAL not available - no tests requiring GDAL will be run."

if HAS_GEOIP and hasattr(settings, 'GEOIP_PATH'):

# Adding the rest of the suites from the modules specified
# in the `test_suite_names`.
for suite_name in test_suite_names:
tsuite = import_module('django.contrib.gis.tests.' + suite_name)

return gis_tests, test_apps

def run_gis_tests(test_labels, **kwargs):
Use this routine as the TEST_RUNNER in your settings in order to run the
GeoDjango test suite. This must be done as a database superuser for
PostGIS, so read the docstring in `run_test()` below for more details.
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import loading
from django.contrib.gis.tests.utils import mysql

# Getting initial values.
old_installed = settings.INSTALLED_APPS
old_root_urlconf = settings.ROOT_URLCONF

# Overridding the INSTALLED_APPS with only what we need,
# to prevent unnecessary database table creation.
new_installed = ['django.contrib.sites',

# Setting the URLs.
settings.ROOT_URLCONF = 'django.contrib.gis.tests.urls'

# Creating the test suite, adding the test models to INSTALLED_APPS
# so they will be tested.
gis_tests, test_apps = geo_suite()
for test_model in test_apps:
module_name = 'django.contrib.gis.tests.%s' % test_model

# Resetting the loaded flag to take into account what we appended to
# the INSTALLED_APPS (since this routine is invoked through
# django/core/management, it caches the apps; this ensures that syncdb
# will see our appended models)
settings.INSTALLED_APPS = new_installed
loading.cache.loaded = False

kwargs['extra_tests'] = gis_tests

# Running the tests using the GIS test runner.
result = run_tests(test_labels, **kwargs)

# Restoring modified settings.
settings.INSTALLED_APPS = old_installed
settings.ROOT_URLCONF = old_root_urlconf

return result
from django.db import connection
from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOS_PREPARE
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import HAS_GDAL

# Getting and storing the original values of INSTALLED_APPS and
self.old_installed = settings.INSTALLED_APPS
self.old_root_urlconf = settings.ROOT_URLCONF

# Tests that require use of a spatial database (e.g., creation of models)
self.geo_apps = ['geoapp', 'relatedapp']
if connection.ops.postgis and connection.ops.geography:
# Test geography support with PostGIS 1.5+.

# The following GeoDjango test apps depend on GDAL support.
if not connection.ops.mysql:

# 3D apps use LayerMapping, which uses GDAL.
if connection.ops.postgis and GEOS_PREPARE:


# Constructing the new INSTALLED_APPS, and including applications
# within the GeoDjango test namespace (`self.geo_apps`).
new_installed = ['django.contrib.sites',
new_installed.extend(['django.contrib.gis.tests.%s' % app
for app in self.geo_apps])
settings.INSTALLED_APPS = new_installed

# Setting the URLs.
settings.ROOT_URLCONF = 'django.contrib.gis.tests.urls'

def teardown_test_environment(self, **kwargs):
super(GeoDjangoTestSuiteRunner, self).teardown_test_environment(**kwargs)
settings.INSTALLED_APPS = self.old_installed
settings.ROOT_URLCONF = self.old_root_urlconf

def build_suite(self, test_labels, extra_tests=None, **kwargs):
This method is overridden to construct a suite consisting only of tests
for GeoDjango.
suite = unittest.TestSuite()

# Adding the GEOS tests.
from django.contrib.gis.geos import tests as geos_tests

# Adding the measurment tests.
from django.contrib.gis.tests import test_measure

# Adding GDAL tests, and any test suite that depends on GDAL, to the
# suite if GDAL is available.
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import HAS_GDAL
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import tests as gdal_tests

from django.contrib.gis.tests import test_spatialrefsys, test_geoforms
sys.stderr.write('GDAL not available - no tests requiring GDAL will be run.\n')

# Add GeoIP tests to the suite, if the library and data is available.
from django.contrib.gis.utils import HAS_GEOIP
if HAS_GEOIP and hasattr(settings, 'GEOIP_PATH'):
from django.contrib.gis.tests import test_geoip

# Finally, adding the suites for each of the GeoDjango test apps.
for app_name in self.geo_apps:

return suite

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