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Bosch BMEx80 sensors

These sensors measure temperature, humidity, pressure and air quality and can communicate over both SPI and I2C. For the moment, the BME280 is mostly implemented and the BME680 (which also includes air quality sensing) is not completed. The datasheets are:

The interface for the sensors are as follows:

type BME280 interface {

	// Get Version
	ChipIDVersion() (uint8, uint8)

	// Get Mode
	Mode() BME280Mode

	// Return IIR filter co-officient
	Filter() BME280Filter

	// Return standby time
	Standby() BME280Standby

	// Return oversampling values osrs_t, osrs_p, osrs_h
	Oversample() (BME280Oversample, BME280Oversample, BME280Oversample)

	// Return current measuring and updating value
	Status() (bool, bool, error)

	// Return the measurement duty cycle (minimum duration between subsequent readings)
	// in normal mode
	DutyCycle() time.Duration

	// Reset
	SoftReset() error

	// Set BME280 mode
	SetMode(mode BME280Mode) error

	// Set Oversampling
	SetOversample(osrs_t, osrs_p, osrs_h BME280Oversample) error

	// Set Filter
	SetFilter(filter BME280Filter) error

	// Set Standby mode
	SetStandby(t_sb BME280Standby) error

	// Return raw sample data for temperature, pressure and humidity
	// Temperature in Celcius, Pressure in Pascals and humidity in
	// %age
	ReadSample() (float64, float64, float64, error)

	// Return altitude in meters for given pressure in Pascals
	AltitudeForPressure(atmospheric, sealevel float64) float64

type BME680 interface {

	// Get ChipID
	ChipID() uint8

	// Reset
	SoftReset() error

In order to create a sensor object, you can import the following modules anonymously into your application:

Import Module Name Sensor Interface sensors/bme280/i2c BME280 I2C sensors/bme280/spi BME280 I2C sensors/bme680/i2c BME680 SPI sensors/bme680/spi BME680 SPI

For the I2C driver, you will also need to import the module anonymously, and for the SPI driver, import the module For example,

package main

import (

  // Frameworks

  // Modules
  _ ""
  _ ""

const (
  BME280 = "sensors/bme280/i2c"

func Main(app *gopi.AppInstance, done chan<- struct{}) error {
  bme280 := app.ModuleInstance(BME280).(sensors.BME280)
  return nil

func main() {
  config := gopi.NewAppConfig(BME280)
  os.Exit(gopi.CommandLineTool(config, Main))

More information about wiring up the sensors and using the examples is given in the following sections.

Wiring the BME280

The Bosch BME280 measures temperature, humidity and pressure. You can interface this device either through I2C or SPI. The datasheet is provided in the "doc" folder.

In order to connect it to the Raspberry Pi, here are the two configurations of the pins on the BME280 device. The AdaFruit product is listed here as an example but there are other ways to connect (more information is avilable at The pin numbers here are provided for connecting the AdaFruit product with a Raspberry PI and are for the physical board pins:

BME280 Pin I2C SPI(0) Description
Vin 2 2 3-5VDC power in
3Vo 3.3V power out
GND 6 6 Ground
SCK 5 23 SPI/I2C Clock Pin
SDO/MISO 21 Serial Data Out
SDI/SDA/MOSI 3 19 Serial Data In / I2C Data Pin
CS 24 Chip Select

Using the I2C connection bus, the slave address defaults to 0x77.

The BME280 Command Line Tool

In order to install and/or run the command-line tool, you need to deploy the correct flavour using tags. Here is how you can can install and/or run when you want to use the I2C flavour:

  bash% cd $GOPATH/src/
  bash% go (run|install) -tags i2c cmd/bme280.go

When you want to install or run a version which communicates over the SPI bus:

  bash% cd $GOPATH/src/
  bash% go (run|install) -tags spi cmd/bme280.go

The command line tool demonstrates everything you need to know about using the sensor interface. You can run it with one of the following commands:

  • bme280 reset Resets the sensor and displays the sensor status
  • bme280 status Displays the current sensor status
  • bme280 measure Measures Temperature, Pressure and/or Humidity

There are also various flags you can use in order to set filter, mode, oversampling or standby time. Here are the main flags you can use on the command line:

  -filter uint
    	Set filter co-efficient (0,2,4,8,16)
  -mode string
    	Set sensor mode (normal,forced,sleep)
  -oversample uint
    	Set oversampling of measurements (0,1,2,4,8,16)
  -standby float
    	Standby time between measurements in normal mode, ms (0.5,10,20,62.5,125,250,500,1000)

There are a set of additional flags you can also use, some of which are available for I2C and others for SPI:

  -i2c.bus uint
    	I2C Bus (default 1)
  -i2c.slave uint
    	I2C Slave address (default 0x77)
  -spi.speed uint
    	SPI Communication Speed
    	Set debugging mode
    	Verbose logging
    	When writing log to file, append output to end of file
  -log.file string
    	File for logging (default: log to stderr)

The modes of operation are essentailly "forced" or "normal". Forced mode can be used for one-off measurement, or otherwise you can read measurements with a particular duty cycle, which is a function of standby time and oversampling values. Here's an example of status output demonstrating this:

bash% bme280 status
|        REGISTER        |        VALUE         |
| chip_id                | 0x60                 |
| chip_version           | 0x00                 |
| mode                   | BME280_MODE_NORMAL   |
| filter                 | BME280_FILTER_OFF    |
| standby                | BME280_STANDBY_500MS |
| duty cycle             | 558ms                |
| oversample temperature | BME280_OVERSAMPLE_8  |
| oversample pressure    | BME280_OVERSAMPLE_8  |
| oversample humidity    | BME280_OVERSAMPLE_8  |
| measuring              | false                |
| updating               | false                |

In this example, the standby time is 500ms, measurement time is 58ms and you shouldn't poll for new measurements more than once every 558ms (the duty cycle).

In forced mode only one measurement is taken before the sensor returns to sleep mode:

bash% bme280 -mode forced measure
| temperature |   20.03 °C |
|    pressure | 998.61 hPa |
|    altitude |   122.64 m |
|    humidity |  53.52 %RH |

The BME680 Driver

The Bosch BME680 measures air quality in addition to temperature, humidity and pressure. You can interface this device either through I2C or SPI. The datasheet is provided in the "doc" folder.

The code to implement this sensor is still to be written.