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Labeler Plugins API

Remember that in Textinator the definition of a markable is called Marker and the specific instantiation of a Marker in a given text is called Label. Textinator provides a flexible way of associating a number of actions with each Label by simply right clicking on them and getting a context menu with those actions (as shown on the screenshot below, for instance).

The screenshot of a label's context menu

Each of the green buttons in the context menu is a specific instantiation of a Textinator's labeler plugin. There are four plugins available out of the box:

  • A plugin adding a text field to a marker's context menu, potentially shared between markers
  • A plugin allowing to change a relationship of a label
  • A plugin allowing to change a color of a label, potentially shared between labels
  • A plugin adding a slider to a marker's context menu

For a more detailed guide on how to use these, please have a look at the tutorial about associating custom actions with markers. However, if you know some JavaScript, you could add your own custom plugin as well, which is what this page aims at documenting.

Each labeler plugin is just a JavaScript file residing in the folder static/scripts/labeler_plugins. If you want to add your own plugin you just need to create a JS file in that directory (e.g. my_first_plugin.js). The created file should have the following structure.

 * name: <your-plugin-name>
 * description: <your-plugin-description>
 * admin_filter: boolean
 * author: <author-name>

var plugin = function(cfg, labeler) {
  var config = {
    name: "<your-plugin-name>",
    verboseName: '<verbose-name>',  // shown in the context menu
    storeFor: "label",              // one of "label", "relation"
    dispatch: {},                   // the map that triggers events after certain other events
    subscribe: [],                  // the events triggering plugin's re-rendering
    allowSingletons: false          // signifies whether markables with no shared information should be allowed (only if storeFor: "relation")


  return {
    verboseName: config.verboseName,
    storage: {},
    dispatch: config.dispatch,
    subscribe: config.subscribe,
    storeFor: config.storeFor,
    allowSingletons: config.allowSingletons,
    isAllowed: function(obj) {
    exec: function(label, menuItem) {

As you can see the plugin file contains just one object called plugin, which is a function. Notice the comment block before the object definition, this is mandatory to have, since this helps Textinator to register the information about your plugin in the database. The plugin object itself implements a revealing module pattern, i.e. being a function that returns a JS object with a fixed number of properties, that can be considered public for this plugin. You can define any helper functions you want, replacing the comment // YOUR OWN PRIVATE FUNCTIONS, since those won't be visible outside of the plugin.

The config object contains the default values for the configuration of each plugin. The fields shown in the example file MUST be present, but you can include your own custom configuration fields to be used within exec function. The mandatory fields are:

  • name defines the name of the field associated with the plugin in the exported data and in the database
  • verboseName defines the name to be displayed in the context menu
  • storeFor defines the scope for the plugin storage, i.e. whether values in the storage should be per label or per relation
  • subscribe defines a list of JS events triggering when the plugin should be re-rendered
  • dispatch defines a map of events triggering other events, note that for each key: value, key should not be registered in subscribe, but value typically should, since typically it is desirable to trigger plugin re-rendering. For instance, if the relation associated with the plugin has changed, Textinator triggers labeler_relationschange event, which could be captured by your plugin and trigger another event associated with your plugin, e.g. my_custom_event, in which case you would need to specify "dispatch": { "labeler_relationschange" : "my_custom_event" }.
  • allowSingletons will take effect only if storeFor equals "relation" and signifies then whether the plugin should get initialized for the markables that are not in anyr elations, a.k.a. singletons.

After defining the plugin, you will need to restart Textinator for your plugin to get registered. It will then be available for every Marker as a context menu item. Then for each Label of a Marker with a context menu items, all items will be initialized and renderd using the following procedure:

  1. Check if a plugin is allowed for the given Label by calling isAllowed(label) for this plugin and the label in question.
  2. If allowed:
    1. Run the plugin's exec(label, menuItem), where menuItem is the context menu button for this plugin and label.
    2. For all events in the plugin's subscribe, register an event listener, triggering plugin's re-rendering (consisting of 1 and 2a).