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File metadata and controls

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Eiger Detector

Eiger X-ray hybrid photon counting detectors can produce frames rates in the kilohertz range with continuous readout. The detector can be controlled by using the Dectris Simplon API which implements a RESTful API over HTTP. Images produced by the detector can be captured directly from a ZeroMQ stream; these images are compressed using one of the compression options avaialble on the detector. A separate monitor (live view) image can be retrieved from the detector using a Simplon HTTP request. The monitor image is transferred as a TIFF file (not compressed) and is available at a much reduced rate.

This Eiger Detector software stack provides applications for the following:

  • Controlling the detector parameters and acquisition.
  • Monitoring the detector status.
  • Reading and displaying the live view image.
  • Receiving images from the ZeroMQ data stream.
  • Manipulating and writing image data to disk (using HDF5).
  • Writing associated meta data to disk (using HDF5).
  • Controlling the destination of individual images to allow multiple writing applications be present in the deployment.

The ability to alter the destination of individual frames provides scalability of the software stack. As frame rates get higher more writing nodes can be introduced to the system and these nodes can reside on different physical hardware. More details of the scalabililty are provided in the deployment section below.

All of the applications mentioned above are handled through a single point of control (the odin control server) and this provides a simple RESTful API to interact with the whole stack. The odin control server also serves a set of static HTML pages by default which provide a web based GUI that can be used without the need to integrate the software stack into another framework; all that is required is a standard browser.

Odin Detector

Devices consisting of multiple individual parts can lead to complications in the control layer trying to get operate them together in unity. The Odin software framework is designed specifically for this modular architecture by mir- roring the structure within its internal processes. The data acquisition modules have the perspective of being one of many nodes built into the core of their logic. This makes it straightforward to operate multiple file writers on different server nodes working together to write a single acquisition to disk, all managed by a single point of control. It also means that the difference in the data acquisition stack of a 1M system and a 3M system can be as little as duplicating a few processes and modifying the configuration of the central controller. Given the collaborative nature of the detector development, the software framework has been designed to be generic, allowing its integration with control systems used at different sites.

The figure below shows the OdinControl Server architecture for a four node Eiger Odin system.

TODO: This image is missing

Figure 1 demonstrates the generic RESTful interface that Odin provides. The control server can be accessed by four different methods:

  • ADOdin - This is an EPICS areaDetector implementation that can interface to Odin detector systems.
  • Web Browswer - Simply pointing a standard web browser at the Odin control server will open a web based GUI for control and monitoring.
  • Python Script - Using the requests module (or equivalent) HTTP requests can be scripted to control and monitor the system.
  • Command Line - The standard Linux tool curl can be used to send HTTP requests for control and monitoring.

Odin comprises two parts; OdinControl, the central control application, and OdinData, a data acquisition stack, both of which can be used independently of each other as well as in conjunction. These modules are described, separately, below.

Odin Control

OdinControl is a HTTP based server host providing a framework that device-specific adapters can be implemented for to interface to the control channel of a device. The archi- tecture of OdinControl for the Excalibur use case is shown in Fig. 2. Adapters can be loaded in an Odin Server instance, which then provides a REST API that can be operated us- ing just a web page providing the appropriate GETs and PUTs, corresponding to the attributes and methods in the adapter API. See Fig. 3 for an example web page for Perci- val. This can be extended to a RESTful client library that can be integrated into a higher level control system such as EPICS. Once an Odin Server instance is running with a set of adapters loaded, a parameter tree is created in the API defining the different devices, duplicates of the same devices and finally the endpoints for those devices, producing logi- cal paths to the parameters and methods of a collection of separate systems. With OdinControl and a device adapter, a control system agnostic, consistent API is created that can be used in a wide range of applications. OdinControl provides a simple Python API, enabling rapid development of device adapters. Because of the generic architecture of OdinCon- trol it does not need a tight coupling to OdinData; it is also interfaced via adapters, just like Excalibur or Percival, to provide a REST API for a set of methods. This keeps the two parts of Odin entirely separate, achieving a good software design with loose coupling and high cohesion.

Odin Data

OdinData gathers incoming frames from a data stream and writes them to disk as quickly as possible. It has a modular architecture making it simple to add functionality and extend its use for new detectors. The function of the software itself is relatively simple, allowing a higher-level su- pervisory control process to do the complex logic defined by each experimental situation and exchanging simple configu- ration messages to perform specific operations. This makes it easy for the control system to operate separate systems cooperatively. OdinData consists of two separate processes. These are the FrameReceiver (FR) and the FrameProcessor (FP). The FR is able to collect data packets on various input channel types, for example UDP and ZeroMQ [6], construct data frames and add some useful meta data to the packet header before passing it on to the FP through a shared memory interface. The FP can then grab the frame, construct data chunks in the correct format and write them to disk. The two separate processes communicate via inter-process com- munication (IPC) messages over two ZMQ channels. When the FR places a frame into shared memory, it sends a mes- sage over the ready channel, the FP consumes the frame and once it is finished passes a message over the release channel allowing the FR to re-use the frame memory. The use and re-use of shared memory reduces the copying of large data blobs and increases data throughput. This logic is shown visually in Fig. 4. The overall concept is to allow a scalable, parallel data acquisition stack writing data to a individual files in a shared network location. This allows fine tuning of the process nodes for a given detector system, based on the image size and frame rate, to make sure the beamline has the capacity to carry out its experiments and minimise the data acquisition bottleneck.

Plugins OdinData is extensible by the implementation of plugins. The Excalibur detector has a module with two plugins built against the OdinData library. One for the FR and one for the FP. These provide the implementation of a decoder of the raw frame data as well as the processing required to define the data structure written to disk. As an example, the Excalibur plugins implement some algorithms [4] to perform transforms to rotate chunks of the input data, due to the physical orientation of the chips on the detector. The implementation of any other detector would simply require the two plugins to be replaced with equivalents, to process the output data stream; the surrounding logic would remain exactly the same.

API OdinData provides a python library with simple methods for initialising, configuring and retrieving status from the FP and FR processes at runtime. These can be integrated with a wider control system, but can also be used directly in a simple python script or interactively from a python shell. This is how OdinData integrates with OdinControl; there is no special access granted, the interface is generic allowing it to be integrated with other control systems. HDF5 Features To take advantage of the high data rates of modern de- tectors, OdinData seeks to write data to disk quickly with minimal processing overhead. To achieve this, the built-in FileWriterPlugin employs some of the latest features of the HDF5 library. The Virtual Dataset (VDS) [7] enables the file writing to be delegated to a number of independent, parallel processes, because the data can all be presented as a single file at the end of an acquisition using VDS to link to the raw datasets. Secondly, with Single Writer Multiple Reader (SWMR) [7] functionality, datasets are readable throughout the acquisi- tion and live processing can be carried out while frames are still being captured, greatly reducing the overall time to pro- duce useful data. Though the real benefit comes when these two features are combined. A VDS can be created anytime before, during or after and acquisition, independent of when the raw datasets and created. Then, as soon as the parallel writers begin writing to each raw file, the data appears in the VDS as if the processes were all writing to the same file and can be accessed by data analysis processes in exactly the same way. A more straightforward improvement in the form of a data throughput increase is found by the use of Direct Chunk Write [7]. With a little extra effort in the formatting of the data chunk, this allows the writer to skip the processing pipeline that comes with the standard write method and write a chunk straight to disk as provided. This reduces the processing required and limits data copying. For the Eiger use case specifically, great use is made of the Direct Chunk Write to allow writing of pre-compressed images from the detector to file. Due to the considerable data rate of the detector, compression is used to reduce network and file writing load by around a factor of four, depending on the sensor exposure. Reader applications can use Dynamically Loaded Filters [7] to read the datasets.
