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File metadata and controls

277 lines (188 loc) Β· 14.4 KB

GO API Changelog

This changelog includes only developer-facing changes. If you are looking for user-facing changes, check out


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • cmd/mdatagen: Use enum for stability levels in the Metadata struct (#31530)
  • httpforwarder: Remove extension named httpforwarder, use httpforwarderextension instead. (#24171)


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated pkg/stanza/attrs (#30449)
  • httpforwarderextension: Rename the extension httpforwarder to httpforwarderextension (#24171)
  • extension/storage: The filestorage and dbstorage extensions are now standalone modules. (#31040) If using the OpenTelemetry Collector Builder, you will need to update your import paths to use the new module(s).

πŸ’‘ Enhancements πŸ’‘

  • pkg/golden: Added an option to skip the metric timestamp normalization for WriteMetrics. (#30919)
  • healthcheckextension: Remove usage of deprecated host.ReportFatalError (#30582)


🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • testbed: Deprecate testbed.GetAvailablePort in favor of testutil.GetAvailablePort (#30811) Move healthcheckextension to use testutil.GetAvailablePort

πŸš€ New components πŸš€

  • pkg_sampling: Package of code for parsing OpenTelemetry tracestate probability sampling fields. (#29738)


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • testbed: Remove unused AWS XRay mock receiver (#30381)
  • docker: Adopt api_version as strings to correct invalid float truncation (#24025)
  • prometheusreceiver: Consolidate Config members and remove the need of placeholders. (#29901)
  • all: Remove obsolete "// +build" directive (#30651)
  • testbed: Expand TestCase capabilities with broken out LoadGenerator interface (#30303)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • pkg/stanza: Deprecate pkg/stanza/attrs package in favor of pkg/stanza/fileconsumer/attrs (#30449)

πŸ’‘ Enhancements πŸ’‘

  • testbed: Adds and adopts new WithEnvVar child process option, moving GOMAXPROCS=2 to initializations (#30491)


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • carbonexporter: Change Config member names (#29862)
  • carbonreceiver: Hide unnecessary public API (#29895)
  • pkg/ottl: Unexport ADD, SUB, MULT, DIV, EQ, NE, LT, LTE, GT, and GTE (#29925)
  • pkg/ottl: Change Path to be an Interface instead of the grammar struct. (#29897) Affects creators of custom contexts.
  • golden: Use testing.TB for golden.WriteMetrics, golden.WriteTraces and golden.WriteLogs over *testing.T (#30277)

πŸ’‘ Enhancements πŸ’‘

  • kafkaexporter: add ability to publish kafka messages with message key of TraceID - it will allow partitioning of the kafka Topic. (#12318)
  • kafkaexporter: Adds the ability to configure the Kafka client's Client ID. (#30144)


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • pkg/ottl: Rename Statements to StatementSequence. Remove Eval function from StatementSequence, use ConditionSequence instead. (#29598)

πŸ’‘ Enhancements πŸ’‘

  • pkg/ottl: Add ConditionSequence for evaluating lists of conditions (#29339)


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • clickhouseexporter: Replace Config.QueueSettings field with exporterhelper.QueueSettings and remove QueueSettings struct (#27653)
  • kafkareceiver: Do not export the function WithTracesUnmarshalers, WithMetricsUnmarshalers, WithLogsUnmarshalers (#26304)

πŸ’‘ Enhancements πŸ’‘

  • datadogreceiver: The datadogreceiver supports the new datadog protocol that is sent by the datadog agent API/v0.2/traces. (#27045)
  • pkg/ottl: Add ability to independently parse OTTL conditions. (#29315)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • cassandraexporter: Exist check for keyspace and dynamic timeout (#27633)


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • carbonreceiver: Do not export function New and pass checkapi. (#26304)
  • collectdreceiver: Move to use confighttp.HTTPServerSettings (#28811)
  • kafkaexporter: Do not export function WithTracesMarshalers, WithMetricsMarshalers, WithLogsMarshalers and pass checkapi (#26304)
  • remoteobserverprocessor: Rename remoteobserverprocessor to remotetapprocessor (#27873)

πŸ’‘ Enhancements πŸ’‘

  • extension/encoding: Introduce interfaces for encoding extensions. (#28686)
  • exporter/awss3exporter: This feature allows role assumption for s3 exportation. It is especially useful on Kubernetes clusters that are using IAM roles for service accounts (#28674)


🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • pkg/stanza: Deprecate 'flush.WithPeriod'. Use 'flush.WithFunc' instead. (#27843)


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • exporter/kafka, receiver/kafka, receiver/kafkametrics: Move configuration parts to an internal pkg (#27093)
  • pulsarexporter: Do not export function WithTracesMarshalers, add test for that and pass checkapi (#26304)
  • pulsarreceiver: Do not export the functions WithLogsUnmarshalers, WithMetricsUnmarshalers, WithTracesUnmarshalers, add tests and pass checkapi. (#26304)

πŸ’‘ Enhancements πŸ’‘

  • mdatagen: allows adding warning section to resource_attribute configuration (#19174)
  • mdatagen: allow setting empty metric units (#27089)


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • azuremonitorexporter: Unexport Accept to comply with checkapi (#26304)

  • tailsamplingprocessor: Unexport SamplingProcessorMetricViews to comply with checkapi (#26304)

  • awskinesisexporter: Do not export the functions NewTracesExporter, NewMetricsExporter, NewLogsExporter and pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • dynatraceexporter: Rename struct to keep expected exporter.Factory and pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • ecsobserver: Do not export the function DefaultConfig and pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • f5cloudexporter: Do not export the function NewFactoryWithTokenSourceGetter and pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • fluentforwardreceiver: rename Logs and DetermineNextEventMode functions and all usage to lowercase to stop exporting method and pass checkapi (#26304)

  • groupbyattrsprocessor: Do not export the function MetricViews and pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • groupbytraceprocessor: Do not export the function MetricViews and pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • jaegerreceiver: Do not export the function DefaultServerConfigUDP and pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • lokiexporter: Do not export the function MetricViews and pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • mongodbatlasreceiver: Rename struct to pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • mongodbreceiver: Do not export the function NewClient and pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • mysqlreceiver: Do not export the function Query (#26304)

  • pkg/ottl: Remove support for ottlarg. The struct's field order is now the function parameter order. (#25705)

  • pkg/stanza: Make trim func composable (#26536)

    • Adds trim.WithFunc to allow trim funcs to wrap bufio.SplitFuncs.
    • Removes trim.Func from split.Config.Func. Use trim.WithFunc instead.
    • Removes trim.Func from flush.WithPeriod. Use trim.WithFunc instead.
  • pkg/stanza: Rename syslog and tcp MultilineBuilders (#26631)

    • Rename syslog.OctetMultiLineBuilder to syslog.OctetSplitFuncBuilder
    • Rename tc.MultilineBuilder to tcp.SplitFuncBuilder
  • probabilisticsamplerprocessor: Do not export the function SamplingProcessorMetricViews and pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • sentryexporter: Do not export the functions CreateSentryExporter and pass checkapi. (#26304)

  • sumologicexporter: Do not export the function CreateDefaultHTTPClientSettings and pass checkapi. (#26304)

πŸ’‘ Enhancements πŸ’‘

  • pkg/ottl: Add support for optional parameters (#20879) The new ottl.Optional type can now be used in a function's Arguments struct to indicate that a parameter is optional.


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • alibabacloudlogserviceexporter: Do not export the function NewLogServiceClient (#26304)

  • awss3exporter: Do not export the function NewMarshaler (#26304)

  • statsdreceiver: rename and do not export function New to newReceiver to pass checkapi (#26304)

  • chronyreceiver: Removes duplicate Timeout field. This change has no impact on end users of the component. (#26113)

  • dockerstatsreceiver: Removes duplicate Timeout field. This change has no impact on end users of the component. (#26114)

  • elasticsearchexporter: Do not export the function DurationAsMicroseconds (#26304)

  • jaegerexporter: Do not export the function MetricViews (#26304)

  • k8sobjectsreceiver: Do not export the function NewTicker (#26304)

  • pkg/stanza: Rename 'pkg/stanza/decoder' to 'pkg/stanza/decode' (#26340)

  • pkg/stanza: Move tokenize.SplitterConfig.Encoding to fileconsumer.Config.Encoding (#26511)

  • pkg/stanza: Remove Flusher from tokenize.SplitterConfig (#26517) Removes the following in favor of flush.WithPeriod - tokenize.DefaultFlushPeriod - tokenize.FlusherConfig - tokenize.NewFlusherConfig

  • pkg/stanza: Remove tokenize.SplitterConfig (#26537)

  • pkg/stanza: Rename "tokenize" package to "split" (#26540)

    • Remove 'Multiline' struct
    • Remove 'NewMultilineConfig' struct
    • Rename 'MultilineConfig' to 'split.Config'
  • pkg/stanza: Extract whitespace trim configuration into trim.Config (#26511)

    • PreserveLeading and PreserveTrailing removed from tokenize.SplitterConfig.
    • PreserveLeadingWhitespaces and PreserveTrailingWhitespaces removed from tcp.BaseConfig and udp.BaseConfig.

πŸ’‘ Enhancements πŸ’‘

  • oauth2clientauthextension: Enable dynamically reading ClientID and ClientSecret from files (#26117)
    • Read the client ID and/or secret from a file by specifying the file path to the ClientIDFile (client_id_file) and ClientSecretFile (client_secret_file) fields respectively.
    • The file is read every time the client issues a new token. This means that the corresponding value can change dynamically during the execution by modifying the file contents.


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • memcachedreceiver: Removes duplicate Timeout field. This change has no impact on end users of the component. (#26084)

  • podmanreceiver: Removes duplicate Timeout field. This change has no impact on end users of the component. (#26083)

  • zookeeperreceiver: Removes duplicate Timeout field. This change has no impact on end users of the component. (#26082)

  • jaegerreceiver: Deprecate remote_sampling config in the jaeger receiver (#24186) The jaeger receiver will fail to start if remote_sampling config is specified in it. The receiver.jaeger.DisableRemoteSampling feature gate can be set to let the receiver start and treat remote_sampling config as no-op. In a future version this feature gate will be removed and the receiver will always fail when remote_sampling config is specified.

  • pkg/ottl: use IntGetter argument for Substring function (#25852)

  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated 'helper.Encoding' and 'helper.EncodingConfig.Build' (#25846)

  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated fileconsumer config structs (#24853) Includes | - MatchingCriteria - OrderingCriteria - NumericSortRule - AlphabeticalSortRule - TimestampSortRule

  • googlecloudexporter: remove retry_on_failure from the googlecloud exporter. The exporter itself handles retries, and retrying can cause issues. (#57233)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • pkg/stanza: Deprecate 'helper.EncodingConfig' and 'helper.NewEncodingConfig' (#25846)
  • pkg/stanza: Deprecate encoding related elements of helper pacakge, in favor of new decoder package (#26019) Includes the following deprecations | - Decoder - NewDecoder - LookupEncoding - IsNop
  • pkg/stanza: Deprecate tokenization related elements of helper pacakge, in favor of new tokenize package (#25914) Includes the following deprecations | - Flusher - FlusherConfig - NewFlusherConfig - Multiline - MultilineConfig - NewMultilineConfig - NewLineStartSplitFunc - NewLineEndSplitFunc - NewNewlineSplitFunc - Splitter - SplitterConfig - NewSplitterConfig - SplitNone

πŸ’‘ Enhancements πŸ’‘

  • googlemanagedprometheus: Add a add_metric_suffixes option to the googlemanagedprometheus exporter. When set to false, metric suffixes are not added. (#26071)
  • receiver/prometheus: translate units from prometheus to UCUM (#23208)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • receiver/influxdb: add allowable inputs to line protocol precision parameter (#24974)


πŸ›‘ Breaking changes πŸ›‘

  • exporter/clickhouse: Change the type of Config.Password to be configopaque.String (#17273)
  • all: Remove go 1.19 support, bump minimum to go 1.20 and add testing for 1.21 (#8207)
  • solacereceiver: Move model package to the internal package (#24890)
  • receiver/statsdreceiver: Move protocol and transport packages to internal (#24892)
  • filterprocessor: Unexport Strict and Regexp (#24845)
  • mdatagen: Rename the mdatagen sum field aggregation to aggregation_temporality (#16374)
  • metricstransformprocessor: Unexport elements of the Go API of the processor (#24846)
  • mezmoexporter: Unexport the MezmoLogLine and MezmoLogBody structs (#24842)
  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated 'fileconsumer.FileAttributes' (#24688)
  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated 'fileconsumer.EmitFunc' (#24688)
  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated fileconsumer.Finder (#24688)
  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated fileconsumer.BaseSortRule and fileconsumer.SortRuleImpl (#24688)
  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated 'fileconsumer.Reader' (#24688)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • pkg/stanza: Deprecate helper.Encoding and helper.EncodingConfig.Build (#24980)
  • pkg/stanza: Deprecate fileconsumer MatchingCriteria in favor of new matcher package (#24853)

πŸ’‘ Enhancements πŸ’‘

  • changelog: Generate separate changelogs for end users and package consumers (#24014)
  • splunkhecexporter: Add heartbeat check while startup and new config param, heartbeat/startup (defaults to false). This is different than the healtcheck_startup, as the latter doesn't take token or index into account. (#24411)
  • k8sclusterreceiver: Allows disabling metrics and resource attributes (#24568)
  • cmd/mdatagen: Avoid reusing the same ResourceBuilder instance for multiple ResourceMetrics (#24762)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • splunkhecreceiver: aligns success resp body w/ splunk enterprise (#19219) changes resp from plaintext "ok" to json {"text":"success", "code":0}