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Week 4 Proposal Update

Project proposal can be found here.

Status Update

Overall, I had some initial trepidation working alone on this project, but I know am incredibly excited about how this is taking shape. I want to be more intentional about collaborating with my classmates both when I encounter errors, but also to expand my own current thinking about my project and approach. Reviewing my classmates' homework assignments have been extremely helpful to my own learning.

Data Update

Initially, there was some concern about the acquisition of Census data from 1940-1960. Last week, Yoh shared an amazing resource, the Los Angeles County Union Census Tract Data Series, 1940-1990 from Ethington, Kooistra, and DeYoung. From this dataset, I am interested in the following variables and years that will help me better understand the racial demographics of the area.

  • P40B: Population Black non-White, 1940
    • P40T used to calculate percentage of Black non-white population.
  • P60B: Population Black non-White, 1960
    • P60T used to calculate percentage of Black non-white population.
  • I will consult 1950 as an informative datapoint, but this project is focused on the change explicitly before and after racially restrictive covenants were struck down in the 1948 Shelley v. Kramer decision.*


Given that median household income data does not begin until 1970, I am thinking of a couple approaches.

  • Continue to explore Social Explorer for Median Household Income for 1940-1960 (hopefully by Census tract)
  • Use a couple of variables from the Ethington et. al data as proxies for income in both 1940 and 1960 (where yy = year):
    • EyyH: Education completed high school
    • EyyC: Education completed college
    • OyyWC: Occupation White Collar
    • OyyBC: Occupation Blue Collar
    • HyyMVL: Median value of dwelling/housing units
    • HyyMRN: Housing Median Rent of Unit

I would love your insight on feedback on these potential proxies for income and how to use them. Additionally, I am thinking through which overlays would best to layer over the GreenBook location data to speak to the question raised around shifts in landscapes of safety.