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File metadata and controls

867 lines (696 loc) · 37.2 KB

Parameter File

The main program reads a parameter file containing the parameters and instructions for a calculation. This file is divided into sections, each of which contains a different type of information.

Each section is preceded by a blank line and starts with a line containing a section title in all capital letters (i.e., 'CHEMISTRY', 'UNIT_CELL', etc.) Each section may contain values of a sequence of variables. The variables within each section must appear in a predetermined (i.e., hard-coded) order. The name of each variable appears on a line by itself, followed by either the variable value or, for array-valued variables, by a sequence of values of the elements of the array on one more subsequent lines.

The program stops when it encounters the section title 'FINISH'.


An example of a complete parameter file is shown below. This example is for a system containing a triblock copolymer containing three chemically distinct blocks in a solvent that is chemically identical to one of the blocks.

The first line of the file identifies the version of the file format (in this case, version 1.0). The remainder of the file is divided into sections. Each section begins with a capitalized section identtifier (MONOMER, CHAINS, etc.) on a line by itself. A single blank line appears between sections. The sections are processed in the order in which they appear in the parameter file. The first few sections in this example simply provide values for physical and computational parameters. An ITERATE section instructs the program to actually perform a single SCF calculation, by iteratively solving the SCF equations. A SWEEP section performs a sequence of such calculations along a line in parameter space. Execution of the program stops when a FINISH line is encountered.

format  1  0

  0.4000000E+00  0.6000000E+00

              1              2              3
  1.2000000E+02  0.7000000E+02  0.6000000E+02










Overview of Sections

Primary Sections

The following list shows the titles of the most common parameter sections, in the order in which they normally appear. A detailed descriptions of the contents of each parameter file section is given below in a discussion of :ref:`param-sections-sec`.

Section Description
:ref:`param-monomers-sub` # of monomer types, and their kuhn lengths
:ref:`param-chains-sub` Chain species, block sequences and lengths, etc.
:ref:`param-solvents-sub` Solvent species, chemical identities, volumes
:ref:`param-composition-sub` Statistical ensemble and mixture composition
:ref:`param-interaction-sub` Interaction parameters (excess free energy)
:ref:`param-unitcell-sub` Unit cell dimension, lattice type, and parameters
:ref:`param-discretization-sub` Spatial grid dimensions and 'time' step ds.
:ref:`param-basis-sub` Construct symmetry adapted basis
:ref:`param-iterate-sub` Solve SCFT for one set of parameters
:ref:`param-sweep-sub` Solve SCFT for multiple sets of parameters
:ref:`param-response-sub` Compute linear susceptibility of ordered phase
:ref:`param-finish-sub` Stop program

Common Workflows

Several standard types of computation are possible using the blocks listed above:

  • Iterate: To solve solve the SCF equations for a single state point, include all of the sections above, in the order listed, except SWEEP and RESPONSE sections, which should not appear. Also exclude the SOLVENTS section if the system of interest is a polymer melt or a mixture of polymers with no small molecule solvent component.
  • Sweep: To compute a sequence of different states along a line in parameter space, include all of the sections listed above, in the order listed, except the RESPONSE section. The ITERATE section must precede the SWEEP section, and is used to obtain a solution for the initial choice of parameters, which is then used as a starting solution for the rest of the sweep.
  • Response: To compute the self-consistent-field or RPA linear susceptibility of a periodic microstructure, include ITERATE and RESPONSE sections, but do not include a SWEEP section.

The SOLVENTS section may always be omitted for calculations on systems that do not contain any small molecule solvent.

Miscellaneous Utilities

The following sections are used to invoke a variety of data processing operations or transformations on fields or parameters, or to output additional information.

Section Description
:ref:`param-fieldtorgrid-sub` Read field file in symmetry-adapated format and output in coordinate grid format
:ref:`param-rgridtofield-sub` Read field in coordinate grid file format and output in symmetry-adapated format
:ref:`param-kgridtorgrid-sub` Read field in k-space grid format and output in r-space coordinate grid format
:ref:`param-rhotoomega-sub` Read rho field, compute and output omega field
:ref:`param-rescale-sub` Redefine monomer reference volume
:ref:`param-waves-sub` Output relationship of waves to basis functions
:ref:`param-group-sub` Output all elements of space group

Further details about the contents and purpose of each section are given below.

Parameter Conventions


PSCF does not impose the use of a particular system of units for lengths. Any system of units can be used for entering values of the monomer statistical segment lengths and the unit cell dimensions, as long as the same unit of length are used for all relevant quantities. One can use either a physical unit, such as nanometers or Angstroms, or dimensionless units in which one or more of the statistical segment lengths is set to unity.

Definition of a "Monomer"

SCFT also leaves the user some freedom to redefine what he or she means by a "monomer", which need not correspond to a chemical repeat unit. The choice of values of the parameters block_length, solvent_size, kuhn, and chi to represent a particular experimental system all depend on an implicit choice of a value for a monomer reference volume, which defines the mononmer repeat unit that is being used for bookkeeping purposes. One "monomer" of a polymeric species is defined to correspond to length or molar mass of chain that occupies a volume in the melt equal to one reference volume, which may or may not correspond to a chemical repeat unit. Each element of the variable block_length represents the number of "monomers" in a block of a block copolymer, which is given by the ratio of the block volume to the monomer reference volume. Similarly, the variable solvent_size is given by ratio of the solvent volume to the reference volume.

Note that PSCF does not require the user to input a value for the monomer reference volume - the choice of reference volume is implicit in the values given for other quantities. Changes in one's choice of reference volume lead to corresponding changes in the values for the chi parameters, which are proportional to the reference volume, and in the kuhn lengths, which are proportional to the square root of the reference volume.

Character Strings

All parameters that are represented internally as characters or character strings must appear in the parameter file with single quotes, e.g., as 'chi' or 'out.'.

Array-valued parameters

Many input parameters are represented one or two-dimensional array, in which different elements may be associated with, e.g., different monomer types or different molecular species. Here, we discuss how the dimension and format of these parameters is indicated in subsequent sections that use to tables to describe the parameters required in different sections of the input script.

The discussion of each section of a parameter file contains a table listing the required parameters and the meaning of each. Parameters that are represented by one- or two-dimensional parameters arrays are indicated in these tables by displaying the name of each array parameter with an an appropriate number of indices shown in induces. One dimensional array parameters are thus indicated by writing the name of the parameter with one index: For example, in the description of the MONOMERS section, kuhn(im) denotes a one dimensional array of statistical segment lengths for different monomer types. Two dimensional arrays are shown with two indices.

The meaning and range of each such array index is indicated by using a set of standard variable names to indicate different types of indices, with different ranges of allowed values. For example, in the remainder of this page, the symbol 'im' is always used to indicates an index for a monomer type. The meaning and range of every index symbol is summarized in the following table:

Meaning of Array Indices:

Indices Meaning Range
im, in monomer types 1,...,N_monomer
ic chain/polymer species 1,...,N_chain
ib blocks within a chain 1,...,N_block(ic)
is solvent species 1,...,N_solvent
id Cartesian direction 1,...,dim

For each array parameter, the elements of the array are expected to appear in the parameter file in a specific format. Generally, arrays are formatted so that information about different molecular species appears on separate lines, but that values that are associated with different monomer blocks or different blocks within a block copolymer appear on a single line separated by spaces.

The expected format for each array parameter in specified in the table of parameters for each section by a code given in a table column labelled "Format". The meaning of each array format code is specified below:

Code Meaning
R 1D array, row format (all values in a single line)
C 1D array, column format (one value per line)
MR 2D array, multiple rows of different length
LT 2D array, lower triangular

Within each line, values may be separated by any amount of whitespace. In the row (R) format for 1D arrays, all values appear on a single line separated by whitespace. In the column format (C), each value appears on a separate line. In the multiple row (MR) format, which is used for the arrays block_monomer(ib,ic) and block_length(ib,ic), each line of data contains the values for all of the blocks of one chain molecule, with N_block(ic) values in the line for molecule number ic.

The lower triangular (LT) format for square 2D arrays is used for the array chi(im,in) of Flory-Huggin interaction parameters. In this format, a symmetric array with zero diagonal elements is input in the form:

chi(3,1) chi(3,2)

in which line i contains elements chi(i+1,j) for j< i. For a system with only two monomer types (e.g., a diblock copolymer melt or a binary homopolymer blend), only the single value chi(2,1) on a single line is required.

Individual Sections

Each of the following subsections describes the format of one possible section of the parameter file. Array-valued parameters are indicated using the conventions described above. Some variables may be present or absent depending on the value of a previous variable. These conditions, if any, are given in a column entitled 'Required if' or 'Absent if'.


Chemistry Parameters

Variable Type Description Format
N_monomer integer Number of monomer types  
kuhn(im) real statistical segment length of monomer type im R

Despite the choice of name, the elements of the kuhn array are actually effective statistical segment lengths, rather than true Kuhn lnegths. The statistical segment length b of a random-walk hompolymer depends upon the choice of a definition of an effective monomer, and is defined by setting b^{2} = R_{e}^{2}/N, where R_{e}^{2} is the mean-squared end-to-end length of the polymer and N is the number of effective monomers (i.e., the number of monomer reference volumes) in the chain.


Chain Parameters

Variable Type Description Format
N_chain integer Number of chain species  
N_block(ic) integer Number of blocks in species ic C
block_monomer(ib,ic) integer Monomer type for block ib of species ic MR
block_length(ib,ic) real Number of monomers in block ib of species ic MR

The block_monomer and block_length arrays are entered in a format in which each line contains the data for one polymer species, and different entries within each line refer to different blocks. The number of entries in line ic must equal to the value of N_block(ic), i.e., to the number of blocks in chain species ic. The length of each block in an incompressible mixture is equal to the volume occupied by that block (computed using the density of the corresponding hompolymer) divided by the monomer reference volume.


Solvent Parameters

Variable Type Description Format
N_solvent integer Number of solvent species  
solvent_monomer(is) integer Monomer type for solvent is C
solvent_size(is) real Volume of solvent is C

The parameter solvent_size is given by the ratio of the actual volume occupied by a particular solvent to the monomer reference volume.


Composition Parameters:

Variable Type Description Format
ensemble integer 0 if canonical, 1 if grand  
phi_chain(ic) real volume fraction of chain species ic C
phi_solvent(is) real volume fraction of solvent species is C
mu_chain(ic) real chemical potential of chain species is C
mu_solvent(ic) real chemical potential of solvent species ic C

The integer parameter "ensemble" determines the choice of statistical ensemble. This should be set to 0 for canonical (NVT) ensemble and to 1 for grand-canonical ensemble. The remainder of the section then contains only the input parameters required as inputs in the specified ensemble:

If canonical ensemble is specified (ensemble=0), then the rest of the section must contain values for the parameters phi_chain and (if N_solvent > 0) phi_solvent that specify the volume fractions of all species. The example parameter file shows this for a canonical ensemble simulations of a single-component polymer melt.

If grand canonical ensemble is specified (ensemble=1), then the rest of the section must contain values for the parameters mu_chain and (if N_solvent > 0) mu_solvent that specify values for the chemical potentials of all species. Chemical potentials are specified as free energies per molecule in units with k_{B}T=1.

Values of phi_solvent (in canonical ensemble) or mu_solvent (in grand-canonical ensemble) should be given if and only if there are solvent species present, i.e., if a solvent block is present and N_solvent > 0.


Interaction Parameters

Variable Type Description Format
chi_flag char(1) 'B' => bare chi, 'T' => chi=chi_A/T + chi_B  
chi(im,in) real Flory-Huggins parameter ('bare') LT
chi_A(im,in) real Enthalpic coefficient for chi(T) LT
chi_B(im,in) real Entropic contribution to chi(T) LT
Temperature real Absolute temperature  

The parameter "chi_flag" determines whether the Flory-Huggins interation parameters should be input by specifying values, if chi_flag = 'B', or by specifying a temperature dependence of the form A/T + B, if chi_flag = 'T'. The array chi should be present if and only if chi_flag = 'B', while the parameters chi_A and chi_B should be present if and only if chi_flag = 'T'.


The variables in the UNIT_CELL section contain the information necessary to define the crystal unit cell type, and the unit cell size and shape (i.e., to define the Bravais lattice).

Variable Type Description Format
dim integer dimensionality =1, 2, or 3  
crystal_system character(60) unit cell type (cubic, tetragonal, etc.)  
N_cell_param integer # unit cell parameters  
cell_param(i) real N_cell_param unit cell parameters R

The unit cell parameters are unit cell length and angles between Bravais basis vectors. The number of parameters required to describe a unit cell is different for different types of cell (different values of crystal_system), and is given by N_cell_param. The array cell_param contains N_cell_param unit cell parameters, which are input in row format, with all elements in a single line.

Further information about the allowed values of the crystal_system string and the number and type of unit cell parameters required by each type of unit cell is given in the :ref:`unitcell-page` page.


The discretization section defines the grid used to spatially discretize the modified diffusion equation and the size ds of the computational "step" ds in the time-like contour length variable.


Variable Type Description Format
ngrid(id) integer # grid points in direction id=1,..,dim R
ds real contour length step size  

The integer array ngrid(id) is input in row format, with dim (i.e., 1,2 or 3) values on a line, where dim is the dimensionality of space. The value of the contour length step ds is an optimum value. The length of each block is divided into an integer number of steps, with the number of steps chosen to obtain an actual step size for each block that is as close as possible to this input parameter.


The BASIS block instructs the code to construct symmetrized basis functions that are invariant under the operations of a specified space group. The file format for this block contains only one variable, a string named "group", which is an identifier for the space group. The value of the "group" string can be either a standard name of one of the possible space groups or the path to a file that contains the elements of the group. Names of all possible space groups, in the form expected by PSCF, are given in the page on :ref:`group-page`.

Variable Type Description
group character(60) group name, or file name


The ITERATE command causes the program to read in an input omega file and then attempt to iteratively solve the SCFT equations for one set of input parameters. This is the workhorse of a SCFT computation. An ITERATE section must immediately precede any SWEEP or RESPONSE section.

If an ITERATE section is immediately preceded by a RESCALE section, it will use the rescaled version of the omega field that was read by the RESCALE command. In that case, the ITERATE section should not contain an input_filename parameter.


Variable Type Description
input_filename character(60) input omega file name
output_prefix character(60) prefix to all output files
max_itr integer maximum allowed number of iterations
max_error real tolerance - max. norm of residual
domain logical unit cell is variable if true, rigid if false
itr_algo character(10) code for iteration algorithm
N_cut integer dimension of cutoff Jacobian in NR algorithm (required iff itr_algo = 'NR')
N_hist integer Number of histories used in AM algorithm (required iff itr_algo = 'AM')


The string "output_prefix" is concatenated with the suffixes 'out', 'rho', and 'omega' to create paths (file names) for the output summary, output monomer concentration (rho) field, and output chemical potential (omega) field files. The output prefix string should usually be either the name of a subdirectory followed by a "/" directory separator string, such as 'out/', in order to place these files in a separate directory, or a string that ends with a period, such as 'out.', to obtain files with file extensions '.out', '.rho' and '.omega'. In all of the examples, we set output_prefix = 'out/' to place all output files in a subdirectory.

The value of the "domain" logical parameter determines whether PSCF attempts to solve the self-consistent field equations in a fixed unit cell (if domain == F) or whether it adjusts the parameters of the unit cell so as to find a state of vanishing stress, and thus minimum free energy (if domain == "T").

The value of the string "itr_algo" determines the choice of iteration algorithm. The only valid values (thus var) are "NR" or "AM".

If "itr_algo" is "NR", PSCF uses a quasi-Newton-Raphson iteration algorithm that is unique to this program. This algorithm constructs a physically motivated initial approximation for the Jacobian matrix in which elements associated with long wavelength components of the \omega field are computed numerically and shorter wavelength components are estimated. After construction and inversion of this initial estimate, Broyden updates of the inverse Jacobian are used to refine the estimate of the inverse Jacobian. This method requires a parameter "N_cut", which determines how many rows and columns of the Jacobian matrix are to be computed numerically. The time required to construct the initial estimate of the Jacobian, which can become quite long for 3D problems that require many basis functions, increases linearly with "N_cut" . For problems involving relatively simple 3D unit cells of block copolymer melts, values of N_cut of order 100 often provide a reasonable balance between accuracy and cost. One important disadvantage of the "NR" algorithm is that it requires storage of the full Jacobian matrix, which can become impossible for problems with more than about 10,000 basis functions.

If "iter_algo" is set to "AM", PSCF using an Anderson mixing algorithm that uses much less memory. This algorithm requires an integer parameter "N_history" that determines how many previous iterations are stored and used to estimate each update. We often set N_history = 30.


The presence of a SWEEP section instructs the program to solve the SCFT for a sequence of nearby values of parameters along a line through parameter space (a 'sweep'). We define a sweep contour variable s that varies from 0 up to a maximum value s_max, in increments of 1. For each integer step in the sweep parameter, the user may specify a fixed increment per step for any of the real parameters that are relevant to the problem. The parameters that can be incremented include all of the real parameters in the MONOMERS, CHAINS, SOLVENTS, COMPOSITION, and INTERACTION section (i.e., all parameter in these sections for which a floating point value or an array of floating point values is given in the parameter file). For simulations with a fixed unit cell (domain=1), the elements of the unit_cell_param array may also be incremented.

The desired increment per step for any variable <name> is specified by the value or (for an array) array of values of a corresponding increment variable named d_<name>. Any number of increments may be specified. Variables that are not incremented do not need to be referred to explicitly - increments of zero are assigned default. When an array-valued variable is incremented, however, increment values must be specified for all of the elements of the array. The reading of increment variables ends when the program encounters the line containing the string "end_increments".

Variable Type Description
s_max real maximum value of sweep contour variable
s_<name> type of <name> increment in variable <name>
end_increments none indicates end of the list of increments


The presence of a RESPONSE section instructs the program to calculate the linear response matrix for a converged ordered structure at one or more k-vectors in the first Brillouin zone. If the linear response is calculated for more than one k-vector, they must lie along a line in k-space, separated by a user defined vector increment.

Variable Type Description
pertbasis char If 'PW' => plane wave basis. If 'SYM' => symmetrized basis functions
k_group character Group used to construct symmetrized basis functions
kdim int # dimensions in k-vector (kdim >= dim)
kvec0(i) real initial k-vector, i=1,...,kdim
dkvec(i) real increment in k-vector
nkstep integer # of k-vectors


This command reads a file containing a field in the symmetry-adapted Fourier expansion format and outputs a representation containing values of the field on a coordinate space grid. This and the other commands to transform representation can be applied to either a rho or omega field.

Variable Type Description
input_filename character(60) input file name (symmetry-adapted format)
output_filename character(60) output file name (coordinate grid format)


This command performs the inverse of the transformation performed by FIELD_TO_RGRID: It reads a file containing values of a field on the nodes of a coordinate grid and outputs a file containing a representationo as an symmetry-adapted Fourier expansion.

Variable Type Description
input_filename character(60) input file name (coordinate grid)
output_filename character(60) output file name (symmetry-adapted)


This command inverts the operation applied by RGRID_TO_KGRID: It reads a file containing values Fourier components of a field on wavevectors on a k-space FFT grid, performs an inverse Fourier transform, and outputs values of the field on a coordinate r-space grid.

Variable Type Description
input_filename character(60) input file name (wavevector grid)
output_filename character(60) output file name (coordinate grid)


This command reads a file containing a monomer concetnration field and outputs a corresponding initial guess for the omega field. Both input and ouput files use the symmetry-adapted Fourier expansion format. The omega field is computed by simply setting the Lagrange multiplier pressure field to zero, giving a field that only contains the contributions that arise from the excess interaction free energy, e.g., terms that explicitly involve the Flory-Huggins chi parameter. This command is intended to be used to generate an initial guess for $omega$ from an approximate structural model for the volume fraction fields in a particular structure.

Variable Type Description
input_filename character(60) input rho file name (symmetry-adapted)
output_filename character(60) output omega file name (symmetry-adapted)


This command reads in an omega file, then applies a change in the convention for the monomer reference volume to the omega field and to all parameters whose value depend upon an implicit choice of monomer reference volume. This command may only be called (if at all) immediately prior to an ITERATE commands, in order to read in an omega field and then change the convention for the monomer reference volume prior to solving the SCFT equations.

This command applies a change in the omega field and various properties that corresponds to a change of the monomer reference volume v by a factor v \rightarrow v/\lambda. The scale factor \lambda is given in the parameter file by the input variable "vref_scale".

Variable Type Description
input_filename character(60) input omega file name
vref_scale real scale factor :math:`lambda'

This command applies the following set of transformations to each block length N, solvent size S, statistical segment length b, Flory-Huggins interaction parameter \chi, and monomer chemical potential field \omega:

Variable type Symbol New value
block length N N \lambda
solvent size S S \lambda
monomer length b b/\sqrt{\lambda}
interaction \chi \chi/\lambda
field \omega \omega/\lambda

The SCFT equations can be shown to be invariant under such a change in convention for the definition of a "monomer". Also note that this transformation leaves invariant any product \chi N of a interaction parameter and a block or a chain length or any product \omega N of a chemical potential field per monomer and the number of monomers in a block, both of which correspond to measures of the free energy of interaction of a block with its surroundings. The transformation also leaves invariant any product \sqrt{N} b that corresponds to a random-walk coil size.

Applying this rescaling to an omega field that already solves the SCFT equations for the choice of parameters given in the parameter file simply generates an equivalent solution corresping to a rescaled choice of parameter values. Using the RESCALE command to read in a file containing such a converged solution should thus cause the subsequent ITERATE command to terminate immediately, since the error should be less than the numerical threshhold on input. This would cause the program to immediately output the rescaled parameters to an output summary file and the rescaled omega field to an output omega file.


This command outputs a file that describes the relationship between complex exponential plane wave basis functions and symmetry-adapted basis functions. The resulting file lists which star each wavevector belongs to and the coefficient of the plane-wave within a symmetry adapted basis function assocated with that star.

Variable Type Description
output_filename character(60) output file name


Output all symmetry elements of the current space group to a file. See the discussion of space group :ref:`group-symmetry-sec` for a discussion of the internal representation of space groups and the output file format.


Variable Type Description
output_filename character(60) output file name


The FINISH string is the last section of any parameter file, and causes program execution to terminate.