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Advanced Usage

The purpose of this document is to give an introduction to advanced usage patterns of the MythX CLI as well as functionality the user might not have been aware of.

Automatic Group Creation

The basic workflow for attaching analyses to groups can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Open a new group with mythx group open
  2. Submit analyses in reference to the new group mythx analyze --group-id <ID>
  3. Close the group when done mythx group close <ID>

This can become very annoying and hinder automation tasks leveraging the MythX CLI. Because of that, the --create-group flag has been introduced. Passing this flag to mythx analyze will automatically open a group before submitting new analysis jobs, and close it after the submission process has been completed. This functionality encapsulates all targets passed to the analyze subcommand.

A short example:

mythx analyze --create-group dir1/ test.sol test2.sol

This command will initialize an empty group, add all analyses coming from dir1/ and the two test Solidity files into it, and close it once submission has been completed. The analyses will then show up in their dedicated group inside the dashboard.

File Output

Especially in scenarios of automation the need often arises to persist data and store it as files. Since version 0.4.0 the base mythx command carries the --output option. This allows you to take the stdout from any subcommand and store it as a file. This can be very helpful for storing analysis job and group IDs for long-running asynchronous jobs - which we will also outline in this document.

The --format option is fully supported with --output and allows the user to define what is written to the file. Furthermore, it can be combined with every subcommand mythx supports.


  1. mythx --output=status.json --format=json-pretty status <id>: Output the status of an analysis job in pretty-printed JSON format to status.json.
  2. mythx --output=report.json --format=json report report <id>: This is equivalent as above with the difference being that now the analysis job's report is fetched and directly written to the file. This is especially useful for testing new formatters and other integrations with static input.
  3. mythx --output=analyses.txt analyze --async <targets>: This performs a quick analysis on the defined targets (e.g. truffle projects, Solidity files) and instead of waiting for the results, simply writes the analysis job IDs to the analyses.txt files. This can be helpful for when you need to persist long-running analysis IDs and cannot wait for them to finish, e.g. when running full-mode analyses on a CI server.

Filtering Reports

The MythX CLI offers a variety of flags to filter report output. These are available in the analyze and report subcommands respectively and identical in their behaviour. Report filtering can be used to hide unwanted issues detected by MythX, e.g. a floating Solidity compiler pragma (SWC-103). There are three flags with report filtering capabilities available:

  1. --swc-blacklist: Ignore specific SWC IDs, e.g. --swc-blacklist SWC-104 will display all found issues except for unchecked call return values.
  2. --swc-whitelist: Ignore all SWC IDs that do not match the given ones, e.g. --swc-whitelist 110,123 will only display requirement and assert violations.
  3. --min-severity: Ignore issues below the given severity, e.g. --min-severity medium ignores all low severity issues.

The SWC black- and whitelist parameters support a variety of formats. Besides individual SWC IDs, the user can also pass in a comma-separated list of multiple IDs to submit a list. Furthermore, the inputs can be expressed in different manners, i.e. swc-110, SWC-110, and 110 all target the same SWC ID. List submission works in the same way, so --swc-blacklist=SWC-101,102,swc-103 is a valid way to exclude IDs 101-103 from the report, even though it is definitely recommended to stick with a consistent notation for readability purposes.

Asynchronous Analysis

As mentioned before, the analyze subcommand offers the --async flag. This will prevent the CLI from blocking after the submission of one or multiple analysis jobs and waiting for them to finish. Instead, for each analysis job the job's UUID will be printed to stdout, or to a file, if the --output option is passed as well. This feature is often used in CI scenarios, where the server job is not expected to run for very long. It is strongly recommended that this flag is used in combination with MythX plans that offer higher analysis times. These scans are more exhaustive, deliver more precise results, but as a trade-off take longer to process. In the CI server scenario, a developer might choose to submit analyses asynchronously and check on the job later in the MythX dashboard. Alternatively, the job IDs could also be stored in a file as a CI artifact and later retrieved by another part of the pipeline, e.g. to kickstart a security or QA pipeline.

An example is the submission of a large truffle project: .. code:

mythx analyze --async my-project/

This flag is also best friends with the --create-group flag for the analyze subcommand. Together they help keeping the MythX dashboard overview tidy.

The CI Flag

MythX is designed to support developers throughout the process of building their product by providing continuous security checks. It is self-understood that CI use cases present their own set of challenges, and the MythX CLI aims to support this process by providing the --ci flag in the base command. This flag sets the application's return code to 1 if any issues were found in the analysis.

The true power of this flag becomes apparent when taking into consideration that it is fully integrated with the options available for report filtering. This means that the return code can be set depending on the input provided to the swc-blacklist, swc-whitelist, and min-severity options. A use case is to make CI jobs only fail on high-severity issues, but excluding a subset of them because they are already in the process of being fixed, or insignificant relating to the business logic.

The filtering options can be freely combined with the --ci flag to achieve the desiged behaviour. A simple example is excluding the (fairly common) floating pragma issue type, and assert and requirement violations for testing purposes:

mythx --ci analyze --swc-blacklist 110,123,103 my-project/

Custom Report Rendering

The MythX CLI exposes a subcommand render, which allows the user to generate HTML reports of the analyses inside a group, or an individual analysis job. The --template flag allows the user to submit their own report template. This bears the question: How is a custom template written? This section aims to explain the two ways of writing a custom template:

  1. Write a new template from scratch
  2. Extend the default layout.html with the pre-defined blocks

Writing a New Template From Scratch

Is the default layout too complex? Do block names confuse you? No worries! The MythX CLI of course also support completely user-defined templates. These templates can be specified using Jinja2. With basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Jinja, and possibly also JavaScript (if you feel fancy), it is fairly easy to write a template. Explaining the inner workings of Jinja and the core principles of web design are out of scope for this section. It is relevant to know what context MythX provides for user-defined templates. There are two core items that are rendered onto the template. The issues_list, and the target.

The target is a string containing either the analysis group ID, or the analysis job UUID that the user has passed to the :code`render` subcommand.

The issues_list is a list of tuples. Each tuple contains three elements. These are in order: 1. The analysis' status model object 2. The analysis' issue report object 3. The analysis' input model object

These objects along with their methods and properties can be looked up in the MythX domain model package. Generating a simple report is as easy as iterating over the issues_list parameter and displaying the properties of each tuple element in the desired way:

{% for status, report, input in issues_list %}
{# my template code #}

Extending the Default Template

The MythX CLI default template is generated from two files: layout.html and default.html. The former defines the overall structure of the report page, namely the CSS grid and the components built on top of it. The latter template extends the layout file and adds the default theme's color scheme and fonts.

In Jinja2, the templating language used by the report renderer, templates can be extended by defining so-called blocks in the template file to be extended. Blocks can contain content already to define a sane default. Otherwise, the extending template can choose to overwrite specific blocks of the extended templates to inject customized content. This is a powerful mechanic that is extensively used by the report rendering engine. A short example:

Let's assume we have a base template base.html that defines the following code in its HTML head tag:

    <title>{% block title %}Default{% endblock %}</title>

An extending template extended.html might them contain the following code:

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}My Extended Title{% endblock %}

In the final template, we will get the combined code:

    <title>My Extended Title</title>

The advantages here are obvious: By providing a sane default template with reasonable block definitions, the MythX CLI can allow the user to make quick and rather deep updates to the final HTML template without them needing to go through the hassle of reading and understanding the HTML, CSS, and Jinja statements written in the overall default template - even though this knowledge becomes more useful the deeper the user aims to change things up.

More details can be found in the official Jinja template inheritance docs.

All blocks in the default template are scoped, meaning that the extending template has access to all context variables around the block in the base template file. This allows the user to e.g. access report objects inside the block from the extending layout to customize the way things are displayed. The blocks defined in the layout template are as follows:

  • head

    Defines the head HTML tag. This will overwrite all default content including CSS styles and the site title.

  • style

    Defines the CSS styles. If you want to keep the default template's style, consider using {{ super() }} insite the extending block definition to insert the styles from the parent template.

  • title

    Defines the site title as it appears in the Browser tab and header.

  • extra_html

    This is a block that is empty by default. It allows the user to insert extra HTML tags at the beginning of the body element - before anything else is defined. This is expecially useful for overlays, but with the flexibility of custom CSS styles for the inserted element, it can be positioned elsewhere in absolute terms,

  • navigation

    Defines the content of the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the page. It should contain an overview of all the reports inside the template and allow the user to click on a navigation link that jumps directly to the selected analysis report.

  • navigation_header

    Defines the heading (h2) of the navigation bar. By default it is defined as Overview.

  • main_header

    Defines the content of the main header (a header tag with class main-head). This tag is displayed on top of the main page's report listing. If only the name needs to be customized, it is recommended to use the main_header_name block instead.

  • main_header_name

    Defines the main header name. It is displayed on top of the main page's report listing. By default it is MythX Report for {{ target }} where the target variable is the group or analysis job ID submitted by the user to the render subcommand.

  • report_header

    Defines the report header. This is the section on top of each analysis report inside the main page's report listing. By default it contains a heading with the analysis job's main source file(s), and a small link to the official MythX dashboard's analysis report labelled with the analysis UUID. More fine-grained customization can be done using the blocks below.

  • report_header_name

    Defines the report header name. This is the heading on top of each report, containing the main source file(s) of the analysis job. By default, this heading has the analysis job's UUID as ID. This is done so a user can reference the tag's ID in the navigation bar to quickly jump to specific report listing entries.

  • report_header_link

    Defines the report link behind the the report header name. By default, this link is encapsulated in a small tag and references the default MythX dashboard at

  • report_header_link_name

    Defines the report header's link name. This is the link displayed next to the heading of the report pointing to the official MythX dashboard. By default, the current report's UUID is displayed.

  • section_status

    Defines the report's status section. The purpose of this section is to give the user a quick overview over the vulnerabilities that have been found in a job. By default this is a table displaying how many vulnerabilities per severity level have been found in the report.

  • section_status_high

    Defines the column name for high severity vulnerabilities in the analysis status overview. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • section_status_medium

    Defines the column name for medium severity vulnerabilities in the analysis status overview. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • section_status_low

    Defines the column name for low severity vulnerabilities in the analysis status overview. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • section_status_unknown

    Defines the column name for unknown severity vulnerabilities in the analysis status overview. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • section_report

    Defines the central report section of an analysis job in the main page's report listing. By default this section displays a table is displayed showing the SWC-IDs of the found vulnerabilities along with its verbose name, the file name it was found in, and location information carrying line and column number. More fine-grained customization can be done with the blocks below.

  • section_report_id

    Defines the SWC-ID column name in the report issues overview table. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • section_report_severity

    Defines the severity column name in the report issues overview table. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • section_report_name

    Defines the SWC title column name in the report issues overview table. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • section_report_file

    Defines the file name column name in the report issues overview table. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language. It should be noted that in the table data field, only source file entries of "text" source format issues are considered as their source list entries contain clear-text filenames. For bytecode locations, a Keccak256 hash of the contract's deployed bytecode would be used. To not confuse readers, this behaviour is omitted and skipped during the default template rendering.

  • section_report_location

    Defines the issue location column name in the report issues overview table. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • section_code

    Defines the code section. By default, this section displays a listing of the source code (hidden behind a collapsible details tag) where the found issues are highlighted inline. Furthermore, if the issue has any test cases attached to it, these will be rendered as collapsible items that are displayed once the user clicks on a code line that is highlighted with an issue. More fine-grained customization can be done using the blocks defined below.

  • section_code_name

    Defines the name of the collapsible to display the source code. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • section_case_name

    Defines the name of the collapsible to display the issue test case. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • section_code_step_name

    Defines the name of the collapsible to display a test case's step name. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • section_code_empty_name

    Defines the name of the message that is displayed when no test cases are attached to the current issue. This is often the case for static analysis issues (like floating pragmas or the use of deprecated Solidity functions). This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • no_issues_name

    Defines the name of the message that is displayed when no issues were found in the report of this particular analysis job. This block can be used to e.g. change the column name to its equivalent in another language.

  • footer

    Defines the content of the footer. By default, the footer carries the class main-footer, which by default has an absolute fixed position at the bottom. This block by default gives credits to MythX CLI, which was used to generate the report. It can be customized with the user's own branding. Kudos to the MythX CLI is not required, but always appreciated. :)