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Truffle IDE support for fuzz
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Nurchik committed May 19, 2021
1 parent dbb2959 commit 6c4832e
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Showing 2 changed files with 180 additions and 0 deletions.
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions mythx_cli/fuzz/ide/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Dict

from mythx_cli.fuzz.exceptions import BuildArtifactsError
from mythx_cli.fuzz.ide.generic import JobBuilder, IDEArtifacts
from mythx_cli.util import sol_files_by_directory, LOGGER

from gql import Client, gql
from gql.transport.requests import RequestsHTTPTransport

class TruffleArtifacts(IDEArtifacts):
def __init__(self, graphql_url: str, project_dir, build_dir=None, targets=None):
self._include = []
if targets:
include = []
for target in targets:
self._include = include

self._build_dir = build_dir or Path("./build/contracts")
build_files_by_source_file = self._get_build_artifacts(self._build_dir)
project_sources = self._get_project_sources(graphql_url, project_dir)

self._contracts, self._sources = self.fetch_data(build_files_by_source_file, project_sources)

def fetch_data(self, build_files_by_source_file, project_sources: Dict[str, List[str]]):
result_contracts = {}
result_sources = {}
for source_file, contracts in build_files_by_source_file.items():
if source_file not in self._include:
result_contracts[source_file] = []
for contract in contracts:
# We get the build items from truffle and rename them into the properties used by the FaaS
result_contracts[source_file] += [
"sourcePaths": {
i: k
for i, k in enumerate(
"deployedSourceMap": contract["deployedSourceMap"],
"deployedBytecode": contract["deployedBytecode"],
"sourceMap": contract["sourceMap"],
"bytecode": contract["bytecode"],
"contractName": contract["contractName"],
"mainSourceFile": contract["sourcePath"],
except KeyError as e:
raise BuildArtifactsError(
f"Build artifact did not contain expected key. Contract: {contract}: \n{e}"

for file_index, source_file_dep in enumerate(project_sources[contract["contractName"]]):
if source_file_dep in result_sources.keys():

if source_file_dep not in build_files_by_source_file:
LOGGER.debug(f"{source_file} not found.")

# We can select any dict on the build_files_by_source_file[source_file] array
# because the .source and .ast values will be the same in all.
target_file = build_files_by_source_file[source_file_dep][0]
result_sources[source_file_dep] = {
"fileIndex": file_index,
"source": target_file["source"],
"ast": target_file["ast"],
return result_contracts, result_sources

def _get_project_sources(graphql_url: str, project_dir: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
transport = RequestsHTTPTransport(url=graphql_url)
client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)
get_project_id_query = gql(
query {{
projectId(input: {{ directory: "{project_dir}" }})
result = client.execute(get_project_id_query)
project_id = result.get("projectId")

get_project_contracts_query = gql(
project(id:"{project_id}") {{
contracts {{
compilation {{
processedSources {{
source {{

result = client.execute(get_project_contracts_query)

contracts = {}

for contract in result["project"]["contracts"]:
contracts[contract["name"]] = list(map(
lambda x: x["source"]["sourcePath"],
return contracts

def _get_build_artifacts(build_dir) -> Dict:
"""Build indexes of Truffle build artifacts.
This function starts by loading the contents from the Truffle build artifacts json, found in the /build
folder, which contain the following data:
* :code: `deployedSourceMap`
* :code: `deployedBytecode`
* :code: `sourceMap`
* :code: `bytecode`
* :code: `contractName`
* :code: `sourcePath`
It then stores that data in build_files_by_source_file dictionary. The one is indexed by the
source file (.sol) found in the .sourcePath property of the json.
build_files_by_source_file = {}

build_dir = Path(build_dir)

if not build_dir.is_dir():
raise BuildArtifactsError("Build directory doesn't exist")

for child in build_dir.glob("**/*"):
if not child.is_file():
if not".json"):

data = json.loads(child.read_text("utf-8"))

source_path = data["sourcePath"]

if source_path not in build_files_by_source_file:
# initialize the array of contracts with a list
build_files_by_source_file[source_path] = []


return build_files_by_source_file

def contracts(self):
return self._contracts

def sources(self):
return self._sources

class TruffleJob:
def __init__(self, target: List[str], build_dir: Path):
artifacts = TruffleArtifacts(build_dir, targets=target)
self._jb = JobBuilder(artifacts)
self.payload = None

def generate_payload(self):
self.payload = self._jb.payload()
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions requirements.txt
Expand Up @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ tabulate==0.8.9

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