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Salt-Nornir is a SaltStack Proxy Minion built for Network Automation using Nornir framework.


Why Salt-Nornir?


Salt-Nornir helps to address scaling issues of interacting with devices at high numbers, efficiently using resources without sacrificing execution speed.

Normally, for each network device dedicated proxy-minion process configured and once started, each consuming about 100 MByte of RAM.

Contrary, single instance of Salt-Nornir Nornir Proxy Minion capable of managing multiple network devices using Nornir.

As a result, the more devices single Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion manages, the more system resources saved.

At one extreme, single Salt-Nornir proxy can manage one device only, giving the fastest execution time but consuming the most of resources.

At another extreme, Salt-Nornir proxy minion can manage 1000 devices, slowly crawling them over time but saving on resource usage.

Optimal number of devices managed by Salt-Nornir proxy depends on the environment it operates in and decided on a case by case basis.


Nornir and SALT both use Python, both are pluggable frameworks and both open-source.

Given that both frameworks has Python API and native support for modules/plugins, extendability is endless.


(1) Usually Proxy Minion locked in a certain way of interacting with network devices using single library of choice. Salt-Nornir, on the other hand, handles interactions using plugins.

As a result, same Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion can manage network devices using several libraries. Out of the box Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion comes with support for NAPALAM, Netmiko, Scrapli, Scrapli Netconf, Ncclient, PyGNMI, PyATS and requests libraries to interact with network infrastructure.

(2) SaltStack has CLI utilities, schedulers, returners, REST API, pillar, beacons, event bus, mine, templating engines and many other pluggable systems. All of them available for use with Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion.

(3) In case none of the existing plugins suite the use case, Nornir Tasks plugins together with SaltStack Python API systems can be used to address the problem.

How it fits together

SaltStack software, Nornir framework, nornir_salt and salt_nornir packages - how it fits together?

We can solve any problem by introducing an extra level of indirection.

    David J. Wheeler

…except for the problem of too many levels of indirection

From more specific to more abstract:

nornir_salt - is a collection of Nornir plugins, born in the process of creating Nornir Proxy Minion

Nornir - pluggable automation framework to interact with network devices using pure Python

salt_nornir - collection of SaltStack modules that use Nornir to manage network devices

SaltStack - Python-based, open-source software for event-driven IT automation, remote task execution and configuration management (Wikipedia)


How it works

Wrapping Nornir in Salt Proxy Minion allows to run jobs against multiple devices. Single proxy process can apply configuration or retrieve devices' state using Nornir plugins.

Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion controls and enables shared access to network devices resources using queues for child and main processes communication.


Above architecture assumes:

  • Double targeting required to narrow down tasks execution to a subset of hosts
  • In addition to knowing how pillar works, one need to know how Nornir inventory structured, as Nornir inventory integrated with proxy-minion pillar

To address double targeting, Salt-Nornir comes with filtering functions, refer to Nornir-Salt FFun functions for details. Filter functions use Fx Salt CLI arguments to filter hosts.

For example:

# target only IOL1 and IOL2 hosts:
salt nrp1 nr.cli "show clock" FB="IOL[12]"

Nornir process watchdog or known issues

Slowly crashlooping system is usually preferable to a system that simply stops working.

To address various issues that can happen during lifespan of Nornir Proxy minion process each such a process has watchdog thread running. Watchdog constantly execute checks on a predefined intervals controlled by watchdog_interval parameter (default 30s).

Problems watchdog should be capable of handling:

1. Memory overconsumption. memory_threshold_mbyte and memory_threshold_action proxy minion settings can help to prevent proxy minion process from running out of memory. Normally, because Nornir Proxy minion uses multiprocessing to run tasks instead of threading it is not prone to memory leak issues, however, having capability to log or restart process in response to consuming too much memory can be helpful in extreme cases like bugs in new software releases.

2. Stale child processes. During Nornir proxy minion testing was detected that some child processes started to execute tasks might stuck for unknown reason. Probably bug of some sort. That usually leads to child process running indefinitely, consuming system resources and task never been completed. To mitigate that problem, watchdog runs lifespan detection for all child process by measuring their age, if age grows beyond child_process_max_age parameter (default 660s), watchdog kills such a process.

3. Stale connections to devices. Sometime connections to devices might become unusable. For instance device rebooted or network connectivity issue. Nornir plugins usually not capable of recovering from such a problems, as a result watchdog runs connection checks to confirm they are alive, clearing them otherwise.

3.1. Connections keepalives. Common connections liveness detection mechanism usually requires sending some data down the connection channel, receiving some data from device in response. Because of that, connections effectively kept alive, preventing them from timing out on device end due to inactivity.

4. Running out of file descriptors (fd) problem. On Unix systems each process can have limited number of file descriptors created, usually around 1000, because Nornir proxy minion uses multiprocessing queues for inter-process communications, effectively creating pipes on a lower level, each such a pipe consume file descriptor. But after child processes destroyed, not all file descriptors deleted, fd leaking, after reaching OS limit, prevents proxy minion process from running tasks. Watchdog on each run creates and destroys test pipes, restarting Nornir proxy minion process on failure to do so. Nornir proxy minion process restart leads to clearing of all previously created pipes and release of file descriptors. Future Nornir proxy releases might include a fix for this problem, but other reasons might lead to fd leaks, having mechanism in place to detect and recover from such a problem could be of great benefit regardless.

5. Worker thread stops for some reason. Some tasks might lead to worker thread exit on error, that wold stop execution of further submitted tasks. To solve that problem watchdog thread calls worker thread's is_alive method verify its status, restarting it if it stopped.

Working with Large number of devices

SaltStack is an asynchronous framework, that allows it to scale fairly well. However, for managing several thousands network devices certain details need to be taken into account.

Single salt-nornir proxy minion can manages several thousands of devices, things to take care of:

  • SaltStack Event bus has a limit on amount of results data it can transmit for single job, if salt-nornir runs a task for say 1000 devices, it is likely that this limit will be exceeded. To address this one can adjust SaltStack event bus max_event_size limit in master's configuration, default is 1048576 bytes. Another approach could be to save task results to minion's local file system and retrieve then using SaltStack cp module or via out of band, salt-nornir execution module supports dump and tf arguments for that.
  • OS ulimit FD (file descriptor) maximum count value should be increased, as each TCP connections salt-nornir establishes with devices consumes file descriptors, default FD limit usually is 1024.
  • SSH requires encryption, encryption consumes CPU resources, having many SSH connections open off the same salt-nornir instance can become non practical. Two options exist, (1) set proxy minion setting proxy_always_alive=False, to close connection to device as soon as task execution completes or (2) adjust connections_idle_timeout value to suit your need to close connection to devices only after idle timeout expires.
  • AAA Servers (TACACS, RADIUS) overload with requests from devices establishing connections with salt-nornir proxy minion, adjust RetryRunner num_connectors threads value to limit the number of simultaneous connections initializations and num_workers to limit the amount of devices task executed on simultaneously