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1. Basic documentation

Follow TypeScript definitions. Check out examples in unit tests (__tests__ folder).

1.1. Supported modules

Only functions, types etc. that are directly included in @dnvgl/i18n module are officially supported. For example, @dnvgl/i18n/internal may change in the future without any release notes.

1.2. Locale

Most of the functions accepts locale parameter which allow us to choose the correct locale for our needs:

  • provided: uses specific locale (examples: 'en', 'en-GB')
  • undefined (or omitted): uses local browser locale
  • more info: MDN reference

2. More detailed documentation (alphabetically)


import { capitalizeFirstLetter } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

capitalizeFirstLetter("abc"); // returns "Abc"
capitalizeFirstLetter("abC"); // returns "AbC"
capitalizeFirstLetter("ABC"); // returns "ABC"
capitalizeFirstLetter("italya", "tr"); // returns "İtalya"


Simplified compareNumbersAlike() function.
Order (pseudo code): undefined < null < false < true

import { compareBooleans } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

compareBooleans(true, false); // returns 1
compareBooleans(true, true); // returns 0
compareBooleans(false, true); // returns -1


Order (pseudo code): undefined < null < Invalid Date < new Date("2018-05-05") < new Date("2018-05-10")

import { compareDates } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

compareDates(new Date("2018-05-10"), new Date("2018-05-05")); // returns 1
compareDates("2021-04-13T15:10:00.000Z", "2021-04-13T07:00:50.000Z"); // returns 1
compareDates("2018-05-05", "2018-05-10"); // returns -1
compareDates(new Date("2018-05-10"), null); // returns 1


Simplified compareNumbersAlike() function.
Order (pseudo code): undefined < null < NaN < -Infinity < 1 < 100 < Infinity

import { compareNumbers } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

compareNumbers(5, 1); // returns 1
compareNumbers(-Infinity, 1); // returns -1


Compares two values for the following types: number, boolean, Date.

import { compareNumbersAlike } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

compareNumbersAlike(5, 1); // returns 1
compareNumbersAlike(new Date("2018-05-05"), new Date("2018-05-10")); // returns -1
compareNumbersAlike(true, true); // returns 0


import { compareStrings } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

compareStrings("A", "a"); // returns 1 (locale depends on client's machine)
compareStrings("Ą", "z", "pl-PL"); // returns -1


Use this function over compareStrings() when comparison is called multiple times (better performance).

import { compareStringsFactory } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

const compare = compareStringsFactory("pl-PL");
compare("A", "a"); // returns 1
compare("Ą", "z"); // returns -1


compareStrings("a", "b");
compareStrings("a", "b");


const compare = compareStringsFactory();
compare("a", "b");
compare("a", "b");
times compareStrings compareStringsFactory
1000 5.6 ms 0.2 ms
10000 52.3 ms 1.8 ms
100000 519.8 ms 11.8 ms

i7-10810U (laptop)


Creates options for valid number formatting. Use it together with formatNumber() for best performance.

arguments (overload #1):

  • options (optional):
    • minPrecision (number): default undefined
    • maxPrecision (number): default 10
    • thousandsSeparator (boolean): default true
    • useBankersRounding (boolean): default false (Intl default: Round half away from zero algorithm)
    • negativeZero (boolean): default true (current Intl default behavior)
    • currency (string): currency ISO Alpha 3 code (e.g. "USD"), default undefined
    • currencyDisplay (string): "symbol" | "narrowSymbol" | "code" | "name"; default "symbol" when currency is provided; see more info in the Intl documentation
    • currencySign (string): "standard" | "accounting"; default "standard" when currency is provided; see more info in the Intl documentation
  • locale (optional, default: browser locale): BCP47 language tag/tags (string or string[]) or Intl.Collator
import { createNumberFormat } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

createNumberFormat({ thousandsSeparator: false }, "de");


Returns specific country information. Please check getIso3166Countries() to learn more about the country list.

import { findIso3166Country } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

findIso3166Country("PL"); // returns { countryName: "Poland", officialStateName: "The Republic of Poland", alpha2Code: "PL", alpha3Code: "POL", numericCode: 616 }
findIso3166Country("POL"); // returns { countryName: "Poland"... }
findIso3166Country(616); // returns { countryName: "Poland"... }
findIso3166Country("pl"); // returns undefined
findIso3166Country("XX"); // returns undefined


Returns specific currency information. Please check getIso4217Currencies() to learn more about the list of currencies. Please be aware that only alpha3Code is unique for all currencies (e.g. numericCode is the same for AND and XCG currencies).

import { findIso4217Currency } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

findIso4217Currency("PLN"); // returns { alpha3Code: "PLN", currencyName: "Zloty", numericCode: 985, minorUnit: 2 }
findIso4217Currency(985); // returns { alpha3Code: "PLN"... }
findIso4217Currency("USN"); // returns { alpha3Code: "USN", currencyName: "US Dollar (Next day)", numericCode: 997, minorUnit: 2, isFund: true }
findIso4217Currency("pl"); // returns undefined
findIso4217Currency("XX"); // returns undefined


Returns specific currency information for selected country, otherwise undefined. In practice undefined can happen only for:

  • ATA, Antarctica
  • PSE, Palestine, State of
  • SGS, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

Above countries has no universal currency. Some countries have 2 currencies that can be used, but this function returns the most appropriate one.

import { findIso4217CurrencyForIso3166Country } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

findIso4217CurrencyForIso3166Country("USA"); // returns { alpha3Code: "USD", currencyName: "US Dol... }
findIso4217CurrencyForIso3166Country("US"); // returns { alpha3Code: "USD", currencyName: "US Dol... }
findIso4217CurrencyForIso3166Country(840); // returns { alpha3Code: "USD", currencyName: "US Dol... }
findIso4217CurrencyForIso3166Country("usa"); // returns undefined; invalid code
findIso4217CurrencyForIso3166Country("ATA"); // returns undefined; ATA = Antarctica; no universal currency
findIso4217CurrencyForIso3166Country("pl"); // returns undefined
findIso4217CurrencyForIso3166Country("XX"); // returns undefined
findIso4217CurrencyForIso3166Country("HRV"); // returns { alpha3Code: "EUR", currencyName: "Euro... }
findIso4217CurrencyForIso3166Country("HRV", "2022-05-05"); // returns { alpha3Code: "HRK", currencyName: "Kuna... }


Function returns translated currency name by Iso3166Alpha2Code (e.g. "PL") or Iso4217Alpha3Code (e.g. "POL") or Iso4217NumericCode (e.g. 616) argument value.
Not supported in Safari browser v14.0 (v14.1 and newer are supported) -> the function returns ISO country name (in english) instead.
When the country code is invalid then the same string is returned (for invalid numeric code empty string is returned).

import { formatCountry } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatCountry("PL", "en"); // returns "Poland"
formatCountry("POL", "en"); // returns "Poland"
formatCountry(616, "en"); // returns "Poland"
formatCountry("DE", "pl"); // returns "Niemcy"
formatCountry("DE"); // returns "Niemcy", current locale: pl-PL
formatCountry("DE"); // returns "Germany", current locale: en-GB
formatCountry("xx"); // returns "xx", invalid country code
formatCountry("__"); // returns "__", invalid country code
formatCountry(1000); // returns "", invalid country code
formatCountry(""); // returns "", invalid country code


Function returns translated currency name by Iso4217Alpha3Code (e.g. "PLN") or Iso4217NumericCode (e.g. 985) argument value.
Not supported in Safari browser v14.0 (v14.1 and newer are supported) -> the function returns ISO currency name (in english) instead.
When the currency code is invalid then the same string is returned (for invalid numeric code empty string is returned).

import { formatCurrency } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatCurrency("PLN", "pl"); // returns "złoty polski"
formatCurrency("PLN", "en"); // returns "Polish Zloty"
formatCurrency(985, "en"); // returns "Polish Zloty"
formatCurrency("USD", "pl"); // returns "dolar amerykański"
formatCurrency("USD", "en"); // returns "US Dollar"
formatCurrency("USD"); // returns "US-Dollar", example when current locale: de
formatCurrency("xx"); // returns "xx", invalid currency code
formatCurrency("__"); // returns "__", invalid currency code
formatCurrency(1000); // returns "", invalid currency code
formatCurrency(""); // returns "", invalid currency code


import { formatDate } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatDate(new Date("2018-07-08"), "days", "en-US"); // returns "7/8/2018"
formatDate("2020-03-30T14:46:27+02:00", "days", "en-GB"); // returns "30/03/2020"
formatDate("2018-07-08 14:15:24", "seconds", "en-US"); // returns "7/8/2018, 2:15:24 PM"


import { formatDatePart } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatDatePart(new Date("2018-07-08"), "year", "en-US"); // returns "2018"
formatDatePart("2020-03-30T14:46:27+02:00", "month", "en-GB"); // returns "3"
formatDatePart("2018-07-08 14:15:24", "day", "en-US"); // returns "8"
formatDatePart("2018-07-08 14:15:24", "hour", "en-US"); // returns "2 PM"



  • value (Date or string ISO format only)
  • includeTime (boolean, optional, default: false)
import { formatDateToISO } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatDateToISO(new Date(2020, 5, 10, 22, 15, 7), true); // returns "2020-06-10T20:15:07.000Z"
formatDateToISO("2020-06-10T10:15:07.000Z", false); // returns "2020-06-10"



  • value (string)
  • separator (string, optional, default: " ")
import { formatIban } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatIban("SE3550000000054910000003"); // returns "SE35 5000 0000 0549 1000 0003"
formatIban("SE35 5000 0000 0549 1000 0003", ""); // returns "SE3550000000054910000003"
formatIban("  SE35 5000 0000 0549 1000 0003  ", ""); // returns "SE3550000000054910000003"


Simplified formatNumber() function

import { formatInteger } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatInteger(12486.4529, "de-DE"); // returns "12.486"
formatInteger(1000000, "pl-PL"); // returns "1 000 000"
formatInteger(1000000, "en-GB"); // returns "1,000,000"


Simplified formatNumber() function with fixed precision (minPrecision = maxPrecision) and number rounding using banker's algorithm (useBankersRounding = true).

import { formatMoney } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatMoney(1.05, 1, "en"); // returns "1.0"
formatMoney(1.15, 1, "en"); // returns "1.2"
formatMoney(1.25, 1, "en"); // returns "1.2"
formatMoney(1.535, 2, "en"); // returns "1.54"
formatMoney(1.53588, { precision: 3, currency: "USD" }, "en"); // returns "$1.536"
formatMoney(1.53588, { precision: 3, currency: "USD", currencyDisplay: "code" }, "en"); // returns "USD 1.536"
formatMoney(1.532, { precision: 2, currency: "PLN" }, "pl-PL"); // returns "1,53 zł"
formatMoney(1.532, { precision: 2, currency: "USD" }, "pl-PL"); // returns "1,53 USD"
formatMoney(1.532, { precision: 2, currency: "CAD" }, "en-US"); // returns "CA$1.53"
formatMoney(1.532, { precision: 2, currency: "CAD", currencyDisplay: "narrowSymbol" }, "en-US"); // returns "$1.53"
formatMoney(-1.53588, { precision: 3, currency: "USD", currencySign: "accounting" }, "en"); // returns "($1.536)"


When using month number argument please note that JavaScript month index starts from 0 (valid value range: 0-11).

import { formatMonth } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatMonth("2022-01-20", "2-digit", "en"); // returns "01"
formatMonth("2022-01-20", "short", "en"); // returns "Jan"
formatMonth(0, "short", "en"); // returns "Jan"
formatMonth("2022-01-20", "long", "pl-PL"); // returns "styczeń"
formatMonth("2022-01-20", "numeric", "pl-PL"); // returns "1"
formatMonth("2022-01-20", "narrow", "pl-PL"); // returns "S"
formatMonth(11, "narrow", "en"); // returns "D"


Formats a number according to given parameters. For best performance, it is best to create parameters once (createNumberFormat()) and use them multiple times (see examples).

arguments (overload #1):

  • value: number
  • options (optional):
    • minPrecision (number): default undefined
    • maxPrecision (number): default 10
    • thousandsSeparator (boolean): default true
    • useBankersRounding (boolean): default false (Intl default: Round half away from zero algorithm)
    • negativeZero (boolean): default true (current Intl default behavior)
    • currency (string): currency ISO Alpha 3 code (e.g. "USD"), default undefined
    • currencyDisplay (string): "symbol" | "narrowSymbol" | "code" | "name"; default "symbol" when currency is provided; see more info in the Intl documentation
    • currencySign (string): "standard" | "accounting"; default "standard" when currency is provided; see more info in the Intl documentation
  • locale (optional, default: browser locale): BCP47 language tag/tags (string or string[]) or Intl.Collator

arguments (overload #2):

  • value: number
  • options (NumberFormatIntl): create using createNumberFormat(), see options above (overload #1)
import { formatNumber, createNumberFormat } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatNumber(12486.4529, { maxPrecision: 2 }, "de-DE"); // returns "12.486,45"
formatNumber(12486.4529, { thousandsSeparator: false }, "de-DE"); // returns "12486,4529"
formatNumber(-0.001, { maxPrecision: 2 }, "en-US"); // returns "-0"
formatNumber(-0.001, { maxPrecision: 2, negativeZero: false }, "en-US"); // returns "0"

const options = createNumberFormat({ thousandsSeparator: false }, "de");
formatNumber(12486.4, options); // returns "12486,4"
formatNumber(1486.1, options); // returns "1486,1"

Performance #1 (local culture, default options)



const numberFormat = createNumberFormat();
formatNumber(num1, numberFormat);
formatNumber(num2, numberFormat);
times formatNumber formatNumber + createNumberFormat
100 1.5 ms 0.1 ms
1000 15.8 ms 0.6 ms
10000 160.1 ms 5.9 ms
40000 618.8 ms 26.7 ms

i7-10810U (laptop)

Performance #2 (specific culture, USD currency)

formatNumber(num1, { currency: "USD" }, "en-US");
formatNumber(num2, { currency: "USD" }, "en-US");


const numberFormat = createNumberFormat({ currency: "USD" }, "en-US");
formatNumber(num1, numberFormat);
formatNumber(num2, numberFormat);
times formatNumber formatNumber + createNumberFormat
100 3.2 ms 0.1 ms
1000 28 ms 0.6 ms
10000 270.1 ms 6.9 ms
40000 1093.5 ms 23.0 ms

i7-10810U (laptop)


Simplified formatNumber() function with fixed precision (minPrecision = maxPrecision).

import { formatNumberToFixed } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatNumberToFixed(123.454, 2, "en-US"); // returns "123.45"
formatNumberToFixed(123.454, 1, "en-US"); // returns "123.4"
formatNumberToFixed(123.454, 5, "en-US"); // returns "123.45400"


import { formatRelativeTime } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatRelativeTime(5, "day", { style: "narrow" }, "en"); // returns "in 5d"
formatRelativeTime(-1, "day", { style: "long" }, "en"); // returns "1 day ago"
formatRelativeTime(-1, "day", { style: "short", numeric: "auto" }, "en"); // returns "yesterday"


Replaces placeholders (string pattern) by provided values.

import { formatString } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatString("some test {0}, ok?", "abc"); // returns "some test abc, ok?"
formatString("some test {0} a {0} {1} {3} {2}", 1, "test", 5, 100); // returns "some test 1 a 1 test 100 5"


Returns valid Iso3166Alpha2Code (can be used in Country utils) or "XK" (Wikipedia: "SWIFT has assigned the code XK to Republic of Kosovo, which does not have an ISO 3166-1 country code") only when BIC structure (simplified rules) is valid.

import { getCountryCodeFromBic } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getCountryCodeFromBic("BNPAFRPP"); // returns "FR"
getCountryCodeFromBic("BNPAFRP"); // returns undefined (invalid BIC length)
getCountryCodeFromBic("BNPAXXPP"); // returns undefined ("XX" is not a valid ISO3166-1 country code)
getCountryCodeFromBic("BNPAFrPP"); // returns undefined (country code is not uppercase)
getCountryCodeFromBic("1234FRPP"); // returns undefined (invalid structure, institution or bank code cannot contains digits)
getCountryCodeFromBic("  BNPAFRPP"); // returns undefined (invalid BIC structure)
getCountryCodeFromBic("BNPAFR"); // returns undefined (BIC is too short)


Returns valid Iso3166Alpha2Code (can be used in Country utils) or "XK" (XK = Republic of Kosovo, which does not have an ISO 3166-1 country code) only when IBAN structure (simplified rules) is valid. Country specific rules are not checked, only characters (letters/digits) and length (range of 15-34) in general. IBAN structure validation can be ignored using options.


  • value (string)
  • options (object, optional):
    • removeWhitespaces (boolean): default false
    • validateStructure (boolean): default true
import { getCountryCodeFromIban } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getCountryCodeFromIban("BE71096123456769"); // returns "BE"
getCountryCodeFromIban("BE71 0961 2345 6769"); // returns undefined (whitespace is not allowed)
getCountryCodeFromIban("BE71 0961 2345 6769", { removeWhitespaces: true }); // returns "BE"
getCountryCodeFromIban("be71096123456769"); // returns undefined (country code is not uppercase)
getCountryCodeFromIban("XX71096123456769"); // returns undefined ("XX" is not a valid ISO3166-1 country code)
getCountryCodeFromIban("  BE71096123456769"); // returns returns undefined ("  " is not a valid country code)
getCountryCodeFromIban("  BE71096123456769", { removeWhitespaces: true }); // returns "BE"
getCountryCodeFromIban("BE", { validateStructure: false }); // returns "BE"
getCountryCodeFromIban("BE...", { validateStructure: false }); // returns "BE"


import { getCurrencySymbol } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getCurrencySymbol("USD", "en-US"); // returns "$"
getCurrencySymbol(840, "en-US"); // returns "$" (where 840 is the USD numeric code)
getCurrencySymbol({ currency: "CAD" }, "en-US"); // returns "CA$"
getCurrencySymbol({ currency: "CAD", currencyDisplay: "narrowSymbol" }, "en-US"); // returns "$"


import { formatTime } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

formatTime("2018-07-08 14:15:24", "en-US"); // returns "2:15:24 PM"


Converts Intl current locale format to date-fns format.

import { getDateFnsFormat } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getDateFnsFormat("seconds", "en-GB"); // returns "dd'/'MM'/'yyyy', 'HH':'mm':'ss"

Example integration with AntDesign v5 calendar (when integrated with date-fns):

import { DatePicker } from 'your_module_with_custom_date_picker';

<DatePicker format={getDateFnsFormat("days")} />


Converts Intl current locale format to day.js format.

import { getDayJsFormat } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getDayJsFormat("seconds", "en-GB"); // returns "DD[/]MM[/]YYYY[, ]HH[:]mm[:]ss"

Example integration with AntDesign v5 calendar:

import { DatePicker } from 'antd';

<DatePicker format={getDayJsFormat("days")} />


import { getDecimalSeparator } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getDecimalSeparator(); // returns ",", current locale: pl-PL (depends on client's machine)
getDecimalSeparator("en-GB"); // returns "."
getDecimalSeparator("de"); // returns ","


Source: ISO 3166 countries (timestamp: 2018-09-18)
To get countryName in your local culture please use formatCountry().

import { getIso3166Countries } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getIso3166Countries(); // returns [{ countryName: "Afghanistan", officialStateName: "The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan", alpha2Code: "AF", alpha3Code: "AFG", numericCode: 4 }, { countryName...}]

Example integration with formatCountry():

import { formatCountry, getIso3166Countries } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getIso3166Countries().map(x => ({ ...x, translatedCountryName: formatCountry(x.alpha2Code) }));


Sources: ISO 4217 countries (timestamp: 2021-10-01), SIX - XML database (timestamp: 2022-04-01)
To get currencyName in your local culture please use formatCurrency().

import { getIso4217Currencies } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getIso4217Currencies(); // returns [{ alpha3Code: "AED", currencyName: "UAE Dirham", numericCode: 784, minorUnit: 2 }, { alpha3Code: "AFN",...}]
getIso4217Currencies("2023-01-01"); // e.g. Kuna (HRK) currency is not on the list
getIso4217Currencies(new Date("2022-12-31")); // e.g. Kuna (HRK) currency is on the list

Example integration with formatCurrency():

import { formatCurrency, getIso4217Currencies } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getIso4217Currencies().map(x => ({ ...x, translatedCurrencyName: formatCurrency(x.alpha3Code) }));


import { getMinusSign } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getMinusSign(); // returns "-", current locale: pl-PL (depends on client's machine)
getMinusSign("en-GB"); // returns "-"


Converts Intl current locale format to moment.js format.

import { getMomentFormat } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getMomentFormat("seconds", "en-GB"); // returns "DD[/]MM[/]YYYY[, ]HH[:]mm[:]ss"

Example integration with AntDesign v5 calendar (when integrated with moment.js):

import { DatePicker } from 'your_module_with_custom_date_picker';

<DatePicker format={getMomentFormat("days")} />


Source: List of states of the United States

import { getStatesOfUsa } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getStatesOfUsa(); // returns [{ name: "Alabama", alpha2Code: "AL" }, { name: "Alaska", alpha2Code: "AK" }, { na...]


import { getSystemLocaleName } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getSystemLocaleName(); // returns "pl-PL", current locale: pl-PL (depends on client's machine)


import { getThousandsSeparator } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

getThousandsSeparator(); // returns " ", current locale: pl-PL (depends on client's machine)
getThousandsSeparator("en-GB"); // returns ","
getThousandsSeparator("de"); // returns "."


Checks whether browser supports all necessary features. Based on browser features, not userAgent. In practice it returns false for all Internet Explorer versions, old Edge browser (12-18), Safari 13 and other old browsers. Example:

import { isBrowserCompatible } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

isBrowserCompatible(); // returns true, newest Chrome browser
isBrowserCompatible(); // returns false, Internet Explorer 11


import { isEuropeanUnionMember } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

isEuropeanUnionMember("PL"); // returns true
isEuropeanUnionMember("POL"); // returns true
isEuropeanUnionMember(616); // returns true
isEuropeanUnionMember("IT"); // returns true
isEuropeanUnionMember("pl"); // returns false (invalid country code)
isEuropeanUnionMember("GB"); // returns false (not a member of EU)
isEuropeanUnionMember("USA"); // returns false (not a member of EU)


Checks whether code has valid length and country exists (active code only).

import { isValidIso3166Code } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

isValidIso3166Code("PL"); // returns true
isValidIso3166Code("POL"); // returns true
isValidIso3166Code(616); // returns true
isValidIso3166Code("pl"); // returns false
isValidIso3166Code("XX"); // returns false
isValidIso3166Code(1000); // returns false


Checks whether code has valid length and currency exists (active code only).

import { isValidIso4217Code } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

isValidIso4217Code("PLN"); // returns true
isValidIso4217Code("USD"); // returns true
isValidIso4217Code(985); // returns true
isValidIso4217Code("pl"); // returns false
isValidIso4217Code("XX"); // returns false
isValidIso4217Code(1000); // returns false


import { lowercaseFirstLetter } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

lowercaseFirstLetter("abc"); // returns "abc"
lowercaseFirstLetter("Abc"); // returns "abc"
lowercaseFirstLetter("ABC"); // returns "aBC"


import { normalizeForSearching } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

normalizeForSearching("   Gdańsk  123 ", "en"); // returns "gdansk 123"

const words = ["Congrès", "congres", "Assemblée", "poisson"];
const s = "congres";
words.filter(w => normalizeForSearching(w, "fr").includes(s)); // returns ["Congrès", "congres"]



  • value (string)
  • strictMode (boolean): false tries to parse despite invalid characters; true only valid characters
import { parseNumber } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

parseNumber("1,623.454", true, "en-GB"); // returns 1623.454
parseNumber("-1,62-sd3.454", false, "en-GB"); // returns -162
parseNumber("-1,62-sd3.454", true, "en-GB"); // returns undefined


String pattern as array or separated by character (default: |, can be customized by separator argument)

import { plural } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

plural(["cat", "cats"], 0, "en"); // returns "cats"
plural(["cat", "cats"], 1, "en"); // returns "cat"
plural(["cat", "cats"], 10, "en"); // returns "cats"
plural("pies|psy|psów", 10, "pl"); // returns "psów"


Round half away from zero algorithm. The same algorithm is used by Intl default rounding implementation.
Allowed precision: value from 0 to 15 or Infinity (otherwise RangeError will be thrown). Decimal precision will be converted to integer (using Math.trunc).

import { roundUsingHalfAwayFromZero } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

roundUsingHalfAwayFromZero(1.35, 1); // returns 1.4
roundUsingHalfAwayFromZero(1.449, 1); // returns 1.4
roundUsingHalfAwayFromZero(1.45, 1); // returns 1.5
roundUsingHalfAwayFromZero(1.46, 1); // returns 1.5
roundUsingHalfAwayFromZero(1.55, 1); // returns 1.6
roundUsingHalfAwayFromZero(1.005, 2); // returns 1.01
roundUsingHalfAwayFromZero(10.075, 2); // returns 10.08
roundUsingHalfAwayFromZero(-23.5, 1); // returns -24
roundUsingHalfAwayFromZero(-1.005, 2); // returns -1.01

Common mistakes/algorithms (let's take the rounding to 2 decimal places as an example):

Math.round(1.005 * 100) / 100; // (actual: 1, expected: 1.01)
Math.round((519.805 + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100; // (actual: 519.8, expected: 519.81)
parseFloat(1.005.toFixed(2)); // (actual: 1, expected: 1.01)
Number(1.005.toFixed(2)); // (actual: 1, expected: 1.01)
+1.005.toFixed(2); // (actual: 1, expected: 1.01)
_.round(-1.005, 2); // lodash library uses "Round half up" algorithm that rounds negative numbers differently (result: -1)
+(Math.round(1.19e-7 + "e+2")  + "e-2"); // (actual: NaN, expected: 0), also uses "Round half up" algorithm that rounds negative numbers differently


Round half to even algorithm, also called bankers' rounding. Part of formatNumber() function when using useBankersRounding option.
Allowed precision: value >= 0 or Infinity (otherwise RangeError will be thrown). Decimal precision will be converted to integer (using Math.trunc).

import { roundUsingBankersMethod } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

roundUsingBankersMethod(1.35, 1); // returns 1.4
roundUsingBankersMethod(1.45, 1); // returns 1.4
roundUsingBankersMethod(1.55, 1); // returns 1.6
roundUsingBankersMethod(23.5, 0); // returns 24
roundUsingBankersMethod(24.5, 0); // returns 24

sort(), sortInplace()


  • source: array (string, number, Date, boolean), all elements must be of the same type
  • order (optional, default: "asc"): ascending: "asc" or "ascend", descending: "desc" or "descend"
  • locale (optional, default: browser locale): BCP47 language tag/tags (string or string[]) or Intl.Collator


import { sort } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

sort(["Z", "a", "A", "z", "ś"]); // returns ["a", "A", "ś", "z", "Z"], current browser locale pl-PL
sort(["Z", "a", "A", "z", "ś"], 'asc', 'pl-PL'); // returns ["a", "A", "ś", "z", "Z"]
sort(['己', '孔', '乙'], "asc", "zh-CN"); // returns ['己', '孔', '乙']
sort(['己', '孔', '乙'], "asc", "zh-TW"); // returns ['乙', '己', '孔']

additional information:

  • sortInplace() mutates input array, sort() return always new array (new reference)
  • ascending order: undefined -> null -> NaN or Invalid Date -> -Infinity -> 1 -> 100 -> Infinity
  • descending order: reverted ascending order

common mistakes:

  • native Array.prototype.sort(): doesn't support internationalization; undefined goes always to the end (both ascending and descending order); mutates the array
  • native Array.prototype.sort() + String.prototype.localeCompare(): poor performance

sortBy(), sortByInplace()


  • source: array, all elements must be of the same generic type
  • selector: (function or array of functions); selector should return the same type (string or number or Date or boolean)
  • order (optional, default: "asc"): ascending: "asc" or "ascend", descending: "desc" or "descend" for each selector
  • locale (optional, default: browser locale): BCP47 language tag/tags (string or string[]) or Intl.Collator


import { sortBy } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

const users = [
  { id: 1, name: 'fred',   age: 48 },
  { id: 2, name: 'barney', age: 34 },
  { id: 3, name: 'fred',   age: 40 },
  { id: 4, name: 'barney', age: 36 }

const result = sortBy(users, [x =>, x => x.age], ["asc", "desc"], "en");
/* returns
  { id: 4, name: 'barney', age: 36 },
  { id: 2, name: 'barney', age: 34 },
  { id: 1, name: 'fred',   age: 48 },
  { id: 3, name: 'fred',   age: 40 }  
]; */

additional information:

  • sortByInplace() mutates input array, sortBy() return always new array (new reference)
  • source elements (before selector) cannot be null or undefined

common mistakes:

  • see sort()/sortInplace() section
  • lodash _.orderBy(): doesn't support internationalization


Useful when implementing custom input component which doesn't allow to type invalid characters (transformation can be done during onChange event).

import { transformToInputNumericString } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

transformToInputNumericString("  $-102,234,567.89123 - ", "en-US"); // returns "-102234567.89123"