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File metadata and controls

136 lines (100 loc) · 3.37 KB

what worked 2023-05-05:

docker run \
--name jekyll \
-it \
-v $PWD:/ \
-w / \
ruby:2.6-buster bash


docker start jekyll  # existing container was already present and stopped
docker exec -it jekyll bash

Once inside the container

cd jekyll
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll build

reviewing locally with deno's file_server

cd jekyll/_site
file_server -p 1080


Indra's net switched to cPanel.

  • create the tarball

    (cd ~/workspace/dobbs/; tar zcf ../../$(date +%Y-%m-%d).tgz .)

  • upload to cPanel home directory

  • use cPanel file manager to expand the tarball into public_html

analyzing structure of jekyll/_posts

I used a vaguely test-driven approach to discover the existing structure and to transform that structure to fit some jekyll site templates out on the internet. The test cases here encode what I've learned about my library of blog posts and some rules I want to remain true as I resume writing.

To run all the tests:

deno test --allow-read

index maintenance

For example, I have a test to verify consistency of posts and indexes.

I verify that there are year and month indexes for every post. Where there are missing index files, I also emit a short shell script to create the missing file.

(This might want to grow up to be a script that runs unconditionally as a pre-commit hook, but I'm not quite ready to commit to that automation. I'll wait to feel if this current hack hurts enough to make it worth more effort here.)

handling missing indexes

One way to fix these is to run the tests as described above and copy-n-paste the shell commands to create the missing indexes. Another way is to run the build and compare the source folders in the thinair directory with the generated one in _site.

bundle exec jekyll build

Inspect if there are any new month and year folders.

comm -13 <(find thinair -type d) <(cd _site; find thinair -type d)

Generate month and year folders and index templates.

comm -13 <(find thinair -type d) <(cd _site; find thinair -type d) | \
perl -F/ -lane 'use File::Path qw(make_path); shift(@F); my $x=join("-", @F); my $FH=qq{./$_/index.html}; make_path($_); open(FH, ">",$FH); print FH "---\n", "layout: periodic\n", $x=~/-/ ? "month" : "year", qq{: "$x"\n}, "---"'

Whichever way you fix the indexes, you'll need to re-run the build to generate the index files from the new templates

bundle exec jekyll build

link maintenance

Many links on my site are currently broken. I'm building some tools to help me find broken links and fix them. Hoping to make maintenance of links easier.

This script makes HEAD requests to 100 links STDOUT is yaml data structure which we append to ./link-cache-log.yaml

deno run --allow-read --allow-net audit/broken-links.js | \
  tee -a ./link-cache-log.yaml

deno REPL

compare cache with link inventory

deno repl
import {loadCache} from "./audit/load-cache.js"
let cache = loadCache()
import {linkInventory} from "./audit/link-inventory.js"
let links = await linkInventory()
links.length == cache.length
cache.filter(it => !it.ok).length

try testing a few links

deno repl
import {main} from "./audit/broken-links.js"
main(5) // check on the next five links from inventory that are not in cache