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100 lines (98 loc) · 19.6 KB


File metadata and controls

100 lines (98 loc) · 19.6 KB

Return Codes

Return Code Reason
imNoErr Operation has completed without error.
imTooWide File dimensions too large.
imBadFile Bad file format. To defer an unsupported subtype to a lower priority importer, return this during imOpenFile8 or imGetInfo8.
imUnsupported Unsupported selector.
imMemErr Memory error.
imOtherErr Unknown error.
imNoContent No audio or video.
imBadRate Bad audio rate.
imBadCompression Bad compression.
imBadCodec Codec not found.
imNotFlat Unflattened QuickTime movie.
imBadSndComp Bad sound compression.
imNoTimecode Timecode supported, but not found.
imMissingComponent Missing component needed to open the file.
imSaveErr Error saving file.
imDeleteErr Error deleting file.
imNotFoundErr The requested metadata chunk was not found.
imSetFile Return this from imGetPrefs8 only if you are a custom importer and you need Premiere to alter it's file access information (e.g. a new path or filename is created).
imIterateStreams Return from imGetInfo8 to indicate that there are more streams to describe. Premiere will send imGetInfo8 for the next stream.
imBadStreamIndex Return from imGetInfo8 after interating through streams to indicate that there are no more streams to describe.
imCantTrim Return from imCheckTrim if the file cannot be trimmed by the importer.
imDiskFull Return from imTrimFile8 if there is not enough space to complete the trim operation.
imDiskErr Return from imTrimFile8 if there is a general disk or I/O error during the trim operation.
imFileShareViolation Return from imOpenFile8 if file cannot be opened due to another process having exclusive read access
imIterateFrameSizes Return from imGetPreferredFrameSize, to be called again to describe more frame sizes for a particular pixel format.
imMediaPending Return from imGetSourceVideo or imCreateAsyncImporter if the importer is still processing the file and cannot return video frames yet.
imDRMControlled Return from imOpenFile8 if the file cannot be opened because it is under rights management.
imActivationFailed Activation of a component failed (usually due to user cancellation). This is used by Premiere Elements.
imFrameNotFound New in CS4. Return if an importer could not find the requested frame (typically used with async importers)
imBadHeader New in CS5. The file cannot be opened because of a header error
imUnsupportedCompression New in CS5. The file has a compression type that the importer does not support
imFileOpenFailed New in CS5. The importer was unable to open the file on disk
imFileHasNoImportableStreams New in CS5. The file has no audio or video stream
imFileReadFailed New in CS5. A read from an open file failed
imUnsupportedAudioFormat New in CS5. The importer cannot import something in the audio format
imUnsupportedVideoBitDepth New in CS5. The video bit depth of this file is unsupported by the importer
imDecompressionError New in CS5. The importer hit an error decompressing the audio or video
imInvalidPreferences New in CS5. Invalid prefs data was passed to the importer
inFileNotAvailable New in CS5. Return from imQueryContentState if the file/stream is no longer available because it is offline or deleted
imRequiresProtectedContent New in CS5.5. Return from imInit if the importer depends on a library that has not been activated yet.
imNoCaptions New in CC. Return from imInitiateAsyncClosedCaptionScan if the clip has no closed captions, or return from imGetNextClosedCaption when there are no more captions.
imCancel Return from imGetPrefs8 if user cancels or the plugin cannot open the file (custom/synthetic importer).
imBadFormatIndex Return this when given an out of range format index, and from imGetIndFormat when plugin has no more formats to enumerate.
imIsCacheable Return from imInit if a plugin does not need to be called to initialize every time Premiere is launched. This will help reduce the time to launch the application.