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74 lines (53 loc) · 2.52 KB

File metadata and controls

74 lines (53 loc) · 2.52 KB



Check out the glossary to make sure we are using the same words for things.


Install the software versions specified in .tool-versions.

Run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rake to run the tests and linter and make sure they're green before starting to make your changes.

Run bundle exec rake -AD for a full list of all the available tasks you may use for development purposes.

Run bundle exec rake to run the tests and linter.


The examples/ directory is used as an ad-hoc integration testing method. Read more here

Pull request checklist

  • Make sure the tests are passing
  • Make sure the linter is happy
  • Make sure the examples/ look the same or have suffered and improvement
  • Update the unreleased section of the changelog with a human readable explanation of your changes


High level description of the heuristic specdiff implements

  1. receive 2 pieces of data: a and b
  2. determine types for a and b
    1. test against plugin types
    2. test against built in types
    3. fall back to the :unknown type
  3. determine which differ is appropriate for the types
    1. test against plugin differs
    2. test against built in differs
    3. fall back to the null differ (NotFound)
  4. run the selected differ with a and b
  5. package it into a ::Specdiff::Diff which records the detected types

<time passes>

  1. at some point later when #to_s is invoked, stringify the diff using the differ's #stringify

Maintainer's notes

Release procedure

  • unit tests are passing ($ bundle exec rake test)
  • linter is happy ($ bundle exec rake lint)
  • examples/ look good
  • check the package size using $ bundle exec inspect_build, make sure you haven't added any large files by accident
  • update the version number in version.rb
  • make sure the examples/ Gemfile.lock files are updated (run bundle install)
  • make sure Gemfile.lock is updated (run bundle install)
  • move unreleased changes to the next version in the changelog
  • commit in the form "vX.X.X" and push
  • make sure the pipeline is green
  • $ bundle exec rake release

Contemplated improvements (AKA the todo list)

  • word diff
  • yard documentation?
  • 2.7.0 support
  • actual integration tests (replacing examples/)
  • real documentation for the plugin interface