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Installing KRA Clone


This page describes the process to install a KRA subsystem as a clone of an existing KRA subsystem.

Before beginning with the installation, please ensure that you have configured the directory server and added base entries. The step is described here.

Additionally, make sure the FQDN has been configured correctly.

Exporting Existing KRA System Certificates

On the existing system, export the KRA system certificates with the following command:

$ pki-server kra-clone-prepare \
    --pkcs12-file kra-certs.p12 \
    --pkcs12-password Secret.123

The command will export the following certificates (including the certificate chain) and their keys into a PKCS #12 file:

  • KRA storage certificate
  • KRA transport certificate
  • audit signing certificate
  • subsystem certificate

Note that the existing SSL server certificate will not be exported.

If necessary, third-party certificates (e.g. trust anchors) can be added into the same PKCS #12 file with the following command:

$ pki -d /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/alias -f /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/password.conf \
    pkcs12-cert-import <nickname> \
    --pkcs12-file kra-certs.p12 \
    --pkcs12-password Secret.123 \

KRA Subsystem Installation

Prepare a deployment configuration (e.g. kra-clone.cfg) to deploy KRA subsystem clone. By default the subsystem will be deployed into a Tomcat instance called pki-tomcat.

A sample deployment configuration is available at /usr/share/pki/server/examples/installation/kra-clone.cfg. It assumes that the primary CA and KRA subsystems are running at, the CA signing certificate has been exported into ca_signing.crt, and the admin certificate and key have been exported into ca_admin_cert.p12. The PKCS #12 password is specified in the pki_client_pkcs12_password parameter. See Installing CA for details.

To start the installation execute the following command:

$ pkispawn -f kra-clone.cfg -s KRA

KRA System Certificates

After installation the existing KRA system certificates (including the certificate chain) and their keys will be stored in the server NSS database (i.e. /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/alias), and a new SSL server certificate will be created for the new instance:

$ certutil -L -d /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/alias

Certificate Nickname                                         Trust Attributes

ca_signing                                                   CT,C,C
kra_storage                                                  u,u,u
sslserver                                                    u,u,u
subsystem                                                    u,u,u
kra_audit_signing                                            u,u,Pu
kra_transport                                                u,u,u

If necessary, the certificates can be exported into PEM files with the following command:

$ pki-server cert-export <cert ID> --cert-file <filename>

The valid certificate IDs for KRA are:

  • kra_storage_signing
  • kra_transport_signing
  • kra_audit_signing
  • subsystem
  • sslserver

Note that the pki-server cert-export command takes a certificate ID instead of a nickname. For simplicity the nicknames in this example are configured to be the same as the certificate IDs.

Admin Certificate

To use the admin certificate from the CA subsystem, prepare a client NSS database (default is ~/.dogtag/nssdb):

$ pki client-init

Then import the CA signing certificate into the client NSS database:

$ pki client-cert-import ca_signing --ca-cert ca_signing.crt

Finally, import admin certificate and key with the following command:

$ pki pkcs12-import \
    --pkcs12 ca_admin_cert.p12 \
    --pkcs12-password Secret.123

To verify that the admin certificate can be used to access the KRA subsystem clone, execute the following command:

$ pki -n caadmin kra-user-show kraadmin
User "kraadmin"
  User ID: kraadmin
  Full name: kraadmin
  Type: adminType
  State: 1