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File metadata and controls

121 lines (75 loc) · 5.74 KB

import WorldOptions from '../common/world-options.mdx' import StarknetOptions from '../common/starknet-options.mdx' import AccountOptions from '../common/account-options.mdx' import SignerOptionsRaw from '../common/signer-options-raw.mdx' import SignerOptionsKeystore from '../common/signer-options-keystore.mdx'

sozo migrate

migrate is used to perform the migration (deployment) process, declaring and deploying contracts as necessary to deploy or update the World.

Changes made to the local World after the initial deployment, can easily be pushed to the remote counterpart by running sozo migrate [SUB-COMMAND] --world <WORLD_ADDRESS> with WORLD_ADDRESS being the address of the remote World. In the background, migrate will compute the diffs of the local and remote World, then, start constructing a migration strategy to determine, if any, which part of the local World needs to be pushed upstream.

The migrate command has two subcommands: plan and apply.

  • plan: With this subcommand nothing is send on-chain. sozo retrieves the remote world and computes the diffs between the remote world and the local world. It outputs the manifests files into the manifests/<profile_name>/deployments folder and the two manifest files manifests/<profile_name>/manifest.[json,toml].
  • apply: This subcommand will apply the diffs on the remote world and update the manifests files to contain the on-chain data like transaction hash, block number, etc.

Note: You can directly run sozo migrate apply without the need of running sozo migrate plan. You should run sozo migrate plan if you want to generate the manifests file only and do a dry run without sending transactions to the chain.


Usage: sozo migrate [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  plan   Plan the migration and output the manifests.
  apply  Apply the migration on-chain.
  help   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


General Options

--name NAME
    Name of the World. At the moment, the only usage for this option is to be used as a salt when deploying the World contract to avoid address conflicts. This option is required when performing the initial migration of the World.

World Options

Starknet Options

Account Options

Signer Options - Raw

Signer Options - Keystore


  1. Deploying your World for the first time to a local Katana node
sozo migrate apply --name ohayo --rpc-url http://localhost:5050
  1. Updating a remote World after making some changes
sozo migrate apply --world 0x123456
  1. Deploying your World using profile options, where configuration like rpc-url are set in the profile.
sozo --profile my_profile migrate apply


Manifest with Overlays in Dojo


In Dojo, the manifest system with overlays provides a flexible way to configure and customize the behavior of how sozo will migrate the world.

Overlays in Dojo allow developers to apply configurations or modifications to base manifest files without directly modifying them. This helps maintain separation of concerns and simplifies the management of configurations, especially in complex environments while the number of systems and models in a world grow.

Manifest structure

A manifest in Dojo is a base configuration file that define a system and a model after the compilation. It serves as the foundation upon which overlays are applied. Manifest files typically include data like class hash, name of the contract/model, a reference to the ABI, etc....

Base manifest files are written by Sozo in manifests/<profile_name>/base folder at root of your project.


Overlays in Dojo are supplementary configuration files that are applied on top of base manifest files to customize or extend their functionality. These overlays contain specific configuration settings tailored to a particular use case or environment. By using overlays, developers can override the base manifest, add new configurations, without directly modifying the base manifest files that are auto generated at compiled time.

When using Sozo, the Dojo compiler, it searches for overlay files corresponding to base files using a specific path structure. For example, if you have a base file located at manifests/dev/base/contract/c1.toml, Sozo expects to find the corresponding overlay file at manifests/dev/overlays/contract/c1.toml. This structured approach ensures that overlays are applied correctly to their respective base configurations.

Make sure to organize your overlay files accordingly to ensure correct integration with Sozo and to achieve the desired configuration for your systems and models.

You have an example here for the file path here, and here for the auto-write use case.

Keys in Overlay manifest

name is used as an identifier for the overlay manifest. It should be same as the base manifest name.

original_class_hash may be set in Overlay manifest if you need to upgrade any existing contract. If this is not properly set then it would lead to a new contract deployment instead of an upgrade.

writes is used to automatically grant writer permissions for models to a given system. It is specified as list of model names for now.

For world: original_class_hash

For contracts/systems: original_class_hash, writes