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Dojot VerneMQ

The Dojot VerneMQ service is an extension of VerneMQ with some modifications for Dojot's integration.



To configure VerneMQ, you simply pass a configuration file encoded in base64 for the VERNEMQ_CONF environment variable. The configuration we use is the one in this file.

Example usage in Docker Compose:

    VERNEMQ_CONF: "YWNjZXB0X2V1bGEgPSB5ZXMKbWV0YW..." # just the beginning of base64

Example usage in Kubernetes:

  - name: VERNEMQ_CONF
    value: "YWNjZXB0X2V1bGEgPSB5ZXMKbWV0YW..." # just the beginning of base64

NOTE THAT all configuration parameters available in the configuration file can be defined using environment variables with the prefix DOCKER_VERNEMQ_ followed by the name of the configuration parameter. For example: allow_anonymous is DOCKER_VERNEMQ_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS or allow_register_during_netsplit is DOCKER_VERNEMQ_ALLOW_REGISTER_DURING_NETSPLIT.

Check out the official documentation for more details on configuration.


There are some plugins that were developed to the dojot VerneMQ service:


To build a VerneMQ docker image for dojot, we apply three patches which are described above.


This patch applies to OPT-22 and is based on a bugfix developed for the newer versions of the OTP.

It makes possible to refresh the trusted-cert table when the SSL PEM cache is cleared.

This patch won't be necessary when the OTP version is upgraded.


This patch overwrites the username of a MQTT connection by the identifier of a dojot service or device. To make the things simpler as possible, we changed the original behavior of replacing the username by the cname by our own device/service identifier.

The patch uses an external service to discover whom is associated with the client certificate of a MQTT connection, and the communication with this service can be customized by setting the following environmental variables:

Key Purpose Default Value Accepted values
CERTIFICATE_ACL_URL Url of the dojot certificate-acl service http://certificate-acl:3000/internal/api/v1/acl-entries/
CERTIFICATE_ACL_REQ_TIMEOUT_MS Timeout in milliseconds for the request to the dojot certificate-acl service 1000 [0,..]

NOTE THAT This patch applies to VerneMQ version 1.10.0. When change the VerneMQ version by a newer one is necessary to pay attention if the patch is still valid, otherwise, it will be necessary to write a new one.


This patch periodically clears the SSL PEM cache forcing the SSL layer to refresh the certificate entries in memory, including the ca trust-store.

By default, the SSL PEM cache is cleared every 5 minutes. To change the periodicity set the configuration parameter ssl_trusted_cert_refresh_interval in milliseconds.

NOTE THAT This patch applies to VerneMQ version 1.10.0. When change the VerneMQ version by a newer one is necessary to pay attention if the patch is still valid, otherwise, it will be necessary to write a new one.