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A Simple Hostel Booking Portal Based On Django2.0 With Custom Admin Page.


  1. Download the zip file and extract it to a new folder.
  2. Open terminal and navigate to the folder which contains file by running the command cd Hostel-Booking-Portal-master.
  3. Create a new virtual environment: virtualenv venv.
  4. Activate the virtual environment: source ./venv/bin/activate.
  5. Install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  6. Create the database: python migrate --run-syncdb.
  7. Create super user: python createsuperuser and then enter username, email, and password for the super user.
  8. Collect the static files: python collectstatic. (NOTE: This will create a folder named static_cdn on the base directory of the directory where is located. To change this edit the MEDIA_ROOT in the VHBooking_Portal/ And then run python collectstatic.)
  9. Run the server: python runserver.

Add A Hostel

  1. Run the server: python runserver.

  2. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin/.

  3. Login with the username and password for super user.

  4. Under the HOSTEL section, click on Hostels and then click on ADD HOSTEL button on the top right.

  5. Enter the name of the hostel (for eg. VH1) and then fill the other fields according to the below table:

    Field What it represents
    Total rooms Total numbers of rooms the hostel have
    Total available rooms Total rooms which are, at present, available for booking
    Total booked rooms Total rooms which are already booked
  6. Click on Save.

  7. Open the file hostel/ and add your hostel under the function generate_choices_of_hostels there in the tuple with the corresponding serial number.

  8. Save the file.

  9. Open the file visitor/

  10. Edit the list on line 23 with the names of your hostel.

  11. Save the file.

To Allow Only Specific Email Domains To Login

  1. Open the file: userAuthentication/
  2. Edit the conditions which checks the email in the function check_email on line 8 to allow/disallow different email domains to login.

Add Room Types

  1. Open The File visitor/
  2. Edit the tuple according to your needs. For eg.
  ('AC', 'AC'),
  ('NON AC', 'NON AC'),

Enabling Login With Google

  1. Open file VHBooking_Portal/ and navigate to line 166.
  2. Enter your Client ID for Google Web Application for the field SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY.
  3. On line 167, Enter your Secret Key for Google Web Application for the field SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET.
  4. A guide about this can be found here : Simple Google Authentication in Django

Editing The Template

  1. All templates files are there in the folder templates located at the same level where file is located, edit those files according to your needs.

To Make Admin Of The Website

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin/ and login with super user credentials.
  2. Under AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION section, click on Users.
  3. Select a user with its username.
  4. Under the Permissions section, select Staff status and then click on Save.
  5. Now this user will be redirected automatically to the admin page when it logins via google.


Homepage :


User Panel :

UserPanel1 UserPanel2 UserPanel3

Admin Panel :

AdminPanel1 AdminPanel2 AdminPanel3


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