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Why shouldn't promise-returning functions throw? #24

tabatkins opened this issue Sep 7, 2013 · 134 comments

Why shouldn't promise-returning functions throw? #24

tabatkins opened this issue Sep 7, 2013 · 134 comments


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The spec-writing guide says that promise-returning functions should never throw; instead, they should just reject the returned promise with the relevant error.

It even gives a specific example of argument-parsing errors. Why is this? In existing callback functions, argument-parsing is usually an immediate thrown error, rather than calling the errback. Some types of argument-parsing errors aren't even handled by the specs - they're handled automatically by WebIDL.

I definitely understand why "content" errors should always happen in the promise, even if they can be detected "early enough" to throw synchronously instead. But argument syntax errors seem like a separate class to me.

As a further argument, getting a syntax error from an argument list is sometimes used as a test for support for some new functionality added to the function. Requiring the test to wait for its rejection handler to tell whether the new functionality is supported or not seems annoying.

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domenic commented Sep 7, 2013

It forces duplicate error handling logic to both wrap a function in try catch to catch one type of exception, and use the rejection handler to catch other types of exceptions. This is not a good API pattern. Mixed sync-async behavior releases Zalgo upon your code.

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domenic commented Sep 7, 2013

Some types of argument-parsing errors aren't even handled by the specs - they're handled automatically by WebIDL.

Yes, WebIDL definitely needs revision to accomodate promises into its overload resolution algorithm.

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It forces duplicate error handling logic to both wrap a function in try catch to catch one type of exception, and use the rejection handler to catch other types of exceptions.

Yeah, but only if you're actually trying to catch argument-parsing errors. How often do you defensively code against accidentally passing bad arguments to a function?

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domenic commented Sep 7, 2013

It's not about defensive coding, it's about handling errors.

Fundamentally, promises are based around a uniform error-handling paradigm. Breaking from that surprises consumers of promise-using functions.

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I get the arguments for uniformity. I'm not yet convinced that it's a useful uniformity for this specific class of error.

I know the distinction between "compile-time" and "run-time" errors is arbitrary and changes with each language (and for JS doesn't have much meaning at all), but there's an underlying rough separation of errors into "logic" errors and "you fucked up while writing this" errors. The first is recoverable - some quality of your argument is wrong, its foo property is set to "bar" rather than "baz" or somesuch. The second is a simple mistake. You "recover" by fixing your code, not by dealing with it at run-time. The only use-case I know of for dealing with those types of errors at run-time is what I already outlined - testing for support for a new argument signature. That particular use-case is better served by throwing synchronously, so it can move on to the next test immediately - it doesn't actually want any of the information that you'd be doing async work for.

It might be that the consistency argument is strong enough to make this worthwhile - that we are dividing the world into "sync" and "async" functions, and you fundamentally interact with the two in sync or async ways, respectively. I'm just not sure about this.

(Note that my usage of promises in Font Load Events is wrong even by my argument - I'm currently synchronously throwing on some argument-inspection errors, like if a string fails to parse as a 'font' property value. I think this falls into the recoverable logic-error bucket, and so I should switch it over to rejecting the promise instead. But I think if you passed an Element instead of a DOMString, it makes sense to throw immediately.)

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domenic commented Sep 7, 2013

This is the exact same argument that people have made for not allowing SyntaxErrors or ReferenceErrors or similar to be transformed into rejections when you throw inside a promise handler. We are retreading old ground, and like before, in JavaScript there is no distinction; all exceptions are the same. The only distinction that really matters is early errors (compile time, while-parsing-the-script) vs. runtime errors, and type validation errors are not early errors since JS is not typed.

The first is recoverable ... The second is a simple mistake. You "recover" by fixing your code,

You cannot rely on all code paths to be hit in testing, and runtime recovery from such errors is something you need to be able to do, e.g. trap it and log it back to the server for analytics while popping up a dialog saying "oops, something went wrong frobbing the widget, we'll look at the logs and fix that later." With synchronous code you would express this by encapsulating the complicated process of widget-frobbing in a function like frobWidget, then do

try {
} catch (e) {
  sendErrorToServer('/widget/frobbing/errors', e);
  alert("Oops, sorry we couldn't frob your widget!");

In asynchronous code it's much the same:

frobWidget().catch(e => {
  sendErrorToServer('/widget/frobbing/errors', e);
  alert("Oops, sorry we couldn't frob your widget!");

If frobWidget() has, in some crazy edge case involving user input you never thought possible, managed to pass an argument of an unexpected type to some internal promise-returning function, this should not break the app and bubble up through the synchrononous call stack to surrounding code unprepared to deal with it, putting you in a bad state, but instead should log the error to the server and tell the user.

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Cool, that's convincing.

(So if we did have type annotations in JS that produced compile-time errors, it would be fine for async functions to still throw syntax errors for violating the type contracts, right?)

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domenic commented Sep 7, 2013

Yeah, definitely, in the same way that var 5; throws a syntax error at compile time.

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medikoo commented Oct 17, 2013

It forces duplicate error handling logic to both wrap a function in try catch

I don't agree. It's strictly about algorithm errors, same as you never throw errors intentionally to break application, same you never pass invalid arguments to functions intentionally. There's no logical place for try/catch here.

And if you test some foreign function, to see if it works properly, then no matter whether it returns promise or not you wrap it with try/catch (after all we're bulletproofing and take any unhandled/unexpected errors into account), so we're also save here.

In asynchronous code it's much the same:

frobWidget().catch(e => {
  sendErrorToServer('/widget/frobbing/errors', e);
  alert("Oops, sorry we couldn't frob your widget!");

If frobWidget strictly relies on some input argument, it definitely should throw, again it's an algorithm error and not error that we assume may happen in normal algorithm flow.

Of course I'm speaking strictly about cases that in 100% of cases would produce errors, e.g.

fs.readFile(); // no path provided, in node.js similar function throws

But if in some circumstances given arguments are ok, and in other are invalid, and (by some weird chance) we're aware of that immediately, then indeed function should return promise that rejects.

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Raynos commented Nov 23, 2013


The problem with trapping these non recoverable errors is (syntax errors, typos, null references, invalid arguments) a lack of a catch all.

Having build a large app with a system that captures all errors & boxes them I kept forgetting to add error handlers to things which I can't recover from because that's not a natural programming flow. The problem then became my entire app stopped working because one of the hundreds of boxes in the flow contained an error and I had zero insight into what it was without adding error handling at every step (which is unexceptable if (err) return cb(err) style boilerplate).

Currently in node & browsers you can add a single application error reporter to process.uncaughtException and window.onerror. Adding debugger & developer tools to inspect these errors feels silly since we already have tools to inspect synchronous errors, i.e. intercept at window.onerror or look in the console.

Nobody writes code like this:

try {
} catch (e) {
  sendErrorToServer('/widget/frobbing/errors', e);
  alert("Oops, sorry we couldn't frob your widget!");

They write

// frob.js
// bab.js
// blargh.js
// error.js
window.onerror = function (err) {
  alert("oops something went wrong")

These types of "I dont expect any exceptions" are very common when working with async data & edge cases. Mainly due to corrupted data, database being in a weird state or other unexpected edge cases.

Does promises have an equivalent of window.onerror ?

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Depending on exactly what you mean, yes.

var result = getWidget().then(frobWidget).then(babWidget).then(blarghWidget);

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In RSVP we have something somewhat like window.onerror.
It has one caveat, it can report false positives. Such as if rejections are handled asynchronously, they will still trigger this handler.

RSVP.on('error', function(reason) {
  if (reason instanceof Error) {
    console.assert(false, error); // stops when purple debug mode is enabled
    console.error(error); // clickable stack

In practice the increased visibility is well worth it the odd false positive, especially in development.

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Raynos commented Nov 24, 2013

@stefanpenner I don't mind false positives. Handling rejections asynchronously is not a use case I cater to.

Is something like RSVP.on('error') easy to implement in user land for arbitrary promises.

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@Raynos Ya its pretty simple. poke around ->

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Raynos commented Nov 24, 2013

@stefanpenner I mean can we add it to native promises where we can't hook into the machinery.

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@Raynos ah, no.

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medikoo commented Nov 25, 2013

I don't mind false positives.

To me that's not acceptable. Only real errors should be reported, false positives are noise in console we definitely don't want to see and deal with.

Error reporting should be strict, as it's in any other JS API, and we can have it only with Promise.prototype.done, with which you explicitly state the intent of not extending further promise chain. Check long discussion under #19 about that (above issue is not really related to that problem).

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@medikoo the method described also catches the places where you forgot to done or chain correctly. Increasing visibility, even with the VERY infrequent false positive, especially during development has been a massive improvement in developer ergonomics.

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medikoo commented Nov 25, 2013

@stefanpenner I don't see how reporting false positives among real errors can improve development. Doesn't sound logical at all.

Also once you understand how done works, it's not the thing you can forget. It becomes first choice function (same as forEach is first choice over map in case of array iteration).

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@medikoo if you have used this approach you would realize it is quite valuable. The only false positive is asynchronously handled rejections where reason instanceof Error === true which is defiantly not a common scenario.

Also I fully understand how done works, and this is not a good comparison.

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medikoo commented Nov 25, 2013

@stefanpenner I use done so I don't have a problem of unhandled errors that are not exposed.

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what you just said is essentially: “I don’t make mistakes, and by not making mistakes I don’t have the problem of fixing or diagnosing mistakes" so you have missed the point..

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medikoo commented Nov 25, 2013

@stefanpenner I don't see how you get that. I stated that all my errors (mistakes) are exposed naturally, as I use done. I don't have problem of them being not exposed.

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  // forgotten return
    // oops typo

done didn't help.

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medikoo commented Nov 25, 2013

@stefanpenner This example doesn't make much sense. If someone writes promise.then(function (obj) { obj.then(...); } it means, he doesn't have a clue how promises and then works.

Still, as you used done, proper error would be exposed to end user, it'll most likely be: Object response has no method 'then'.

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Raynos commented Nov 25, 2013


To me that's not acceptable. Only real errors should be reported, false positives are noise in console we definitely don't want to see and deal with.

Then use maybes or monads or never throw exceptions which all have deterministic error behaviour.

.done() only works if a) you never forget it. or b) the promise is lazy until you call .done() i.e. you won't get the value OR the error until you do .done() otherwise you still run into the problem of swallowed syntax errors.

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Raynos commented Nov 25, 2013

I did think of a better idea. The debugger tools in chrome currently allow you to "pause on all exceptions" and "pause on uncaught exceptions".

If it has the ability to "pause on all rejections" and "pause on unhandled rejections" then that would give me the error visibility I want.

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spion commented May 22, 2014

@medikoo The issue with invalid argument errors is rarely about simple typos. Data that can propagate through multiple promise-returning functions should never cause synchronous errors because that forces programmers to do checks at every single point as demonstrated above (or give up and use both try/catch and Promise#catch which is hideous, also as demonstrated above).

JavaScript is a dynamic language. Functions can and (unfortunately) often do return values of different types. Other functions take those returned values as input arguments. Add several layers of this as in the example I gave.

For a good measure, also make some of those functions dynamic, e.g. replace acquireThings with repository.acquireThings, where the repository is injected. The contract of promise-returning functions will be quickly compromised once data starts flowing through the system. Code that is correct will cause type errors and resource leaks, just because the external code (injected Repository) did not give correct data to be passed further.

Now lets compare what happens when promises are always returned.

The only remaining errors that throw are either synchronous code:

var res = preFrobMassage(data);

But at least that code has just a single error channel (exceptions), not two

And local programmer errors:

var res = preFrobMasage(data); // typo

Which are most definitely programmer errors local to this code.

Only two errors that are local programming errors become a promise: using an undefined variable name:

var res = preFrobMassage(dataa);

and non-existant object property accessors:

var res = preFrobMassage(obj.dataa);

The first can be statically checked in strict mode easily, which leaves just the second one. Now my question is, are there any issues with this programmer error turning into a Promise? If so, what are they?

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Raynos commented May 22, 2014


just because the external code (injected Repository) did not give correct data

Not validating input that is external from your process is a bug. Once you have correctly converted this external input into a known shape with known types then you have removed the runtime errors and are back to typo errors.

are there any issues with this programmer error turning into a Promise?

This is a difference between failing hard and failing softly. Without debugging tools like Promise.onUnhandledRejections this error might stay "hidden" because we forgot to check for it or because we ignored the return value and made a fire & forget call.

Also we may decide that var res = preFrobMassage(obj.dataa); is a call where we do not care about errors or results, for example logger.sendUdp(obj.dataa). I don't care whether the packet arrived to the logger properly.

I know need to add extra error handling because the callsite uses the error value in the promise to communicate programmer errors which are bugs and must be reported on and fixed.

I'd much rather have that be a thrown exception and have it use the bug reporting mechanism that is used for every other bug in my application.

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spion commented May 22, 2014

@Raynos Its not just the external data. For modules, its also the entire API surface - every single function that can be called by external code must have type checks. Its the worst possible solution to the lack of static types problem - piling layers upon layers of typechecks that check data over and over again. Its also horrible for module evolution - if you decide to expose new functions which weren't previously exposed, better make sure you add type checks to them.

Even if we set that set aside and assume that argument type errors must use another channel, you simply cannot do that with promises. Because even if the function throws, once you're inside a then callback promises themselves will uphold the contract and convert the thrown error into a rejection. That is how they're designed to work. And if you try to combine both approaches, you get potential resource leaks and other fun problems, and I find it hard to imagine anything worse than that.

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medikoo commented May 23, 2014

@medikoo The issue with invalid argument errors is rarely about simple typos.

@spion programmer errors are as @Hixie very clearly explained a result of using an API in a bogus way. It's either result of typo, lack of programmer knowledge how API works, or in general badly configured algorithm that leads to given bogus call. There are no other reasons.

Data that can propagate through multiple promise-returning functions should never cause synchronous errors because that forces programmers to do checks at every single point as demonstrated above (or give up and use both try/catch and Promise#catch which is hideous, also as demonstrated above).

If you have used node.js you know it's not an issue as you try to put it. You can setup long callback chain and any programmer error in a middle will throw in uncaught way, by design they're not propagated as errors to callbacks. It's expected, it's a programmer error which you want to be exposed by all means, immediately. I don't remember anybody proposing a change to that node.js behavior, instead they provided us with this very informative guide

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Hixie commented May 27, 2014

On Wed, 21 May 2014, C. Scott Ananian wrote:

If image is an img element
If either the sw or sh arguments are specified but zero, throw an
IndexSizeError exception and abort these steps.

I would reject the promise here; zero size seems to be a dynamic data

You should never call the API with 0 as the value. It's not a dynamic data
error, it's a misuse of the API. There will never be a useful result if
you pass zero as a source dimension.

The debatable case would be if the arguments were unspecified or
undefined -- but that's not (yet) covered in the spec?

That's handled at the WebIDL level. I'm arguing that all the errors that
WebIDL would throw here should be thrown, not sent as rejections.

If the img element is not completely available, then throw an
InvalidStateError exception and abort these steps.

Again, this seems like a dynamic error (or even race condition).
Reject the promise.

I don't understand why this would be a rejection. It's a bad use of the
API to pass a non-ready image.

If the origin of the img element's image is not the same origin as the
origin specified by the entry settings object, then throw a
SecurityError exception and abort these steps.

Arguable? I'd reject the promise for consistency, but if you wanted to
synchronously throw here I wouldn't grumble too much. Failing as fast
as possible for security issues is usually a good idea.

This seems to be the same as an incomplete image. It's an image in an
invalid state for this API.

If the img element's media data is not a bitmap (e.g. it's a vector
graphic), then throw an InvalidStateError exception and abort these

Again, arguable -- the img source seems like it could be a dynamic

Sure, lots of things can be dynamic. But if you ever get to this point
with an image that you don't know the type of, you shouldn't be passing it
without first checking that it's a same-origin bitmap that's loaded.

(I mean, a method call could be "dynamic" too, as in:

var promise = windowfoo;

...where "foo" is a string. But that will still throw synchronously if
it's not a valid method name.)

Usually <img> tags don't care what the format of their src is; what
if the src comes (indirectly) from a client-side upload?

Then the programmer should have verified the type before trying to convert
it to a bitmap.

Return a new Promise, but continue running these steps asynchronously.

This is s somewhat problematic pattern: it assumes the sync execution up
to this step is observable.

It is. For example, if we didn't check if the image was fully loaded
before this point then you would have a race in the API.

Fulfill the Promise's associated resolver, with the new ImageBitmap
object as the value.

It doesn't matter if this comes after "continue running these steps
asynchronously" -- the Promise step is written so that resolution is
only visible asynchronously (else Zalgo), so the ordering/wording here
is a bit funny.

It's for consistency with the other branches of this factory method.

Ian Hickson U+1047E )..,--....,'``. fL U+263A /, .. \ \ ;._ ,. Things that are impossible just take longer. ..-(,..'--(,

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cscott commented May 27, 2014

Let's separate out the "zero width/height" aspect, because I think that is a fundamental error (not related to Promises). Zero-width <img> elements and zero-width <canvas> elements are allowed by the spec, and from experience I find that allowing these avoids having to deal with awkward corner cases. You disagree, we could discuss this further, but it has nothing to do with Promises, so let's just agree to disagree for the purposes of this issue.

Your other comments seem to indicate that we do have a real disagreement here about predictability of errors and execution. Unless I misunderstand you, you are claiming that there is no condition in which createImageBitmap should reject the promise, it should always throw synchronously if at all (again, restricting ourselves to discussing the <img> case only). Is that correct?

Have you read and yet? Certainly one method to avoid releasing zalgo is to always make every exception synchronous and never reject any promise, but that only works if (a) no one is every expected to catch exceptions in normal use of the API, and (b) every possible exception can be thrown synchronously (which implies always blocking until every possible thing that could go wrong has had the chance to go wrong).

Or do you disbelieve in zalgo?

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Hixie commented May 27, 2014

There's nothing in the <img> case that should ever reject, correct. You can statically determine before you call the factory method whether or not you've satisfied the contract that the factory method expects, so calling the factory method should never fail.

But the <img> case is boring. A more instructive case would be Blob. Here the contract is "pass a non-empty source rectangle and a valid pointer to slow-to-read bytes". You can do that and still end up with a problem, because the slow-to-read bytes might turn out to be a corrupt image or an unsupported format. So there there would be some errors that throw (e.g. the Blob is closed when you pass it in), and some errors that reject (e.g. the Blob contains corrupt data).

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getify commented May 27, 2014

We have gone round and round in circles, only to come back to the same conclusion we had dozens of messages ago:

  1. Some errors must be thrown synchronously (like if you're _not_ going to be able to create a promise that you can then reject).
  2. Some errors must be rejected async (because it's impossible to know at promise creation time that rejection is going to happen).
  3. A whole bunch of stuff is somewhere in between (1) and (2), and thus open to subjective interpretation. Precedent is useful, except for the fact that async promise rejection is the brand new thing being debated, so we have relatively little counter-precedent to make such arguments fair.

We can't get to all (1) or all (2) (though obviously the symmetry would be nice if we could). As such, the arguments for "predictability of error handling" are a tad moot.

May I suggest to handle (3) we debate more explicitly these two options:

  1. default to async errors unless we absolutely cannot and must be sync.
  2. default to sync errors unless we absolutely cannot and must be async.

Debating (1) and (2) themselves is pointless. They're givens. Long-proven. Let's make progress on (3).

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Hixie commented May 27, 2014

If we agree that WebIDL should not convert TypeErrors it throws during argument checking into a rejected promise that it returns instead of throwing, and that WebIDL will allow methods that return promises to throw synchronously, then I'm happy.

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cscott commented May 28, 2014

@Hixie you didn't answer my question about whether you've actually grokked the various arguments about "zalgo" and agree/disagree with them. By mixing synchronous and asynchronous exceptions you seem to be rejecting the basic premise of Havoc and Isaac's essays. Assuming that you are doing that knowingly, would you care to elaborate on your reasoning?

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Hixie commented May 28, 2014

cscott: I totally agree that an API, when called within its contract, should always either be synchronous or asynchronous in its uses of callbacks. I'm only arguing about the case of calling outside the contract. I'm saying that should fail early, because at that point it's not the API you're dealing with, in much the same way that if you typo the name of the method it's not the API (and it'll return early). It's not confusing to authors that typoing the name of a promise-returning method throws instead of returning a rejected promise. It's similarly not confusing to authors that passing the wrong number of arguments throws instead of returning a rejected promise. IMHO, it's actually more confusing if an error of this kind ends up reporting the argument problem in a callback/promise. The blog posts you cite aren't talking about this kind of out-of-contract error, so they don't really apply here. (Actually, promise callbacks will always be async, so the bad pattern that these blog posts refer to can't actually happen, as far as I can tell, when using promises.)

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Once again, there is no clear boundary between "violating the API contract" and "data error". Passing 0 to a function that expects positive integers might be because you misunderstood things, or it might be because something upstream gave you the wrong data. Even passing the wrong number of arguments can easily be a fault of wrong data, if you called the function dynamically with apply (or, in the future, used the spread syntax).

Typoing throws sync because we don't have syntax affordance in JS for saying "I'm calling this async" - sync and async calls look identical. If we did have such, a typo would definitely result in a rejected promise, not an exception, for all the reasons already explained.

As @cscott said, several people have written well-reasoned arguments for keeping all exception handling async for async functions. What do you think is wrong with their arguments?

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cscott commented May 28, 2014

The bad pattern is when the API throws a synchronous exception when all the handlers are expecting asynchrony (or vice-versa [*] ). The bad pattern is when you have to write separate synchronous and asynchronous handlers because the API is not consistent. I agree that synchronous throws for what Java would call "exceptions that an ordinary program is not expected to catch" are unobjectionable; we seem to differ only on what that means. You seem to feel that the API should be written such that no reasonable program triggers the exception paths, and thus most exceptions are synchronous.

You've mentioned that the Blob case is one where you could see a promise rejection (if the slow-to-read Blob contains corrupt data). I understand the implementation logic of this, but semantically it seems the result is we treat unexpected data in Blobs different than unexpected data in <img> (and it forces synchronous decode of <img>). Any generic code which uses createImageBitmap would likely propagate this inconsistency.

What other cases are there in the createImageBitmap API which you think merit asynchronous rejections?

[*] Although we can have consistent handling by either making all "conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch" synchronous or asynchronous, the latter is straightforward to implement while the former requires unacceptable blocking of the main thread if we apply it consistently.

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Hixie commented May 28, 2014

I disagree that there's no clear boundary. It's a boundary that the DOM API has been exposing for years, in the form of exceptions on one side, and 'error' events on the other.

My earlier comments on this page are my attempt to argue against the case for using rejected promises for TypeError and ReferenceError and InvalidStateError and other "contract violating" cases. It's quite possible that this really just comes down to different priorities, and that just as I think the arguments are a compelling case for what I'm arguing, you think the arguments are a compelling case for what you're arguing. If this is the case, then I don't know what I can say that will change this.

createImageBitmap() is already specced to use promises (it's just the old-style promises before they were merged into JS; this whole discussion came up because I'm trying to update the spec to match the new promise prose and in doing so was told one thing I should do is stop having any exceptions). So you can tell what I think should be rejections vs what should be exceptions. It's anything that you can't determine will be a problem before calling the factory method.

It's worth noting that createImageBitmap() is meant to be an API that takes a valid image source (something you could paint on a canvas synchronously) and turn it into a ImageBitmap object. Only Blobs are the exception to this; drawImage() doesn't accept a Blob.

An argument could certainly be made that createImageBitmap() should be trying to be something else, but that's a different argument than the one I'm trying to have here. (If you do think that, please file a bug .)

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Raynos commented May 28, 2014

Or do you disbelieve in zalgo?

If you actually read the material you linked about zalgo you will see that it says do not call a callback both synchronously and asynchronously. It says nothing about throwing exceptions. Throwing an exception is not zalgo, please do not use this argument incorrectly.

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cscott commented May 28, 2014

Exceptions which are "conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch" are simply another form of return value, and are indeed callbacks in pre-promise node. I am not using the argument incorrectly. And my experience programming with promises involved a lot of network synchronization code, where exceptions are usually thrown to indicate various forms of transient network errors which are (in the real internet) not uncommon, and completely reasonable to try to catch. And yes, in the pre-promise-refactoring node-style-callback version of our code, we were littered with Bad Things where synchronous exceptions were not properly turned into node-style invocations of an error callback, resulting in an unhandled exception, loss of the flow of control, and our cloud synchronization "just stopping". That was bad, and there were dozens of possible places where network errors of one sort or another could occur.

So yes, where isaac says "callback" it is entirely proper to read "error callback" (aka, "thrown exception"), and I am certainly biased by my experience to make any error path which could possibly be triggered by network instability into a promise rejection. (And this includes zero-size images, unexpected image types, etc.)

ps. See also the usuallyAvailable example in isaac's post, which explicitly addresses some of the issues addresses here where implementation details about, eg, slow-reading Blob vs <img> are leaking out of the API abstraction because of the desire for "efficiency". If the highest possible efficiency is wanted, isaac seems to encourage a model that returns synchronously if possible and throws synchronously if synchronous execution is not possible coupled with a variant API which always returns and throws asynchronously. For createImageBitmap, callers wouldn't have to wait for asynchronous execution of <img>, nor would they have to wait if the Blob they provided was not actually slow-loading. Perhaps this model would address Hixie's concerns, by allowing the "throw all exceptions asynchronously" behavior to be effectively opt-in?

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medikoo commented May 28, 2014

Have you read and yet?
Or do you disbelieve in zalgo?

@cscott it looks you missed the point of those articles. It doesn't say that programmatical errors should not throw immediately. It's strictly about how the result of given (initialized) operation should be returned.

In node.js you can make nearly every asynchronous function to either throw immediately or invoke it's callback async way. Do you suggest that node.js API exposes the zalgo? :)

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medikoo commented May 28, 2014

What this thread discusses is:

Do (in promise returning APIs) programmatical errors should be thrown immediately or should be propagated into promise rejections?

What we also try to discuss here:

On given API example, what should be considered a programmatical error?

This is two separate matters.

Concerning second one, If given API method is expected to create an object of specific instance an async way, and input arguments for that are bogus (taking into account all ECMAScript normalization conventions). So it's immediately obvious (by definition, in deterministic way) that such object can't be created. It is in my opinion a programmatical error, I see a very clear boundary here.

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spion commented May 28, 2014

ReferenceErrors caused by typos are different in one important way. To get an actual ReferenceError to be thrown, the code that invokes the particular promise function has to be locally incorrect. You have to either use some sort of reflection (treat the method name as another argument), e.g.

obj[methodName](args, ...)

or actually have a real, local typo/error

obj.incorrrectMethodName(args, ...);
// or
objj.incorrectMethodName(args, ...);
// etc

But argument data can come from anywhere. It may come from a database, from the network, from another repository. Without a type system or without littering the code with layers upon layers of checks its impossible to say anything certain about the data without tracing its entire path. This is very different from a local typo.

Finally, the main point here is that it doesn't really matter. Promises already convert all exceptions thrown in the body of a callback passed to then to rejections. They do that to enable error propagation in an asynchronous context that works analogous to exception propagation in synchronous code. They also do it to enable synchronous exceptions to continue propagating in asynchronous code. Because of that, it makes absolutely no sense for promise-returning functions to throw. It will most certainly not cause the code to "fail-early". At best, it will just stop the currently executing then callback, likely just one of several others chained via Promise#then or combined via Promise.all

Infact, I gave an example that leaks resources when you throw synchronously from a promise-returning function although the local code is correct. Can you provide an example that shows how throwing to get "fail fast" behavior works in the context of promises? Because my hunch is that it doesn't, at all.

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Hixie commented May 28, 2014

The "fail fast" behaviour I'm talking about works exactly the way that the ReferenceError errors work. Does ReferenceError "not work, at all"?

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cscott commented May 28, 2014

@spion my assumption is that the "fail early" crowd really wants to ensure the thrown exception is uncaught and thus triggers the default uncaught exception handler, which will put a nice big red message on console. As others have pointed out, unhandled promise rejections will do the same thing... and this notion of "uncatchable exception" isn't really a Thing in javascript in the first place.

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spion commented May 28, 2014

@Hixie it certainly doesn't cause promise code to fail fast if the ReferenceError happens within a callback passed to then:

function test(arg) {
  var p1 = promiseReturningFunction(arg).then(function(val) { 
    // The next line throws ReferenceError: wrongVariable is not defined
    return wrongVariable.someMethod(val); 
    // This error will not bubble up to the uncaught exception handler 
    // It will be converted to a rejection, and (if not handled) will end 
    // up in whatever deals with unhandled promise rejections
  // this code continues to execute. "fail fast" can't work across async boundaries.
  var p2 = otherFn(arg).then(function(val) {
    return rightVariable.rightMethod(rightArgument);

  // Same for the rest of the code that doesn't depend on p1
  var p3 = p2.then(...)

  // Finally we get a rejection here: 
  return Promise.all(p1, p3)

Does this code fail fast? I don't think it does.

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Hixie commented May 28, 2014

Your callback there only has one line of code, so "fail early" is the same as "fail late". Also you see to have no rejection handler, so there's not much to compare here.

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Why would he need a rejection handler here? Unhandled rejections are logged in big red text to the console anyway

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Hixie commented May 28, 2014

Same as uncaught exceptions. Right.

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