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Don't know how to do this, but I'll put my findings here to share, I'll also put my dotfiles (more as a backup but also if people wanna use a modified Endeavour OS config)


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Various Fixes and Notes That Are Important

Don't know how to do this, but I'll put my findings here to share

About my setup

I'm currently using:

  • MSI ge75raider10sf, which is a nvidia/intel optimus laptop running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
  • AMD based Desktop, also running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
  • Surface Pro 7 running NixOS Unstable

I run KDE Plasma on Wayland for all of my computers and use KDE's suite of apps (dolphin, kate, ark, etc.) and I use zsh as my shell.


When using Vortex through SteamTinkerLaunch, modding is very easy (tested on Fallout 4, Fallout New Vegas, Tale of Two Wastelands, and Skyrim

Stardew Valley is best played through Proton (any version) and to get it working correctly with modding, download SMAPI manually and run the .bat file through wine. Vortex won't detect natvie games so you need a .exe in the game files. Use "Move deployment (Experimental!)" in the "Mods" tab of the settings. Make sure the staging folder is on the same drive

Payday 2 modding is easy through proton, just download (or from here if you want the website and extract the dll into the root directory of the game (where the .exe is) and add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="wsock32"=n,b %command% to the launch options on steam.

Red Dead Redemption 2 can be modded with both Scripthook and LML, just install both of them and add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8,ScriptHookRDR2,lml=n,b" %command% as the steam launch options,this should activaste all the .ini files required for both to work, in my testing I can even just use vortex (from steamtinkerlaunch) to download scripthook mods and then lml mods manually. The two main mods that I can confirm work are Horse Controller Fix and Seasons (Scripthook) (LML)

Various Game Fixes

Hearts of Iron IV running on an optimus will give a black screen on the launcher, both on native and wine. Native uses OpenGL which seems to run terribly in my case, forcing it to use wine specifically 7.0.3. and using DirectX9 will fix the performance, but 5x speed will still be slow. To get HOI4 running on OpenGL well you need to use "__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia %command%" as the launch options."

Alright I figured out how to get HOI4 to run natively. You need to put in the mentioned launch options, there are two things you can do. 1st Way: Whenever you need to use the launcher (to edit mods playtests and such) remove the first underscore _ from "__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1" that way it'll launch without giving a black screen. To launch the game add the underscore _ back and launch skipping the launcher from the preparing to launch. 2nd way: you need to go to ~/.paradoxlauncher/ and find the Paradox Launcher in both folders, then you need to add "--disable-gpu" to the last line in the executable, so it looks like "${SCRIPTPATH}"/Launcher --no-sandbox -disable-gpu "$@" and now you should be able to launch the game normally.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Running with gamemode surprisingly causes it to freeze every once in awhile, which you need to force quit the game to fix.

How to make QT Apps look Good using Breeze Outside of KDE

In my opinion any QT app looks best when using the Breeze style from KDE. Once you install breeze through your package manager, you can easily make QT apps use it by setting QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=Breeze in /etc/environment You can even change the color by editing your Trolltech.conf and kdeglobals files in ~/.config/ which is easiest to just install plasma and set the colorscheme in it and uninstall it, I've provided my kdeglobals and Trolltech.conf to give a dark theme (Qogir-kde) without going through the install plasma hassle.

Inconsistent Cursor Theme

So there's a ton of solutions, but the one that I've found is editing your ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and ~/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini and change it to the theme you want. You can find what the names are with (thank you arch wiki) find /usr/share/icons ~/.local/share/icons ~/.icons -type d -name "cursors" command. If that doesn't work, then you need to edit your ~/.Xresources file and put the icon theme in there, which I've had to do every single time I install endeavour os plasma

Legacy Macbooks running OracleVM

I tested Pop_OS! on an old macbook to let someone try linux, but it wouldn't load, using elementary OS was the solution, specifcally using a Linux Ubuntu 64x settings, and enab,ing efi mode in the vm settings. I'm very new to VM's but I need to put this somewhere so I remember. If anyone has any experience with VM's and/or Elementary OS I'd be happy to hear about it.

Optimus Manager Can't Switch Modes

So for whatever reason Optimus Manager will probably stop working for you like it has for me about... 5 times ish. Other than just a reset of config files, one issue I was having was with Endeavour OS's sddm settings (I think), the fix is this Askannz/optimus-manager#356 (comment) You need to commend out both lines that start with Display in /etc/sddm.conf pretty easy fix.

USB Autosuspend (And How to Disable It)

If you have something plugged into your computer that will disconnect after a few seconds your probably suffering from something that plagued me for a long time when on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I finally came across a fix, but I can't refind the forum post. Here's what you do add usbcore.autosuspend=-1 to your GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= line in /etc/default/grub. For example mine looks like this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash=silent quiet nosimplefb=1 usbcore.autosuspend=-1 nvidia_drm.modeset=1 mitigations=off security=apparmor pci=nomsi pci=nommconf" Very simple fix that should be the default.

Slow pasting in oh-my-zsh

Found in here: zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions#276 Add zstyle ':bracketed-paste-magic' active-widgets '.self-*' to the bottom of your .zshrc or in your .zshenv that is sourced near the bottom.

ZSH Plugin 'last-working-dir' not working

This is for either oh my zsh's plugin or mdumitru's broken out version Very simple fix, double check you don't have cat aliased to anything as it requires it to work. You can check by running 'which cat'

Save to Subdirectory in Spectacle

It took me an embarrasing long time to figure this out, I'm convinced it had to be a bug that got fixed after a month or so. Spectacle by default doesn't save anything to when you take a screenshot, which shouldn't be the default imo, but the first go into spectacle and check the option for "Accept on click-and-release" as well as "Save file to a default folder", "Copy image to clipboard", and "Do not take a screenshot automatically" Then under Save, replace the "filename" option with %T/%d-%M-%D-%M-%Y This saves to a subdirectly by title name, The trick is to put / AFTER the variable for your subdirectory. While your at it you can change the keybinds so print takes a screenshot type of your choosing instead of opening spectacle

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

I had this issue recently where running sudo visudo would give me this error. Took me awhile to find a fix since since most threads are about ssh, but found this which gave me the fix running xhost + local:
which did work for me

Xsession login is disabled for $USER

This error started appearing after installing nushell, I'm on openSUSE Tumbleweed so it might be exclusive to it I'm not sure The fix comes from this thread you need to add your shell, for me, /bin/zsh to /etc/shells which should look like this /usr/bin/su # only if you installeed nushell /bin/zsh /bin/bash

Neovim and Konsole and the Cursor

If you've changed your cursor in Konsole to anything other than the default you'll find that exiting neovim reverts the cursor back to a block. It's a known bug that hasn't been fixed yet. The fix that I found was made by nishantwrp, so all credit to them. I adapted it for my needs, so adding a 5 to the escape sequence, and converted to be used in lazyvim. I use a blinking line as my cursor, so my autocommand is: for Neovim (LayzVim):

local function setup_autocmds()
        augroup MyAutoCmd
            autocmd VimLeave * execute 'set guicursor=' | call chansend(v:stderr, "\x1b[5 q")
        augroup END

for Lunarvim

lvim.autocommands = {
      pattern = "*",
      command = "set guicursor= | call chansend(v:stderr, \"\x1b[5 q\")"

To change what cursor type you change the 5 in \"\x1b[5 q\"


Don't know how to do this, but I'll put my findings here to share, I'll also put my dotfiles (more as a backup but also if people wanna use a modified Endeavour OS config)








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