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LZ-End Toolkit


This package contains implementation of the external-memory algorithm to construct the LZ-End parsing. The algorithm is described in the paper

Dominik Kempa and Dmitry Kosolobov: LZ-End Parsing in Compressed Space. Data Compression Conference (DCC), IEEE, 2017.

The latest version of the algorithm is available from

Compilation and usage

The package contains a single Makefile in the main directory. Type 'make' to build all executables. Run each of the programs without any argument to see usage instructions.


Assume the input file is /data/input.dat. The following demonstrates the simplest usage of the parsing algorithm:

$ ./parse /data/input.dat
$ ./verify /data/input.dat.lzend /data/input.dat

The first command computes the LZ-End parsing of the input. The second command verifies if the computed parsing indeed correctly encodes the input text (recall, that the parser is a Monte-Carlo algorithm). If the verifier result is negative (which can be proved to be very unlikely), the commands should be repeated. By default, the parsing is stored in the file named as input with the appended ".lzend" suffix, the default integer type used to encode phrases is 40-bit wide (thus enabling the parsing of files of size up to 1TiB), and the default limit on the phrase length is 2^20. A more advanced usage is demonstrated below.

$ ./parse /data/input.dat -i 6 -l 4mi -v -o /data/parsing.lzend
$ ./verify /data/parsing.lzend /data/input.dat


  • The -i flag allows specifying the integer size (in bytes) used to encode the output parsing. In this example, the type is set to 6-byte integer, enabling the parsing of inputs up to 256TiB. Currently supported are values from the range [4, 8].
  • The -l flag allows specifying the limit on the phrase length (see the paper above for details on how the limit affects the parsing; the default value is sufficient for essentially all applications). In this example, the limit is set to 4mi = 4 * 2^20.
  • the -o flag allows specifying the location and name of the file with the output parsing.
  • the -v flag enables the verbose mode (i.e., more detailed messages during the computation).


  • The argument of the -l flag (limit on the phrase length) can be specified either explicitly or using common suffixes such as K, M, G, T, Ki, Mi, Gi, Ti which correspond to multipliers: 10^3, 10^6, 10^9, 10^12, 2^10, 2^20 2^30, 2^40. Suffix names are not case-sensitive, e.g., Ti = ti, k = K.
  • The above flags specifying integer type, output filename, etc. can be given in any order.
  • Filenames passed as arguments to all programs can be given as absolute, relative, and common (such as $HOME) paths, e.g., ../input.txt and ~/data/input.txt are valid paths.

Parsing format and decoding

The following describes the format of the parsing. The format has not been optimized for space, but rather for the simplicity of decoding.

The parsing file starts with a 8-byte header. The two least significant bytes of the header store (starting with the least significant byte): the number of bits used to encode text symbols minus 1, and the number of bits used to encode integers in the parsing minus 1. Following the header is the sequence of triples encoding the parsing. Each triple consist of a single symbol CHAR and two unsigned integers (the sizes of all objects are as specified in the header), in this order. The first of the two integers stores the ID of the previous phrase and the second integer stores the length LEN of the phrase. Assume first that the decoding of the parsing is performed left-to-right and that all the phrases to the left of the current one has been decoded. To decode the next phrase (CHAR, ID, LEN) the decoder first checks if LEN is 1.

  • If yes, it appends CHAR at the end of text and proceeds with the next phrase.
  • If LEN is > 1, The decoder first needs to copy a substring of length LEN - 1 ending at the phrase with number ID (phrases are numbered left-to-right, starting from 0) and append at the end of decoded text. Then, the decoder appends CHAR at the end of text and proceeds with the next phrase. The end of a phrase is understood as the text position containing the CHAR symbol of the phrase.

The simplest implementation of the decoder explicitly stores the decoded text and the mapping from phrases to text positions (to determine the end of a phrase a given ID). This requires the text to be stored in RAM during decoding, but the parsing can be streamed from disk using a small buffer. A more space-efficient decoder can copy the LEN - 1 symbols directly from the parsing by using its recursive structure. This requires the parsing to be kept in RAM, but allows the output text to be streamed directly to disk.

For cases where LZ-End is used as a compressor as well as to demonstrate how to read and decode the parsing, this package provides a simple LZ-End decoder. It implements a more space-efficient variant of the algorithm mentioned above. We refer to ./include/lz_end_toolkit/decode.hpp for details.


To decode the parsing stored in /data/parsing.lzend, type:

$ ./decode /data/parsing.lzend

By default, the decoded text is stored in the file named as the parsing file with the appended ".decoded" suffix. Other location and name can be specified with the -o flag (analogous to the -o flag of the parser, see above).


  • The current code supports only inputs over byte alphabet. The algorithm described in the paper, however, works for arbitrary alphabets. Future releases of this package will most likely support large alphabet inputs.

Terms of use

If you use this code, please cite the paper mentioned above. LZ-End Toolkit is released under the MIT/X11 license. See the file LICENCE for more details.


LZ-End Toolkit was implemented by: