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executable file
69 lines (43 loc) · 2.4 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
69 lines (43 loc) · 2.4 KB


This is the code base for our paper DocSCAN: Unsupervised Text Classification via Learning from Neighbors, accepted at KONVENS 2022.

Update 27.09.2022

Major code refactoring, the whole repo should be way more user friendly now!


Assuming Anaconda and linux, the environment can be installed with the following command:

conda create -n scan python=3.6
conda activate scan

pip install -U sentence-transformers
conda install faiss-cpu -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run DOCSCAN on text dataset

Run with

PYTHONPATH=src python src/ --infile 20newsgroup_sample.txt --outpath 20newsgroup --num_classes 20 

Where --infile is a file with one sentence per line, outpath is the output directory and we provide the number of clusters. The main output is a csv file in the output directory called docscan_clusters.csv with columns sentence, clusters and probabilities.

Other output generated is

  • prototypical_examples_by_clusters.txt (the 10 most likely sentences for each cluster)
  • word clouds for each cluster in folder outpath/wordclouds

Also, if no number of classes is provided, the program automatically determines the number of clusters using an adapted elbow method from yellowbrick. If so, --min_clusters, --max_clusters and --stepsize should be provided. However, this is rather experimental!

other input format

input can also be a pandas dataframe with a column "sentence". If this is more convenient, run with

PYTHONPATH=src python src/ --infile 20newsgroup_sample.csv --outpath 20newsgroup --num_classes 20 --data_format from_csv

Replicate Paper Experiments

Run with

PYTHONPATH=src python src/ --path 20_newsgroup 

path needs to contain 2 files, train.jsonl and test.jsonl where each line is a json dictionary containing the keys "text" and "label". Have a look at scripts/ for how these files were created.

kmeans Baseline Experiments

Run with

PYTHONPATH=src python src/ --path 20_newsgroup 


If anything should not work or is unclear, please don't hesitate to contact the authors