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Exercise 2: Assemble the Hardware

  1. Remove the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board from the box
  2. Hold the Arduino with the USB connector toward the left
  3. Plug the Arduino into the bottom of the mini solderless breadboard
  4. You should see 4 rows of holes above the Arduino board
  5. Take the button and gently insert it into the breadboard
  6. The right side of the button should be in the ground pin, which is denoted by a white mark
  7. The left side of the button should be in pin D3. (The pin labels are on the bottom of the board, so match your setup with the picture below.)

Picture of assembled hardware

Get the Code

Clone or download this git repository. If you're familiar with git, clone this repository, otherwise, click the [green button](( to download a zip file with all the code.

screenshot of the git repository

Hardware Test

  1. Plug the micro USB cable into the board and your computer
  2. Open ArduinoSketches/HardwareTest/HardwareTest.ino in the Arduino IDE
  3. Choose the board Tools -> Board -> Arduino Nano 33 BLE
  4. Choose the port Tools -> Port -> COM5 (Arduino Nano 33 BLE) Note that the actual port may be different on your computer
  5. Upload the code to the board Sketch -> Upload
  6. Press the button and the on-board LED will light up
  7. Release the button and the on-board LED will shut off
  8. Open the serial monitor Tools -> Serial Monitor to see debug messages

LSM9DS1 Examples (Optional)

You can try the example sketches that came with the LSM9DS1 library.

  1. Open the Simple Accelerometer sketch using File -> Examples -> Arduino_LSM9DS1 -> SimpleAccelerometer
  2. Upload the sketch to the board using the Sketch -> Upload menu or the right arrow button from the tool bar.
  3. Open the Serial Monitor Tools -> Serial Monitor to view the text output
  4. Open the Serial Plotter Tools -> Serial Plotter to view the output on a graph

Arduino LSM9DS1 Examples

Arduino Serial Plotter Output with Accelerometer Data

Next Exercise 3: Visualize the IMU Data