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zomg asm framework
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dojoe committed Aug 10, 2012
1 parent b38c9c7 commit 62c720a
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 0 deletions.
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions avr/noiseplug.s
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
.global __vectors

SREG = 0x3F
CCP = 0x3C
SMCR = 0x3A
CLKPSR = 0x36
TCCR0A = 0x2E
TCCR0B = 0x2D
TCCR0C = 0x2C
TIMSK0 = 0x2B
TIFR0 = 0x2A
OCR0AL = 0x26
PUEB = 0x03
PORTB = 0x02
DDRB = 0x01
PINB = 0x00

.section .bss

.comm int_ctr, 1
.comm i, 3
.comm lead1, 4
.comm lead2, 4
.comm lead3, 4
.comm bassosc, 2
.comm bassflange, 2
.comm arposc, 2
; leaves 10 bytes for stack

.section .text

clr r16
ldi r17, 0xD8
out PUEB, r16
rjmp main_cont

.type __vector_4, @function
push r16
push r24
in r16, SREG
lds r24,int_ctr
subi r24,lo8(-(1))
andi r24,lo8(3)
sts int_ctr,r24
out SREG,r16
pop r24
pop r16
.size __vector_4, .-__vector_4

out CCP, r17
out CLKPSR, r16
ldi r17, 5
out DDRB, r17
ldi r17, 0x81
out TCCR0A, r17
ldi r17, 0x09
out TCCR0B, r17
ldi r17, 1
out SMCR, r17
out TIMSK0, r17
out TIFR0, r17

lds r17, int_ctr
tst r17
brne mainloop

sbi PORTB, 2

lds r17, i
lds r18, i+1
lds r19, i+2

subi r19, -1
sbci r18, 0
sbci r17, 0

sts i, r17
sts i+1, r18
sts i+2, r19

out OCR0AL, r18

cbi PORTB, 2
rjmp mainloop

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