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Express Sequelize AutoCRUD - Docs

Basic Usage

import express from 'express';
import {Sequelize} from 'sequelize';
import sequelizeCrud from 'express-sequelize-autocrud';

const app = express();
const sequelize = new Sequelize('your_db', 'your_user', 'your_password', {
  host: 'localhost',
  dialect: 'mysql',

// Define your Sequelize models here

// Generate routes using express-sequelize-autocrud
  sequelizeCrud(sequelize, {
    '/users': {
      model: sequelize.model('users'),
      operations: {
        getList: {
          // config goes here...
        getOne: {
          // config goes here...
        create: {
          // config goes here...
        update: {
          // config goes here...
        delete: {
          // config goes here...
    '/tasks': {
      model: sequelize.model('tasks'),
      operations: {
        // ... set your routes...

// Start your Express server
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);

Deep Dive


sequelizeCrud function needs 2 parameters to build your routes:

  • sequelize object.
  • config json describes your models and routes.
const routes = sequelizeCrud(sequelize: Sequelize, config: sequelizeCrudConfig)
app.use('/abc', routes)


export type sequelizeCrudConfig = {
  [basepath: string]: {
    model: modelType;
    operations: {
      getList?: getListOptions;
      getOne?: getOneOptions;
      create?: createOptions;
      update?: updateOptions;
      delete?: deleteOptions;
      custom?: customRoutesFunc;
  • basepath - Base path for all the sub-crud route

  • basepath.model - modelName(string) or sequelize model object

    Operation URL
    getList GET <API_URL>/<BASE_PATH>
    getOne GET <API_URL>/<BASE_PATH>/:resourceId
    create POST <API_URL>/<BASE_PATH>
    bulkCreate POST <API_URL>/<BASE_PATH>/bulk
    update PUT <API_URL>/<BASE_PATH>/:resourceId
    delete DELETE <API_URL>/<BASE_PATH>/:resourceId

    In the example below getList URL will be http://localhost:3000/crud/users (in case the api runs @ localhost:300)

    const routes = sequelizeCrud(sequelize, {
      '/users': {model: 'users', operations: {getList: {}}},
    app.use('/crud', routes);


All the parameters below are Optional.

Parameter Type Default value Details
middleware Express Middleware function:
(req, res, next) => void
- Middleware function that will be triggered before the sequelize operation. Check middleware section
pagination BOOLEAN false In case of true the library will run the findAndCountAll instead of findAll, add Content-Range header, and set limit and offset from query params.
filterableFields string[]
{ include: string[] }
{ exclude: string[] }
[] Which fields can be filtered (where query) from query params.
sortableFields string[]
{ include: string[] }
{ exclude: string[] }
[] Which fields can be sorted from query params.

In addition you can add to the config ANY sequelize findAll or findAndCountAll configurations. (depends on pagination value).

Each config can be set hardcoded or with expressCrudFunction for getting the value dynamically based on user request.

In Case of pagination enabled, you can not use group and offset sequelize configs

query params

query param expected type pagination mode sequelize config
_start NUMBER true offset
_end NUMBER true limit = (_end - _start)
_sort STRING does not matter order
_order DESC | ASC
default value: DESC
does not matter order
value: ANY
does not matter where


All the parameters below are Optional.

Parameter Type Default value Details
middleware Express Middleware function:
(req, res, next) => void
- Middleware function that will be triggered before the sequelize operation. Check middleware section
byField string - If set - will use findOne (default is findByPk) that will return the getOne results filter by a specific field.

In addition you can add to the config ANY sequelize findByPk configurations. (except where).

Each config can be set hardcoded or with expressCrudFunction for getting the value dynamically based on user request.


All the parameters below are Optional.

Parameter Type Default value Details
middleware Express Middleware function:
(req, res, next) => void
- Middleware function that will be triggered before the sequelize operation. Check middleware section
creatableFields string[]
{ include: string[] }
{ exclude: string[] }
{ exclude: ['id', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt'], } Which fields can be added to request body.

In addition you can add to the config ANY sequelize create configurations. (except transaction).

Each config can be set hardcoded or with expressCrudFunction for getting the value dynamically based on user request.


All the parameters below are Optional.

Parameter Type Default value Details
middleware Express Middleware function:
(req, res, next) => void
- Middleware function that will be triggered before the sequelize operation. Check middleware section
creatableFields string[]
{ include: string[] }
{ exclude: string[] }
{ exclude: ['id', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt'], } Which fields can be added to request body.
path string /bulk Path to define the POST request

In addition you can add to the config ANY sequelize create configurations. (except transaction).

Each config can be set hardcoded or with expressCrudFunction for getting the value dynamically based on user request.


All the parameters below are Optional.

Parameter Type Default value Details
middleware Express Middleware function:
(req, res, next) => void
- Middleware function that will be triggered before the sequelize operation. Check middleware section
updatableFields string[]
{ include: string[] }
{ exclude: string[] }
{ exclude: ['id', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt'], } Which fields can be added to request body.

In addition you can add to the config ANY sequelize update configurations. (except transaction and where).

Each config can be set hardcoded or with expressCrudFunction for getting the value dynamically based on user request.


All the parameters below are Optional.

Parameter Type Default value Details
middleware Express Middleware function:
(req, res, next) => void
- Middleware function that will be triggered before the sequelize operation. Check middleware section

In addition you can add to the config ANY sequelize destroy configurations. (except transaction and where).

Each config can be set hardcoded or with expressCrudFunction for getting the value dynamically based on user request.


You can trigger a custom middleware function before trigger the actual sequelize operation. Great for checking permissions before perform the request. Check out the example below and read more about express middleware:

const isAdmin = (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
  if (req.user && req.user.role === 'admin') {
  } else {

const routes = sequelizeCrud(sequelize, {
  '/users': {
    model: sequelize.model('users'),
    operations: {
      getList: {},
      getOne: {},
      create: {middleware: isAdmin},
      update: {middleware: isAdmin},
      delete: {middleware: isAdmin},


Each crud / sequelize option can be set hard-coded on using custom middleware function that should return the final value. Check out the example below:

const routes = sequelizeCrud(sequelize, {
  '/users': {
    model: sequelize.model('users'),
    operations: {
      getList: {
        pagination: true,
        // hard-coded value
        attributes: ['id', 'name', 'email'],
        // dynamic value using expressCrudFunction
        where: req =>
          req.user && req.user.role === 'admin' ? {} : {active: true},
      create: {
        // hard-coded value
        creatableFields: {exclude: ['id', 'credits']},
      update: {
        // dynamic value using expressCrudFunction
        updatableFields: req =>
          req.user && req.user.role === 'admin'
            ? {exclude: []}
            : {exclude: ['id', 'credits']},

Custom routes

We've added an option to set custom routes to CRUD routes in case you want to extends the options the module provided.


const routes = sequelizeCrud(sequelize, {
  '/tasks': {
    model: sequelize.model('tasts'),
    operations: {
      getList: {filterableFields: {exclude: []}},
      custom: router => {
        // Add your custom routes here
        router.get('/stats', (req, res) => {
          res.send('Custom stats Route!');

In that example GET <BASE_URL>/tasks/stats will return 'Custom stats Route!' message.

⚠️ Warnnings
- All CRUD fetures does not support custom routes (middleware, crudFunctions etc.) you build your own routes from scratch!
- Use custom route with different paths so CRUD routes will not be overriden.


Create, Update and Delete operations are automatically use sequelize transaction. If you have post hooks it is highly recommended to add the transaction in your hooks as well. If you will do that sequelize will roll back automatically in case something will fail in the process. Check out the example below:

// models/users.ts

import {Sequelize, DataTypes} from 'sequelize';
import {modelName as tasks} from './tasks.model';

export const modelName = 'users';

const Users = (sequelize: Sequelize) => {
  return sequelize.define(
      id: {
        type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        primaryKey: true,
        autoIncrement: true,
        allowNull: false,
      fullName: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
        allowNull: false,
        validate: {
          max: 20,
      email: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
        allowNull: false,
        unique: true,
        validate: {
          isEmail: true,
      hooks: {
        afterCreate: async (attributes, options) => {
          await sequelize.model(tasks).create(
              description: 'First Task',
              userId: attributes.getDataValue('id'),
            // add the transaction for connect between create user and first task.
            {transaction: options.transaction}

export default Users;


By default, Auto CRUD prints logs using js console library. You can seyour own logger if you want, check out the example bellow:

import express from 'express';
import sequelizeCrud from 'express-sequelize-autocrud';
import {createLogger, format, transports} from 'winston';
import {sequelize} from './db/models';

// Create a Winston logger
export const logger = createLogger({
  level: process.env.LOG_LEVEL || 'info',
  transports: [new transports.Console()],
  format: format.combine(format.timestamp(), format.json()),

const app = express();

      '/users': {
        model: sequelize.model('users'),
        operations: {
          getList: {},
          getOne: {},
          create: {},
          update: {},
          delete: {},
    }, // OPTIONAL: Adding custom logger
      logging: {
        info: msg =>, // Defualt: console.log
        warn: msg => logger.warn(msg), // Defualt: console.warn
        error: msg => logger.error(msg), // Defualt: console.error