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189 lines (165 loc) · 5.38 KB

File metadata and controls

189 lines (165 loc) · 5.38 KB

"version "2.1.0"

  • create registerNewModel and registerValidator Example of model
const validator = require('./posts.validators');
const { registerNewModel } = require('feathers-mongoose-casl');

module.exports = function (app) {
  const mongooseClient = app.get('mongooseClient');
  // Register the validator
  const { Schema } = mongooseClient;
  const posts = new Schema(registerNewModel.getModelFromJoi(app, validator), {
    timestamps: true

  // This is necessary to avoid model compilation errors in watch mode
  // see
  try {
    return mongooseClient.model('posts');
  } catch (e) {
    return mongooseClient.model('posts', posts);

"version "2.0.0"

  • Support feathers > 4.3.3
  • Remove authenticate, validateAbilities, validateSchema, sanitizedData from app.hook, Each service is add this hooks to his hooks file

"versions": "1.9.1"

fix upload files issues

from now the configuration of the middleware and hook is:

1- middleware config example

const { STORAGE_TYPES, uploadMiddleware} = require('feathers-mongoose-casl');
      fileKeyName: 'file',
      serviceName: 'my-service-files',
      storageService: STORAGE_TYPES['google-cloud'],
      publicRead: true,
      mimetypes: ['image/png','image/jpeg'] // optional - array of mimetypes to allow

2 - hook config example

const {hooks} = require('feathers-mongoose-casl');
const {uploadsHooks} = hooks;

const uploadHookConfig = {
  fileKeyName: 'file',
  userKeyName: 'user',
  publicRead: true,
  singUrlKeyName: 'file'

module.exports = {
  before: {
    all: [uploadsHooks(uploadHookConfig)],
  after: {
    all: [uploadsHooks(uploadHookConfig)],

Add google-libphonenumber validtor to joi

example of use:

  const {Joi} = require('feathers-mongoose-casl')

add option to hide default fields from the list: defaultFields = ['_id','createdAt', 'updatedAt']

  const options = {
    multi: ['patch'],
    dashboardConfig: {
      sideBarIconName: 'avatar',
      defaultFieldsToDisplay: ['_id','createdAt'] // In this case updatedAt will not be display

"versions": "1.9.0"

allow to controlled deep populate from rule.populateWhitelist rule example:

  const options = {
    whitelist: '$populate',
    serviceRules: [
      // rule example that allow the user to populate posts and post tags
        actions: ['read'],
        populateWhitelist: ['post', 'post.tags']
      // rule example that the user to populate and post tags but select only the tag name
        actions: ['read'],
        populateWhitelist: ['post', {path: 'post.tags', select: ['name']}]

'$populate' examples:

$populate: ['post','tag'];
$populate: [{path: 'post', select: 'name', populate: 'tag'}];
$populate: [{path: 'post', select: 'name', populate: {path: 'tag', select: 'name'}];

request example:

const {callingParamsPersistUser} = require('feathers-mongoose-casl');

// We use callingParamsPersistUser to persist user abilities when the request call from the server

// in this user get response with the populate post, and each tag inside the post will be populate but he
// will get only the name fields
// user will not be populate , it is now allowed by the populateWhitelist
const res = await'some-service').find(callingParamsPersistUser(context.params, {
  query: {
      path: 'post',
      'populate': {
        path: 'tags',
        select: 'name, rating'

"versions": "1.8.7"

fix npm audit and remove all unused dependencies

"versions": "1.8.6"

fix issue with '$select'

"versions": "1.8.5"

callingParamsPersistUser is now get params at the first attribute and not hook object in this way we can persist the user from other-service.class.js

"versions": "1.8.4"

fix issue "Cannot read property 'USER_PROTECTED_FIELDS' of undefined"

"version": "1.8.3"

  1. add to config 2 new keys:

    1. "fetchMeOnLogin": [boolean] [default-false] - set true if you want to fetch user from '/me' and not from params.user, helpful when you do something special on '/me' like populate
    2. "usersServiceOptions": [object] [default-null] - pass object to add options to users.options- like {whitelist: '$populate'}
  2. removed the me hook and filter the fields on the me class

  3. clean code and fix issue 'abilityFields is not iterable'

"version": "1.8.2"

  1. uploadMiddleware - is now support fileFilter, just add mimetypes[array] when using uploadMiddleware
      fileKeyName: FILE_KEY_NAME,
      serviceName: 'files',
      storageService: app.get('feathers-mongoose-casl').uploads.defaultFileService || STORAGE_TYPES['local-private'],
      publicRead: false,
      mimetypes: ['image/png','image/jpeg', 'application/pdf']

"version": "1.8.1"

  1. remove cookie support getTokenFromCookie for docs ang get file