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ASP.NET Core Blazor state management
Learn how to persist state in Blazor Server apps.
>= aspnetcore-3.0

ASP.NET Core Blazor state management

By Steve Sanderson


Blazor Server is a stateful app framework. Most of the time, the app maintains an ongoing connection to the server. The user's state is held in the server's memory in a circuit.

Examples of state held for a user's circuit include:

  • The rendered UI—the hierarchy of component instances and their most recent render output.
  • The values of any fields and properties in component instances.
  • Data held in dependency injection (DI) service instances that are scoped to the circuit.


This article addresses state persistence in Blazor Server apps. Blazor WebAssembly apps can take advantage of client-side state persistence in the browser but require custom solutions or 3rd party packages beyond the scope of this article.

Blazor circuits

If a user experiences a temporary network connection loss, Blazor attempts to reconnect the user to their original circuit so they can continue to use the app. However, reconnecting a user to their original circuit in the server's memory isn't always possible:

  • The server can't retain a disconnected circuit forever. The server must release a disconnected circuit after a timeout or when the server is under memory pressure.
  • In multiserver, load-balanced deployment environments, any server processing requests may become unavailable at any given time. Individual servers may fail or be automatically removed when no longer required to handle the overall volume of requests. The original server may not be available when the user attempts to reconnect.
  • The user might close and re-open their browser or reload the page, which removes any state held in the browser's memory. For example, values set through JavaScript interop calls are lost.

When a user can't be reconnected to their original circuit, the user receives a new circuit with an empty state. This is equivalent to closing and re-opening a desktop app.

Preserve state across circuits

In some scenarios, preserving state across circuits is desirable. An app can retain important data for a user if:

  • The web server becomes unavailable.
  • The user's browser is forced to start a new circuit with a new web server.

In general, maintaining state across circuits applies to scenarios where users are actively creating data, not simply reading data that already exists.

To preserve state beyond a single circuit, don't merely store the data in the server's memory. The app must persist the data to some other storage location. State persistence isn't automatic—you must take steps when developing the app to implement stateful data persistence.

Data persistence is typically only required for high-value state that users have expended effort to create. In the following examples, persisting state either saves time or aids in commercial activities:

  • Multistep webform – It's time-consuming for a user to re-enter data for several completed steps of a multistep process if their state is lost. A user loses state in this scenario if they navigate away from the multistep form and return to the form later.
  • Shopping cart – Any commercially important component of an app that represents potential revenue can be maintained. A user who loses their state, and thus their shopping cart, may purchase fewer products or services when they return to the site later.

It's usually not necessary to preserve easily-recreated state, such as the username entered into a sign-in dialog that hasn't been submitted.


An app can only persist app state. UIs can't be persisted, such as component instances and their render trees. Components and render trees aren't generally serializable. To persist something similar to UI state, such as the expanded nodes of a TreeView, the app must have custom code to model the behavior as serializable app state.

Where to persist state

Three common locations exist for persisting state in a Blazor Server app. Each approach is best suited to different scenarios and has different caveats:

Server-side in a database

For permanent data persistence or for any data that must span multiple users or devices, an independent server-side database is almost certainly the best choice. Options include:

  • Relational SQL database
  • Key-value store
  • Blob store
  • Table store

After data is saved in the database, a new circuit can be started by a user at any time. The user's data is retained and available in any new circuit.

For more information on Azure data storage options, see the Azure Storage Documentation and Azure Databases.


For transient data representing navigation state, model the data as a part of the URL. Examples of state modeled in the URL include:

  • The ID of a viewed entity.
  • The current page number in a paged grid.

The contents of the browser's address bar are retained:

  • If the user manually reloads the page.
  • If the web server becomes unavailable—the user is forced to reload the page in order to connect to a different server.

For information on defining URL patterns with the @page directive, see xref:blazor/routing.

Client-side in the browser

For transient data that the user is actively creating, a common backing store is the browser's localStorage and sessionStorage collections. The app isn't required to manage or clear the stored state if the circuit is abandoned, which is an advantage over server-side storage.


"Client-side" in this section refers to client-side scenarios in the browser, not the Blazor WebAssembly hosting model. localStorage and sessionStorage can be used in Blazor WebAssembly apps but only by writing custom code or using a 3rd party package.

localStorage and sessionStorage differ as follows:

  • localStorage is scoped to the user's browser. If the user reloads the page or closes and re-opens the browser, the state persists. If the user opens multiple browser tabs, the state is shared across the tabs. Data persists in localStorage until explicitly cleared.
  • sessionStorage is scoped to the user's browser tab. If the user reloads the tab, the state persists. If the user closes the tab or the browser, the state is lost. If the user opens multiple browser tabs, each tab has its own independent version of the data.

Generally, sessionStorage is safer to use. sessionStorage avoids the risk that a user opens multiple tabs and encounters the following:

  • Bugs in state storage across tabs.
  • Confusing behavior when a tab overwrites the state of other tabs.

localStorage is the better choice if the app must persist state across closing and re-opening the browser.

Caveats for using browser storage:

  • Similar to the use of a server-side database, loading and saving data are asynchronous.
  • Unlike a server-side database, storage isn't available during prerendering because the requested page doesn't exist in the browser during the prerendering stage.
  • Storage of a few kilobytes of data is reasonable to persist for Blazor Server apps. Beyond a few kilobytes, you must consider the performance implications because the data is loaded and saved across the network.
  • Users may view or tamper with the data. ASP.NET Core Data Protection can mitigate the risk.

Third-party browser storage solutions

Third-party NuGet packages provide APIs for working with localStorage and sessionStorage.

It's worth considering choosing a package that transparently uses ASP.NET Core's Data Protection. ASP.NET Core Data Protection encrypts stored data and reduces the potential risk of tampering with stored data. If JSON-serialized data is stored in plaintext, users can see the data using browser developer tools and also modify the stored data. Securing data isn't always a problem because the data might be trivial in nature. For example, reading or modifying the stored color of a UI element isn't a significant security risk to the user or the organization. Avoid allowing users to inspect or tamper with sensitive data.

Protected Browser Storage experimental package

An example of a NuGet package that provides Data Protection for localStorage and sessionStorage is Microsoft.AspNetCore.ProtectedBrowserStorage.


Microsoft.AspNetCore.ProtectedBrowserStorage is an unsupported experimental package unsuitable for production use at this time.


To install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.ProtectedBrowserStorage package:

  1. In the Blazor Server app project, add a package reference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.ProtectedBrowserStorage.

  2. In the top-level HTML (for example, in the Pages/_Host.cshtml file in the default project template), add the following <script> tag:

    <script src="_content/Microsoft.AspNetCore.ProtectedBrowserStorage/protectedBrowserStorage.js"></script>
  3. In the Startup.ConfigureServices method, call AddProtectedBrowserStorage to add localStorage and sessionStorage services to the service collection:


Save and load data within a component

In any component that requires loading or saving data to browser storage, use @inject to inject an instance of either of the following:

  • ProtectedLocalStorage
  • ProtectedSessionStorage

The choice depends on which backing store you wish to use. In the following example, sessionStorage is used:

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.ProtectedBrowserStorage
@inject ProtectedSessionStorage ProtectedSessionStore

The @using statement can be placed into an _Imports.razor file instead of in the component. Use of the _Imports.razor file makes the namespace available to larger segments of the app or the whole app.

To persist the currentCount value in the Counter component of the project template, modify the IncrementCount method to use ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync:

private async Task IncrementCount()
    await ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("count", currentCount);

In larger, more realistic apps, storage of individual fields is an unlikely scenario. Apps are more likely to store entire model objects that include complex state. ProtectedSessionStore automatically serializes and deserializes JSON data.

In the preceding code example, the currentCount data is stored as sessionStorage['count'] in the user's browser. The data isn't stored in plaintext but rather is protected using ASP.NET Core's Data Protection. The encrypted data can be seen if sessionStorage['count'] is evaluated in the browser's developer console.

To recover the currentCount data if the user returns to the Counter component later (including if they're on an entirely new circuit), use ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync:

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
    currentCount = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<int>("count");

If the component's parameters include navigation state, call ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync and assign the result in OnParametersSetAsync, not OnInitializedAsync. OnInitializedAsync is only called one time when the component is first instantiated. OnInitializedAsync isn't called again later if the user navigates to a different URL while remaining on the same page. For more information, see xref:blazor/lifecycle.


The examples in this section only work if the server doesn't have prerendering enabled. With prerendering enabled, an error is generated similar to:

JavaScript interop calls cannot be issued at this time. This is because the component is being prerendered.

Either disable prerendering or add additional code to work with prerendering. To learn more about writing code that works with prerendering, see the Handle prerendering section.

Handle the loading state

Since browser storage is asynchronous (accessed over a network connection), there's always a period of time before the data is loaded and available for use by a component. For the best results, render a loading-state message while loading is in progress instead of displaying blank or default data.

One approach is to track whether the data is null (still loading) or not. In the default Counter component, the count is held in an int. Make currentCount nullable by adding a question mark (?) to the type (int):

private int? currentCount;

Instead of unconditionally displaying the count and Increment button, choose to display these elements only if the data is loaded:

@if (currentCount.HasValue)
    <p>Current count: <strong>@currentCount</strong></p>

    <button @onclick="IncrementCount">Increment</button>

Handle prerendering

During prerendering:

  • An interactive connection to the user's browser doesn't exist.
  • The browser doesn't yet have a page in which it can run JavaScript code.

localStorage or sessionStorage aren't available during prerendering. If the component attempts to interact with storage, an error is generated similar to:

JavaScript interop calls cannot be issued at this time. This is because the component is being prerendered.

One way to resolve the error is to disable prerendering. This is usually the best choice if the app makes heavy use of browser-based storage. Prerendering adds complexity and doesn't benefit the app because the app can't prerender any useful content until localStorage or sessionStorage are available.

::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-3.1"

To disable prerendering, open the Pages/_Host.cshtml file and change the call to render-mode of the Component Tag Helper to Server.

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::: moniker range="< aspnetcore-3.1"

To disable prerendering, open the Pages/_Host.cshtml file and change the call to Html.RenderComponentAsync<App>(RenderMode.Server).

::: moniker-end

Prerendering might be useful for other pages that don't use localStorage or sessionStorage. To keep prerendering enabled, defer the loading operation until the browser is connected to the circuit. The following is an example for storing a counter value:

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.ProtectedBrowserStorage
@inject ProtectedLocalStorage ProtectedLocalStore

... rendering code goes here ...

@code {
    private int? currentCount;
    private bool isConnected = false;

    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)
            // When execution reaches this point, the first *interactive* render
            // is complete. The component has an active connection to the browser.
            isConnected = true;
            await LoadStateAsync();

    private async Task LoadStateAsync()
        currentCount = await ProtectedLocalStore.GetAsync<int>("prerenderedCount");

    private async Task IncrementCount()
        await ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("count", currentCount);

Factor out the state preservation to a common location

If many components rely on browser-based storage, re-implementing state provider code many times creates code duplication. One option for avoiding code duplication is to create a state provider parent component that encapsulates the state provider logic. Child components can work with persisted data without regard to the state persistence mechanism.

In the following example of a CounterStateProvider component, counter data is persisted:

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.ProtectedBrowserStorage
@inject ProtectedSessionStorage ProtectedSessionStore

@if (hasLoaded)
    <CascadingValue Value="@this">

@code {
    private bool hasLoaded;

    public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }

    public int CurrentCount { get; set; }

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        CurrentCount = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<int>("count");
        hasLoaded = true;

    public async Task SaveChangesAsync()
        await ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("count", CurrentCount);

The CounterStateProvider component handles the loading phase by not rendering its child content until loading is complete.

To use the CounterStateProvider component, wrap an instance of the component around any other component that requires access to the counter state. To make the state accessible to all components in an app, wrap the CounterStateProvider component around the Router in the App component (App.razor):

    <Router AppAssembly="typeof(Startup).Assembly">

Wrapped components receive and can modify the persisted counter state. The following Counter component implements the pattern:

@page "/counter"

<p>Current count: <strong>@CounterStateProvider.CurrentCount</strong></p>

<button @onclick="IncrementCount">Increment</button>

@code {
    private CounterStateProvider CounterStateProvider { get; set; }

    private async Task IncrementCount()
        await CounterStateProvider.SaveChangesAsync();

The preceding component isn't required to interact with ProtectedBrowserStorage, nor does it deal with a "loading" phase.

To deal with prerendering as described earlier, CounterStateProvider can be amended so that all of the components that consume the counter data automatically work with prerendering. See the Handle prerendering section for details.

In general, state provider parent component pattern is recommended:

  • To consume state in many other components.
  • If there's just one top-level state object to persist.

To persist many different state objects and consume different subsets of objects in different places, it's better to avoid handling the loading and saving of state globally.