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Part 3, Razor Pages with EF Core in ASP.NET Core - Sort, Filter, Paging
Part 3 of Razor Pages and Entity Framework tutorial series.

Part 3, Razor Pages with EF Core in ASP.NET Core - Sort, Filter, Paging

By Tom Dykstra, Jeremy Likness, and Jon P Smith

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This tutorial adds sorting, filtering, and paging functionality to the Students pages.

The following illustration shows a completed page. The column headings are clickable links to sort the column. Click a column heading repeatedly to switch between ascending and descending sort order.

Students index page

Add sorting

Replace the code in Pages/Students/Index.cshtml.cs with the following code to add sorting.


The preceding code:

  • Requires adding using System;.
  • Adds properties to contain the sorting parameters.
  • Changes the name of the Student property to Students.
  • Replaces the code in the OnGetAsync method.

The OnGetAsync method receives a sortOrder parameter from the query string in the URL. The URL and query string is generated by the Anchor Tag Helper.

The sortOrder parameter is either Name or Date. The sortOrder parameter is optionally followed by _desc to specify descending order. The default sort order is ascending.

When the Index page is requested from the Students link, there's no query string. The students are displayed in ascending order by last name. Ascending order by last name is the default in the switch statement. When the user clicks a column heading link, the appropriate sortOrder value is provided in the query string value.

NameSort and DateSort are used by the Razor Page to configure the column heading hyperlinks with the appropriate query string values:


The code uses the C# conditional operator ?:. The ?: operator is a ternary operator, it takes three operands. The first line specifies that when sortOrder is null or empty, NameSort is set to name_desc. If sortOrder is not null or empty, NameSort is set to an empty string.

These two statements enable the page to set the column heading hyperlinks as follows:

Current sort order Last Name Hyperlink Date Hyperlink
Last Name ascending descending ascending
Last Name descending ascending ascending
Date ascending ascending descending
Date descending ascending ascending

The method uses LINQ to Entities to specify the column to sort by. The code initializes an IQueryable<Student> before the switch statement, and modifies it in the switch statement:


When an IQueryable is created or modified, no query is sent to the database. The query isn't executed until the IQueryable object is converted into a collection. IQueryable are converted to a collection by calling a method such as ToListAsync. Therefore, the IQueryable code results in a single query that's not executed until the following statement:


OnGetAsync could get verbose with a large number of sortable columns. For information about an alternative way to code this functionality, see Use dynamic LINQ to simplify code in the MVC version of this tutorial series.

Add column heading hyperlinks to the Student Index page

Replace the code in Students/Index.cshtml, with the following code. The changes are highlighted.


The preceding code:

  • Adds hyperlinks to the LastName and EnrollmentDate column headings.
  • Uses the information in NameSort and DateSort to set up hyperlinks with the current sort order values.
  • Changes the page heading from Index to Students.
  • Changes Model.Student to Model.Students.

To verify that sorting works:

  • Run the app and select the Students tab.
  • Click the column headings.

Add filtering

To add filtering to the Students Index page:

  • A text box and a submit button is added to the Razor Page. The text box supplies a search string on the first or last name.
  • The page model is updated to use the text box value.

Update the OnGetAsync method

Replace the code in Students/Index.cshtml.cs with the following code to add filtering:


The preceding code:

  • Adds the searchString parameter to the OnGetAsync method, and saves the parameter value in the CurrentFilter property. The search string value is received from a text box that's added in the next section.
  • Adds to the LINQ statement a Where clause. The Where clause selects only students whose first name or last name contains the search string. The LINQ statement is executed only if there's a value to search for.

IQueryable vs. IEnumerable

The code calls the xref:System.Linq.Queryable.Where%2A method on an IQueryable object, and the filter is processed on the server. In some scenarios, the app might be calling the Where method as an extension method on an in-memory collection. For example, suppose _context.Students changes from EF Core DbSet to a repository method that returns an IEnumerable collection. The result would normally be the same but in some cases may be different.

For example, the .NET Framework implementation of Contains performs a case-sensitive comparison by default. In SQL Server, Contains case-sensitivity is determined by the collation setting of the SQL Server instance. SQL Server defaults to case-insensitive. SQLite defaults to case-sensitive. ToUpper could be called to make the test explicitly case-insensitive:

Where(s => s.LastName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper())`

The preceding code would ensure that the filter is case-insensitive even if the Where method is called on an IEnumerable or runs on SQLite.

When Contains is called on an IEnumerable collection, the .NET Core implementation is used. When Contains is called on an IQueryable object, the database implementation is used.

Calling Contains on an IQueryable is usually preferable for performance reasons. With IQueryable, the filtering is done by the database server. If an IEnumerable is created first, all the rows have to be returned from the database server.

There's a performance penalty for calling ToUpper. The ToUpper code adds a function in the WHERE clause of the TSQL SELECT statement. The added function prevents the optimizer from using an index. Given that SQL is installed as case-insensitive, it's best to avoid the ToUpper call when it's not needed.

For more information, see How to use case-insensitive query with Sqlite provider.

Update the Razor page

Replace the code in Pages/Students/Index.cshtml to add a Search button.


The preceding code uses the <form> tag helper to add the search text box and button. By default, the <form> tag helper submits form data with a POST. With POST, the parameters are passed in the HTTP message body and not in the URL. When HTTP GET is used, the form data is passed in the URL as query strings. Passing the data with query strings enables users to bookmark the URL. The W3C guidelines recommend that GET should be used when the action doesn't result in an update.

Test the app:

  • Select the Students tab and enter a search string. If you're using SQLite, the filter is case-insensitive only if you implemented the optional ToUpper code shown earlier.

  • Select Search.

Notice that the URL contains the search string. For example:


If the page is bookmarked, the bookmark contains the URL to the page and the SearchString query string. The method="get" in the form tag is what caused the query string to be generated.

Currently, when a column heading sort link is selected, the filter value from the Search box is lost. The lost filter value is fixed in the next section.

Add paging

In this section, a PaginatedList class is created to support paging. The PaginatedList class uses Skip and Take statements to filter data on the server instead of retrieving all rows of the table. The following illustration shows the paging buttons.

Students index page with paging links

Create the PaginatedList class

In the project folder, create PaginatedList.cs with the following code:


The CreateAsync method in the preceding code takes page size and page number and applies the appropriate Skip and Take statements to the IQueryable. When ToListAsync is called on the IQueryable, it returns a List containing only the requested page. The properties HasPreviousPage and HasNextPage are used to enable or disable Previous and Next paging buttons.

The CreateAsync method is used to create the PaginatedList<T>. A constructor can't create the PaginatedList<T> object; constructors can't run asynchronous code.

Add page size to configuration

Add PageSize to the appsettings.json Configuration file:


Add paging to IndexModel

Replace the code in Students/Index.cshtml.cs to add paging.


The preceding code:

  • Changes the type of the Students property from IList<Student> to PaginatedList<Student>.
  • Adds the page index, the current sortOrder, and the currentFilter to the OnGetAsync method signature.
  • Saves the sort order in the CurrentSort property.
  • Resets page index to 1 when there's a new search string.
  • Uses the PaginatedList class to get Student entities.
  • Sets pageSize to 3 from Configuration, 4 if configuration fails.

All the parameters that OnGetAsync receives are null when:

  • The page is called from the Students link.
  • The user hasn't clicked a paging or sorting link.

When a paging link is clicked, the page index variable contains the page number to display.

The CurrentSort property provides the Razor Page with the current sort order. The current sort order must be included in the paging links to keep the sort order while paging.

The CurrentFilter property provides the Razor Page with the current filter string. The CurrentFilter value:

  • Must be included in the paging links in order to maintain the filter settings during paging.
  • Must be restored to the text box when the page is redisplayed.

If the search string is changed while paging, the page is reset to 1. The page has to be reset to 1 because the new filter can result in different data to display. When a search value is entered and Submit is selected:

  • The search string is changed.
  • The searchString parameter isn't null.

The PaginatedList.CreateAsync method converts the student query to a single page of students in a collection type that supports paging. That single page of students is passed to the Razor Page.

The two question marks after pageIndex in the PaginatedList.CreateAsync call represent the null-coalescing operator. The null-coalescing operator defines a default value for a nullable type. The expression pageIndex ?? 1 returns the value of pageIndex if it has a value, otherwise, it returns 1.

Add paging links

Replace the code in Students/Index.cshtml with the following code. The changes are highlighted:


The column header links use the query string to pass the current search string to the OnGetAsync method:


The paging buttons are displayed by tag helpers:


Run the app and navigate to the students page.

  • To make sure paging works, click the paging links in different sort orders.
  • To verify that paging works correctly with sorting and filtering, enter a search string and try paging.

students index page with paging links


This section creates an About page that displays how many students have enrolled for each enrollment date. The update uses grouping and includes the following steps:

  • Create a view model for the data used by the About page.
  • Update the About page to use the view model.

Create the view model

Create a Models/SchoolViewModels folder.

Create SchoolViewModels/EnrollmentDateGroup.cs with the following code:


Create the Razor Page

Create a Pages/About.cshtml file with the following code:


Create the page model

Update the Pages/About.cshtml.cs file with the following code:


The LINQ statement groups the student entities by enrollment date, calculates the number of entities in each group, and stores the results in a collection of EnrollmentDateGroup view model objects.

Run the app and navigate to the About page. The count of students for each enrollment date is displayed in a table.

About page

Next steps

In the next tutorial, the app uses migrations to update the data model.

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:::moniker range="< aspnetcore-3.0"

In this tutorial, sorting, filtering, grouping, and paging, functionality is added.

The following illustration shows a completed page. The column headings are clickable links to sort the column. Clicking a column heading repeatedly switches between ascending and descending sort order.

Students index page

If you run into problems you can't solve, download the completed app.

Add sorting to the Index page

Add strings to the Students/Index.cshtml.cs PageModel to contain the sorting parameters:


Update the Students/Index.cshtml.cs OnGetAsync with the following code:


The preceding code receives a sortOrder parameter from the query string in the URL. The URL (including the query string) is generated by the Anchor Tag Helper

The sortOrder parameter is either "Name" or "Date." The sortOrder parameter is optionally followed by "_desc" to specify descending order. The default sort order is ascending.

When the Index page is requested from the Students link, there's no query string. The students are displayed in ascending order by last name. Ascending order by last name is the default (fall-through case) in the switch statement. When the user clicks a column heading link, the appropriate sortOrder value is provided in the query string value.

NameSort and DateSort are used by the Razor Page to configure the column heading hyperlinks with the appropriate query string values:


The following code contains the C# conditional ?: operator:


The first line specifies that when sortOrder is null or empty, NameSort is set to "name_desc." If sortOrder is not null or empty, NameSort is set to an empty string.

The ?: operator is also known as the ternary operator.

These two statements enable the page to set the column heading hyperlinks as follows:

Current sort order Last Name Hyperlink Date Hyperlink
Last Name ascending descending ascending
Last Name descending ascending ascending
Date ascending ascending descending
Date descending ascending ascending

The method uses LINQ to Entities to specify the column to sort by. The code initializes an IQueryable<Student> before the switch statement, and modifies it in the switch statement:


When anIQueryable is created or modified, no query is sent to the database. The query isn't executed until the IQueryable object is converted into a collection. IQueryable are converted to a collection by calling a method such as ToListAsync. Therefore, the IQueryable code results in a single query that's not executed until the following statement:


OnGetAsync could get verbose with a large number of sortable columns.

Add column heading hyperlinks to the Student Index page

Replace the code in Students/Index.cshtml, with the following highlighted code:


The preceding code:

  • Adds hyperlinks to the LastName and EnrollmentDate column headings.
  • Uses the information in NameSort and DateSort to set up hyperlinks with the current sort order values.

To verify that sorting works:

  • Run the app and select the Students tab.
  • Click Last Name.
  • Click Enrollment Date.

To get a better understanding of the code:

  • In Students/Index.cshtml.cs, set a breakpoint on switch (sortOrder).
  • Add a watch for NameSort and DateSort.
  • In Students/Index.cshtml, set a breakpoint on @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Student[0].LastName).

Step through the debugger.

Add a Search Box to the Students Index page

To add filtering to the Students Index page:

  • A text box and a submit button is added to the Razor Page. The text box supplies a search string on the first or last name.
  • The page model is updated to use the text box value.

Add filtering functionality to the Index method

Update the Students/Index.cshtml.cs OnGetAsync with the following code:


The preceding code:

  • Adds the searchString parameter to the OnGetAsync method. The search string value is received from a text box that's added in the next section.
  • Added to the LINQ statement a Where clause. The Where clause selects only students whose first name or last name contains the search string. The LINQ statement is executed only if there's a value to search for.

Note: The preceding code calls the Where method on an IQueryable object, and the filter is processed on the server. In some scenarios, the app might be calling the Where method as an extension method on an in-memory collection. For example, suppose _context.Students changes from EF Core DbSet to a repository method that returns an IEnumerable collection. The result would normally be the same but in some cases may be different.

For example, the .NET Framework implementation of Contains performs a case-sensitive comparison by default. In SQL Server, Contains case-sensitivity is determined by the collation setting of the SQL Server instance. SQL Server defaults to case-insensitive. ToUpper could be called to make the test explicitly case-insensitive:

Where(s => s.LastName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper())

The preceding code would ensure that results are case-insensitive if the code changes to use IEnumerable. When Contains is called on an IEnumerable collection, the .NET Core implementation is used. When Contains is called on an IQueryable object, the database implementation is used. Returning an IEnumerable from a repository can have a significant performance penalty:

  1. All the rows are returned from the DB server.
  2. The filter is applied to all the returned rows in the application.

There's a performance penalty for calling ToUpper. The ToUpper code adds a function in the WHERE clause of the TSQL SELECT statement. The added function prevents the optimizer from using an index. Given that SQL is installed as case-insensitive, it's best to avoid the ToUpper call when it's not needed.

Add a Search Box to the Student Index page

In Pages/Students/Index.cshtml, add the following highlighted code to create a Search button and assorted chrome.


The preceding code uses the <form> tag helper to add the search text box and button. By default, the <form> tag helper submits form data with a POST. With POST, the parameters are passed in the HTTP message body and not in the URL. When HTTP GET is used, the form data is passed in the URL as query strings. Passing the data with query strings enables users to bookmark the URL. The W3C guidelines recommend that GET should be used when the action doesn't result in an update.

Test the app:

  • Select the Students tab and enter a search string.
  • Select Search.

Notice that the URL contains the search string.


If the page is bookmarked, the bookmark contains the URL to the page and the SearchString query string. The method="get" in the form tag is what caused the query string to be generated.

Currently, when a column heading sort link is selected, the filter value from the Search box is lost. The lost filter value is fixed in the next section.

Add paging functionality to the Students Index page

In this section, a PaginatedList class is created to support paging. The PaginatedList class uses Skip and Take statements to filter data on the server instead of retrieving all rows of the table. The following illustration shows the paging buttons.

Students index page with paging links

In the project folder, create PaginatedList.cs with the following code:


The CreateAsync method in the preceding code takes page size and page number and applies the appropriate Skip and Take statements to the IQueryable. When ToListAsync is called on the IQueryable, it returns a List containing only the requested page. The properties HasPreviousPage and HasNextPage are used to enable or disable Previous and Next paging buttons.

The CreateAsync method is used to create the PaginatedList<T>. A constructor can't create the PaginatedList<T> object, constructors can't run asynchronous code.

Add paging functionality to the Index method

In Students/Index.cshtml.cs, update the type of Student from IList<Student> to PaginatedList<Student>:


Update the Students/Index.cshtml.cs OnGetAsync with the following code:


The preceding code adds the page index, the current sortOrder, and the currentFilter to the method signature.


All the parameters are null when:

  • The page is called from the Students link.
  • The user hasn't clicked a paging or sorting link.

When a paging link is clicked, the page index variable contains the page number to display.

CurrentSort provides the Razor Page with the current sort order. The current sort order must be included in the paging links to keep the sort order while paging.

CurrentFilter provides the Razor Page with the current filter string. The CurrentFilter value:

  • Must be included in the paging links in order to maintain the filter settings during paging.
  • Must be restored to the text box when the page is redisplayed.

If the search string is changed while paging, the page is reset to 1. The page has to be reset to 1 because the new filter can result in different data to display. When a search value is entered and Submit is selected:

  • The search string is changed.
  • The searchString parameter isn't null.


The PaginatedList.CreateAsync method converts the student query to a single page of students in a collection type that supports paging. That single page of students is passed to the Razor Page.


The two question marks in PaginatedList.CreateAsync represent the null-coalescing operator. The null-coalescing operator defines a default value for a nullable type. The expression (pageIndex ?? 1) means return the value of pageIndex if it has a value. If pageIndex doesn't have a value, return 1.

Add paging links to the student Razor Page

Update the markup in Students/Index.cshtml. The changes are highlighted:


The column header links use the query string to pass the current search string to the OnGetAsync method so that the user can sort within filter results:


The paging buttons are displayed by tag helpers:


Run the app and navigate to the students page.

  • To make sure paging works, click the paging links in different sort orders.
  • To verify that paging works correctly with sorting and filtering, enter a search string and try paging.

students index page with paging links

To get a better understanding of the code:

  • In Students/Index.cshtml.cs, set a breakpoint on switch (sortOrder).
  • Add a watch for NameSort, DateSort, CurrentSort, and Model.Student.PageIndex.
  • In Students/Index.cshtml, set a breakpoint on @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Student[0].LastName).

Step through the debugger.

Update the About page to show student statistics

In this step, Pages/About.cshtml is updated to display how many students have enrolled for each enrollment date. The update uses grouping and includes the following steps:

  • Create a view model for the data used by the About Page.
  • Update the About page to use the view model.

Create the view model

Create a SchoolViewModels folder in the Models folder.

In the SchoolViewModels folder, add a EnrollmentDateGroup.cs with the following code:


Update the About page model

The web templates in ASP.NET Core 2.2 do not include the About page. If you are using ASP.NET Core 2.2, create the About Razor Page.

Update the Pages/About.cshtml.cs file with the following code:


The LINQ statement groups the student entities by enrollment date, calculates the number of entities in each group, and stores the results in a collection of EnrollmentDateGroup view model objects.

Modify the About Razor Page

Replace the code in the Pages/About.cshtml file with the following code:


Run the app and navigate to the About page. The count of students for each enrollment date is displayed in a table.

If you run into problems you can't solve, download the completed app for this stage.

About page

Additional resources

In the next tutorial, the app uses migrations to update the data model.

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