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How to prepare a servicing PR

Artak edited this page Oct 31, 2021 · 7 revisions

When preparing a fix for a patch release, there are certain steps the engineers have to follow. This document details these steps and calls out ways to simplify the PR creation.

Preparing for a patch

  1. Work on a fix on a feature branch off of the release branch you're targeting your fix for. (i.e. for 5.0 that will be release/5.0).
  2. When the changes are ready, create the PR using the following template:
  • to simplify this step and avoid manual copy-pasting of the template, you can add the query string parameter at the PR creation step as depicted here:

  • manually add the & to the query string and you will see a view similar to the one below instead:

  • fill in all the required information in the template and create the PR

  1. Apply the Servicing-consider label and set the target milestone. Note, that the engineers are not expected to set the target milestone to the exact release version, rather use the 5.0.x or 6.0.x milestones instead. Setting the milestone will kick off the servicing workflow and include your issue on the Servicing project board for visibility.

Wait for Tactics Approval

When the PR is approved by Tactics, the Servicing-consider label will be replaced by Servicing-approved. At this point the PR should be ready to merge as soon as the branches are open.

Merge the servicing PR

Note, that it's your responsibility to get the PR merged in time. Consult with the @aspnet-build-team or your manager to learn the dates. As soon as branches are open, the PRs should be merged - no need to delay.